Read Books Novel

All Things Pretty, Part Two

All Things Pretty, Part Two (Pretty #3.5)(14)
Author: M. Leighton

“And how are you so sure of this?”

I know what he’s getting at.  “I’ve spent months with them.  They didn’t know me as a cop. Had no reason to show me anything other than what’s real, what’s true.  I’m so convinced of this, I’d be willing to bet my career on it.”

“Is that so?” he asks, raising one brow.

“I’ll testify as character witnesses for both of them if you think it would help.  Which brings me to another request.”

He laughs, but it’s not a joyful sound.  “There’s more?  Do tell.”

“I’d like to take care of the kid until something is decided about his sister.  He needs to be in familiar surroundings. And he knows me.  I think it’s what’s best for him.”

“So you want me to enter a guilty plea of misdemeanor charges for both the kid and the sister. What if I can’t convince a judge to go for it?”

“I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.”  I swallow.  Hard.  “Does that mean you’ll try?”

He says nothing for the longest time, during which I picture myself leaping across the desk and choking the life out of him then running away with Tommi and Travis.

“Let me talk to the girl.  And the boy.  I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not making any promises.”

“Fine. Just let me know when.”

“It’s not necessary for you to be there.”

“No, but I’ll–”

“In fact, I’d prefer that you’re not.”

I clench my jaw.  I want to argue, but I know better.  It will only hurt my case for Tommi and Travis.  “Okay. If that’s what you need.”

He nods.  “Now, if you’re done making requests…” He puts his hands flat on his desk as if to rise.

I stand.  “Of course. No, that’s it. I appreciate you seeing me.”

“You can thank your father for that.”

“Oh, he’ll get what he’s owed. Don’t you worry about that.”

For the first time, I see a genuine smile appear on Lemmon’s face.  “I imagine that’s true.”

I stick out my hand.  Lemmon takes it.

“I can see myself out.  Thanks again.”

And with that, I turn and walk back the way I came, feeling a little more hopeful than when I got here.


It’s been over two hours since Sig left.  I’m freezing, my butt is numb, I haven’t eaten since breakfast and I’ve been questioned so much my brain actually hurts.  I’ve asked half a dozen times when I can see my brother. All I ever get is Soon.

When the handle rattles and the door pushes open again, I glance up warily, afraid to hope for someone other than another inquisitor. My throat constricts and my eyes sting when I see Sig fill the doorway, only to step back and allow my brother to come inside.

I get up and rush to him. He just stands there and lets me hug him, like a lump.  But it’s the way he leans into me that tells me he’s as glad to see me as I am to see him.

I wait until I’m sure I can control my voice and my expression before I pull away enough to look into his face.  “How ya holding up?”

He shrugs, casting his eyes down. “I’m okay.”

“Have you eaten?”

“Some lady brought me some snacks.”

I glance up at Sig.  He’s watching us with a sad smile.  “I’m going to take him home. I’ll make sure he eats.  And that your mom eats.”

Sweet Mary, I forgot all about my own mother. I’m so distraught, so distressed, I forgot her.

But Sig didn’t.

The constriction in my throat gets tighter.

Oh God, don’t make me love you!

I bite my lip at the thought, willing my chin to stop trembling, but I know it’s too late.  To stop the trembling and to stop loving Sig. I think I’ve loved him for a while now. No matter how much I fought it, I think it was inevitable.

I give him a smile that is shaky at best.  “Thank you.”

His answering gesture is a lopsided grin, the one that turns my stomach inside out.  “No problem.  My sister’s coming over to help.”

A little thread of alarm weaves its way down my spine.  “Uhhh, I’m not sure that’s a good idea.  Travis–”

“Will love her.  Trust me.  And I think he’s looking forward to it.  I told him most guys think she’s hot, but that I’d kick his ass if he flirted with her.  He’s a daring soul.”

I hear a muffled snort come from Travis.  “Asshole.”

It’s a derogatory term, of course, but from my brother, the way he says it, it sounds more like a friendly nickname.

“Just in case your mother needs something that I can’t…that I shouldn’t…well, you know.”

I didn’t even think of that.  God help me, my mind is just…elsewhere. “Thank you for thinking of her.  I…I don’t know what I would’ve done. I hadn’t even thought…”

My voice breaks.  Life seems to be determined to reiterate what a terrible person I am.

Sig takes a step closer, looming behind Travis like a giant shadow.  “Stop it.  Don’t even go there.”

He stares hard at me.

I jack up my chin and ignore the burn of tears behind my eyes.  “Thank you. That’s all I meant to say.”

His fierce expression softens.  “You’re welcome.  I told you not to worry.  I’ll take care of everything.  I promise.”

I look down at Travis to find that he has finally raised his eyes to mine.  His lips crook to one side.  A smile.  He nods once, as if to say that he’s fine, that he’ll be all right.  That we both will.  And something in my heart sags in relief.  As long as he’s okay, I can get through this.

Before anything else can be said, a woman shows up behind Sig.  “Taking her down to process her,” the tiny black lady says in a clipped, no-nonsense way, nodding at me.

She stands back until Sig and Travis recede into the hall and then she takes me by the arm and guides me past them.  I do the unwise, unthinkable thing and I look back, back to where my brother is standing with the man I love, back to where my brother is standing with the man who betrayed me. They will be going home together tonight, home to familiar comfort and freedom. I will be going to a cell.
