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All Things Pretty

All Things Pretty (Pretty #3)(39)
Author: M. Leighton

My legs fall on either side of his, knees meeting the mattress, and I dive into his kiss, letting the animal loose, like he said. With fingers we grasp. With teeth we bite. With mouths we devour.

I feel him growing beneath me, his erection pressing into my warmth, and moisture rushes to the place where I straddle him. Without releasing my lips, I feel as much as hear his movement as he reaches into the table beside the bed to get another condom. With quick, efficient movements, he jerks one off and stretches another on, and then he’s gripping my hips, holding me still, then pulling me down onto him.

Simultaneously, he flexes his hips, seating himself more fully within me. I cry out in utter ecstasy. It takes a moment before I can relax around him, still unaccustomed to the heady sensation of being stretched to what feels as though it’s beyond my limit.

I experience his penetration from groin to groin, from front to back, and all the way into my abdomen. He’s buried so deep, I wonder that it’s pressure from his tip that stimulates my diaphragm and makes me breathless.

I struggle to breathe, pulling away from him to sit up and force big gulps of air into my stiff lungs. The upright position does nothing to help my breathing, only brings him farther inside me. I let my head fall back, pleasure rolling through me like thunder. As though he knows the kind of thrall I’m in, he squeezes my hips with his hands and grinds my sex against his, the friction too delicious for words.

When I can finally manage the intake of air without conscious effort, I gasp, several long, deep, half-moans that further incite Sig. He sits up as well, his mouth going straight for one nipple, giving it a suck as he reaches between us and unerringly finds my folds. When he takes my clit between his thumb and forefinger and pinches it lightly, rhythmically, thunder turns into lightning. One moment, I’m adjusting to his size and intensity, the next I’m moving up and down on him, falling headlong into another orgasm.

Relentlessly, Sig drives me over the edge and down into oblivion. Ecstasy sweeps through me, dizzying my head, scrambling my thoughts. For a moment, I feel disoriented, wavering atop him like a compass needle that can’t find true north. Sig pulls me to him, crushing me against his chest until I find my bearings in reality again.

When I open eyes I wasn’t aware of closing, they click to a stop on his lush brown ones. They’re inky black and vicious, fierce, like the devil himself is on his heels. He’s watching me take my pleasure, watching it overcome me. Waiting, just waiting for the moment when he will give in to his own.

Moving his hands back down to my waist, eyes locked on mine, Sig lies back, teeth gritted, and he plants his feet on the bed, lifting his hips and ramming his cock into me over and over again until I reclaim the release that I thought had subsided.

Finally, he grunts, a protracted growl of sorts that tells me he’s close to what he was looking for. I hold on tight, watching him, loving the way his abs contract, so tight under his strain. Before I know what’s happening, Sig’s arm is around my waist and I’m on my belly with him leaning over me. My legs are swiftly parted and he’s plunging into me from behind, bringing on a whole new flood of pleasure, pleasure that never seems to end beneath his skilled hands and body.

Sig’s hips slap into mine so forcefully that my teeth jar in my head. But he doesn’t hurt me. If anything, the depth, the aggressiveness of his sensual assault sends electric shocks of bliss streaking through me. I wonder that he doesn’t tire. Or hurt himself. But he is as powerful in his lovemaking as he is in his body, his cock as strong and sure as the rest of him.

I feel it when he comes. It’s as though there is nothing between us. He pulses inside me, his cadence faltering the tiniest bit as he drops forward to rest one hand on the bed beside me, his breathing as labored as mine.

Sig withdraws from me, turning me gently so that both of us fall back onto the pillows, panting like marathon runners. I grin up at him. “When you said animal sex, you meant it, didn’t you?”

He laughs, throwing his arm over his eyes as he rolls onto his back again. “What can I say? You bring out my…baser instincts. Protect. Possess. Devour.”

His words send chills racing down my back. I say nothing. I don’t know what to say.

After a few moments of silence, Sig leans up beside me, resting his weight on one elbow. He stares down into my eyes, his face full of a thousand wonders.

“Did I hurt you?”


“Scare you?”

“God no!”

“Please you?” he asks, his voice as quiet and coarse as black velvet.

“Yes. Very much so.”

When he closes his eyes, his face is wreathed with a grin that is all happy, cocky man.


Two hours later, my head buzzes. My fingertips throb. My eyes close. Damn. There’s nothing like this feeling–release. I’ve wanted Tommi since I saw her on the side of the road, but I never really expected…this. Holy shit! Tonight was more than I could’ve hoped for. Stronger. More potent. More satisfying.

When I can lift my head, I look down at Tommi. Her sleepy eyes are focused on mine. I kiss the tip of her nose. “Can you stay all night?” I ask.

She reaches up with one hand to hesitantly drag her fingertips down my cheek. It’s an almost reverent gesture that reminds me what a risk this was for her. What a huge step. What a scary step. Already, I can see the haze of satiation lifting, yielding to the harsh light of decision and the fear of consequence. “I’d love to, but I have to be there when Travis gets up.”

“We could be there together, you know. You could invite me for breakfast and we could take Travis to school together. And then come back here for dessert.”

“Breakfast doesn’t have dessert.”

“Au contraire. You’ve never had breakfast with me.”

Her smile is small. Unsure. “I’d better not risk it.

“Risk what? Travis knows me. He likes me. I’m usually there to take him to school when I get you. I’ll just be there a little earlier this time.”

“It’s not just that. I mean…I just think it’s not a very good idea.”

“Is it because of the woman in the back bedroom?”

Every drop of color drains from Tommi’s face. “I don’t know what you mean,” she says immediately, like her kneejerk reaction is to deny. But then, thinking better of it, she asks, “I mean, how did you know about her?”

“I walked over one night. Saw the light come on as I was coming through the back yard. You were in there taking care of her. Who is she?”
