Read Books Novel

Alpha Bait

“I don’t want you to talk to anyone about this, you understand? I will be talking to her immediately, but I cannot do my job if I’m worried about you and the danger she could pose to our pack.” Scorch waited for his man to agree.

“You know me, alpha, I’m here for you.”

“Good, let’s head back. I want to get some time alone with our little guest.”

His wolf was demanding he turn back, but Scorch finally saw the error in not questioning her dubious entrance into his life. The pack came first. Pleasure was last on his list of concerns to deal with.

Everyone had moved inside the house as another fresh layer of snowfall had started. Entering the house he saw Victoria serving up the soup with Mandy. She smiled at him, but he couldn’t bring himself to smile back. His suspicions were high when it came to her.

Taking a bowl and some bread through to his office, he sat down letting his thoughts flow through him with ease. The pack came first, and he hoped to whoever was listening that Victoria was innocent of the crimes David was thinking.

Chapter Six

Victoria stood at the window once again feeling nervous. Scorch hadn’t joined them for dinner, and David hadn’t looked her way at all. Dinner had been a stilted affair. The whole hour had left her feeling uncomfortable. Scorch had locked himself away in his office. She’d seen the door closed with only David going in and out. Unable to handle the nerves she’d disappeared to her bedroom. What should she do?

Every passing second scared the hell out of her. What would he do when he found out the truth?

Crap. Her hands started to shake. Holding onto the window frame she tried with all of her might to hold onto her sanity while at the same time feeling terrified of what was about to come.

Get a grip. Nothing is going to happen.

He knows the truth.

Tell him the truth.

Her thoughts were threatening to kill her.

“Shut up,” she said, trying to stop her thoughts.

“Where do you come from?” Scorch asked.

Jerking, she turned to see him stood in the doorway. He entered the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

“What do you mean?” Her heart was thumping, and it had nothing to do with sexual arousal.

Scorch was locked down. There was no smile in sight as his blue eyes stared up and down her body.

“You’ve got a story to tell. I want to hear it, and you’re not leaving this room until you tell me the truth.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” She stared out across the distance hating Chain for doing what he did.

“You’re my mate, Tori. When we turn you’ll know our wolves are destined to be together.” He leaned against the doorframe stopping her escape.

The window is still my way to freedom.

“I won’t let you jump. I’ll stop you before you can even take the plunge,” he said.

“Are you a mind reader?”

“No, I want to know the truth about the woman who I would do everything in my power to protect her. David knows there is something about you that doesn’t add up. I agree with him. Answer my questions. You haven’t forgotten anything about your past, have you?” he asked.

Running her hand up and down the window frame she battled with her own thoughts about what was to come. Scorch and the Fire Pack had been nothing but nice to her.

Don’t let Chain win. Defeat him. Stop him from getting what he wants.

“Over ten years ago my parents wanted me to be part of a pack. Everyone knows that young wolves need to be around their own kind during the first turning.” She smiled, staring out across the view. Lying to him was tearing her apart. The only way to find any solace would be to admit the whole truth to him. “I hadn’t turned yet. My mom knew it was only a matter of time. She told me my monthly cycle was the first indication and then my changing mood not to mention my eyes changing color, getting darker somehow. She knew it was only a matter of time before I went through the change.” Gripping the back of her neck, Victoria remembered the conversation with her parents.

“You want me to ask you questions?” he asked.

“No, this is my story. I went to junior high one day, and one of the guys was teasing me. I got so angry. I tried to ignore him, and then at gym he pretended to touch me up. I flipped and threw him against the wall. I smashed the brick work and almost killed him. I caused him a back injury. My parents decided it was the last straw. They went searching for a pack away from humans. My temper was all over the place. I couldn’t stop it, and they knew I wasn’t doing it on purpose.”

“All wolves handle their change differently. Our moods and our strength come in at different times. In rare occasions like yours, they come in together. Your anger fed your strength and vice versa.”

“Either way, we couldn’t stay at home. I was the cause for us moving. There was nothing anyone could do.” She turned around, keeping her back to the window. “For several months they went searching until they discovered The Clan. It’s a pack east of here. It’s not covered in mountains, but it’s ruled by a man named Chain.”

“I know who Chain is. I’ve never met him before, but I know who he is.”

“When we first arrived everything was fine. The pack was loving and accepted us without question. I found friends and was able to flourish. I had my first turning at the age of thirteen. I’d been having the mood swings and monthly cycles close to a year by the time of my first turning.” She licked her lips. Remembering the early years with Chain was difficult. Her parents really thought they had hit the jackpot. “I got through my first turning with about five others.” Victoria stopped when she realized three of the five were already dead. “Erm, then I hit eighteen, and everything changed. Chain was never the easiest man to get along with, but he wasn’t always difficult either.” Running fingers through her hair she couldn’t believe she hadn’t run when she had the chance. “He found a way around hurting his pack.”

Scorch tensed. “What the hell do you mean? It’s impossible. No alpha can hurt their pack.”

“Chain tried, and many times his wolf took over stopping him. Then he simply stopped lashing out. We all thought he’d gotten over his problems. He didn’t.” Closing her eyes, she felt herself shake recalling the first time Chain hurt a pack member and the shock as all realized they were not safe. “Those cuts and bruises were caused by him. Chain did everything to me.”
