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An Unlikely Alliance

An Unlikely Alliance (House of Renwick #2.5)(19)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

Royce pulled Evelyn into a tight hug. "Well, at least you’re keeping it all in the family."

"Royce McArthur!" His mother’s voice could have shattered mirrors, it was so loud.

He lifted his eyebrow sending her a silent message of "Calling the kettle black, aren’t we?"

"We were just packing up something before going to…" his mother looked to Evelyn’s father for help. He shrugged and let out a hearty laugh before walking over to where she stood. "I asked your mother to stay at the De Jarlias house while you two honeymooned."

"Chaperoned?" Royce asked.

His mother opened her mouth to say something. Mr. De Jarlias answered before she had the chance. "Naturally."

"Good," Royce said.

"Fine," Mr. De Jarlias barked back.

An awkward silence ensued as all guilty parties looked around. Then everyone began talking at once.

"—Must be off, early day tomorrow."

"—Let me just grab my suitcase then."

"—It is, after all, our wedding night."

And then finally, a resounding, "Good night."

As Royce shook his head and ushered Evelyn back inside the room, he heard both parents mumbling something about being chaperoned as they bounded down the stairs.

"So, I guess you want to gloat now?" Evelyn said as she sat on the bed.


"Yes. After all, you were the suspicious one. Remember, it started our entire whirlwind romance."

Royce grinned wolfishly at his wife. "And it’s for that reason alone that I don’t chase after our parents and give them a good talking to."

Evelyn lifted an eyebrow and brought her delicate finger to the top of her neck, drawing his eyes to the swell of her br**sts. "Would you rather stay here and have an adventure?"

"Yes," he croaked.

"Good, because I’ve been waiting for some time alone with you."

"Uh‐huh." Her hands went to his chest as she rained kisses across his jaw.

"And you promised it would be worth my while…"

"I did." His body was pulsating with heat.

"So…" She backed away from him and immediately dropped the silk negligee from her shoulders, revealing creamy smooth skin.

To this day Royce still couldn’t recall what in the blazes she had been talking about. But he didn’t care. He was in love. And his wife was perfect.
