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Alpha One

Alpha One (Shadow Agents #1)(30)
Author: Cynthia Eden

Once upon a time, Senator Aaron James had wanted Logan Quinn eliminated from his daughter’s life.

Susan had taken the necessary steps for that elimination. She’d been the one to do the research. To destroy the budding romance.

She knew all about Logan’s secrets. It was time for Juliana to learn about them, too.

You think you’re safe, don’t you? Her gaze darted back to the paintings. You think he’ll keep you safe. But what happens when you learn about all of his lies?

Susan left the safe open just a few inches, and she left the manila file pushing out.

Juliana would find it soon enough.

Then she’d be vulnerable.

And Juliana wouldn’t survive the next attack on her life.

Susan exhaled slowly and made her way back to the door. She flipped the lock and opened it carefully. “I’m sorry…” A quaver entered her voice. “It’s been a…rough few days.”

He nodded. “I understand, and the move—it’s just for your safety.”

She looked at him from beneath her lashes. Not her usual type. Too rough. She’d felt the calluses on the man’s fingertips, but…

Sometimes it wasn’t about what you liked.

It was about what you could use.

Susan rested her fingers on his chest. “I’ll be able to come home again soon, right?”

He glanced at her hand, then back up to her face. The guy’s expression hadn’t thawed any. “When it’s clear.”

It would be clear, just as soon as Juliana was rotting in the ground.

* * *

JULIANA WAS STANDING at the foot of the stairs when Susan came down. Gunner was just a few steps behind, carrying her suitcase in his hand.

It looked as if Susan had been crying.

Great. Juliana shifted her body and blocked the bottom of the stairs. “It’s just temporary, Susan.”

Susan’s eyes were red. She had been crying. “It’s not going to be my home. You and I both know…in the will, he left everything to you.” Anger thinned her lips. “You couldn’t be bothered to see him, but it all still goes to you.”

“I don’t…” Want it. “This isn’t my home any longer. As soon as Logan and his team stop the man who’s hunting me…”

Susan’s gaze flickered to Logan. “I remember you.”

He was by the door. Arms crossed over his chest. At her words, his head cocked toward Susan.

Susan stared right back at him. “Aaron always told me that you were dangerous.”

Juliana eased to the side, blocking her view. This wasn’t about Logan. “Susan, when this mess is over, I’ll call you. We’ll sort everything out. The house, the will—everything.”

Susan’s lips twisted in a sad smile as her gaze focused on Juliana. “He loved you. Probably more than you’ll ever realize. It’s too bad you didn’t know anything about him.” She brushed by Juliana. “Maybe you should take a look at what’s on the walls of his room. It might surprise you.”

Then she was gone. Gunner followed behind her, shaking his head.

But Juliana saw Logan grab Gunner’s arm before he could walk through the doorway. “Find out what she knows.”

Gunner gave an almost imperceptible nod.

The door closed behind him with a click.

Juliana rubbed at the bandage on her neck. She’d almost forgotten about her injuries. Her head had finally stopped throbbing. She just—


Logan stalked toward her. He caught her fingers, pulled them away from the small bandage. “Don’t do anything to draw attention to it.”

“No one’s here to see.” His team had cleared out the house. They were alone—all of the guards were stalking along the exterior of the place.

Alone with Logan. When he was this close, the awareness between them burned. But she turned away. “I’m…I’m going to shower.” She didn’t want to see what waited in her father’s room. Not then.

She wanted to wash away the memories of blood.

Logan’s fingers curled around her wrist. “Are we going to talk about it?”

Her throat went desert dry. “It?”

“You…almost coming…”

There’d been no almost about it. She glanced back, and from the look in his eyes, Juliana knew he realized that truth.

“Or are we just going to pretend that it didn’t happen?”

Juliana gave a slow shake of her head. “I’m not that good at pretending.”

His gaze searched hers. “You’re mad because of the setup. I get that.”

Good for him.

“But I swear, I wouldn’t risk your life for anything. You’re my priority.”

She believed that. After all, wasn’t keeping her safe his job?

His fingers tightened around her wrist. “You’re just going to walk away, aren’t you?”

It was what he expected. She knew that. But there was more at stake right then.

Juliana had realized just how vulnerable she still was to Logan. He’d gotten into her heart once, and no matter how hard she tried, she’d never been able to shove him out.

She still cared for him, probably always would.

But she couldn’t let herself love him again. It was too dangerous. Too painful.

Take the pleasure he can give you. A tempting whisper from inside. Then you be the one to walk away.

Only, there was a problem with that plan. If she took him back to her bed, Juliana was afraid she might not want to walk away.

So she pulled her arm free, and before she gave in to that temptation, she headed up the stairs.

I can walk away now.

Juliana just wasn’t sure that walking away was what she really wanted.

* * *

DIEGO SHOOK HIS HEAD as he stared at the man seated in front of him. McLintock couldn’t even keep his head up anymore. Blood and sweat coated his body.

“I didn’t have anything to do with that explosion at the cemetery. I promise!” Ben McLintock mumbled, voice rasping. He’d already said this over and over, and Diego actually believed him.

Why keep lying at this point? McLintock had no one to protect. No family. No lover. The guy had always just been out for himself.

But if it hadn’t been McLintock… Diego’s eyes narrowed.

He waved the guard back and strolled toward McLintock. He put his hands on the other man’s shoulders and shoved him back. McLintock blinked blearily as Diego leaned in close. “This can all be over,” Diego promised him. “I just want to know who’s after Juliana James. I want to know who set that bomb in her car.” Who’d almost screwed his plans to hell.
