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Alpha One

Alpha One (Shadow Agents #1)(20)
Author: Cynthia Eden

She still wanted him just as much as always.

He cleared his throat. “If we just knew where James had stashed the evidence…”

“I’d barely spoken to him in years.” Because she’d seen what he’d become. Not the father she knew. He turned into someone cold, twisted. “He wasn’t sharing any secrets with me.”

Logan’s head cocked to the right as he studied her. “Maybe not directly.”

“Not indirectly, not in any way.” She hadn’t even seen him last Christmas. She’d spent the holiday alone. “Wherever he hid the evidence—I don’t know.”

Logan squared his shoulders. “Okay, let’s try this again. I’ll come at you and you attack back, as hard as you can.”

She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, hesitated, then said, “Aren’t you worried that I’ll hurt you?”

He smiled. “I want you to.”

Okay, then. If it was pain he wanted… Juliana turned her back to him. She’d give him as much as—

His arms closed around her, tight bands that stole her breath. His last attack hadn’t been so hard and she hadn’t expected him to come at her full force. Panic hit for an instant. Panic, then—

I won’t be weak.

She hunched her shoulders, dropped low and slid out of his hold. She came up with her elbow, ready to hit him hard right in the groin, but Logan came at her. His body hit hers, and he pushed her back onto the rug, caging her body beneath his.

She lost her breath at the impact. He caught her hands, trapping them on either side of her head. “Use your feet, your legs,” he gritted out. “Fight back with any part of your body that you can. Never give up.”

No, she wouldn’t. She twisted and her leg slid between his. Her breath panted out. Juliana yanked up her leg, driving her knee right toward his groin.

Logan twisted to the side, and her knee hit his thigh. “Nice,” he said. “I knew you had a tough fighter inside.”

His breath wasn’t coming so easily, either. He still had her hands. Still had his body over hers.

She should tell him to move away. Should say…enough. But it suddenly wasn’t about fighting. Her heart was still beating too fast, but the ache in her body, that wasn’t from fear or adrenaline or anything but desire.


She’d had another relationship after Logan. It wasn’t as if he’d been the only man she’d taken to her bed. Actually, she’d been with two other men over the years.

But the pleasure had never been the same.

And if she was honest with herself, when she’d closed her eyes… I saw him.

She hadn’t been able to connect with the others, to let go. Not like she’d done with Logan.

“You shouldn’t look at me like that.” His voice was even deeper now, the sexy growl that she remembered. Lust could always make him growl.

“Like what?” But she knew.

“Like you want me to devour you.”

She didn’t move. The soft cotton of his sweatpants brushed over her leg. His hands were tight around her wrists but not hurting her. The man was always so conscious of his strength.

So strong, but she knew how to make him weak. Juliana had learned other lessons back in this cabin.

His hands released hers. “I think that’s enough for now.” He shifted his legs, pulling away from her.

Now it was her turn to grab him. Juliana’s hands curled around his shoulders.

Logan froze. “Julie…”

“I did lie.” They both knew it.

His pupils seemed to burn away the blue in his gaze.

“I still want you.”

The muscles beneath her hands tensed. Like steel. “And I’m dying for a taste of you….” He moaned, then his mouth was on hers. Not easy. Not tender. Not like before.

So long ago.

This was different.

His tongue swept into her mouth. Took. Tasted.

He was different.

Her nails sank into his skin.

She was different.

The faint stubble on his jaw brushed against her. She liked the rough feel of it on her flesh, liked his taste even more. Her br**sts were pushing against his chest, even as her hips arched against him.

The need inside, the need she’d wanted to hold in check, was breaking through, bursting like water out of a dam. She couldn’t hold back, and right then, Juliana wasn’t even sure why she should hold back. Pride?


His mouth tore from hers. His lips pressed against her throat. He used the edge of his teeth. Her eyes fell closed, and she couldn’t hold back her own moan.

“Missed…you…” His words were rough.

Her gaze flew open, but he was already sliding down her body. His fingers had eased under her T-shirt. Rough, calloused fingertips swept over her stomach, sliding over the flesh, shoving up the shirt and baring her to his hungry stare. Then he was touching her breast, stroking the hard tip and making her shudder.

Making her want him even more.

“Stop me,” he told her as his left hand fisted her shirt. His right hand kept caressing her.

She didn’t stop him. Instead, Juliana whispered, “I want your mouth…on me.” In the midst of a nightmare, why couldn’t she have her pleasure?

If death was stalking her, then she’d take the life that she could. The pleasure that was right before her.


Then his mouth was on her breast. Not some tentative kiss. His lips closed over her. He sucked, licked, and the hand that had been stroking her slid back down now, heading over her stomach, down to the waistband of her shorts.

Goose bumps rose on her flesh. Need electrified her blood. Every breath brought in his scent, filling her with him. She was touching him, learning the hard planes and angles of his muscled body once again. He was bigger now. Stronger.

She wanted to kiss that tattoo.

His fingers brushed against the waistband of her shorts. “Juliana…” he rumbled against her breast.

She arched her hips. There was no stopping. Not now. There was only need. Pleasure was so close, just out of reach.

She caught his hand. Pressed it against her. “I want you.”

His gaze blasted her. “And I’d kill to have you.”

She believed him. His words terrified a part of her, a part that wasn’t wild with need and lust. This man—she knew how dangerous he was. To her and to others. But at that moment…

She didn’t care. She wanted his strength. She wanted him.

So when his hand slid under the elastic waistband of her shorts, Juliana arched her hips up, giving him better access. She wasn’t going to pretend she didn’t want this—him. She needed his touch more than she needed breath right then.
