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Angel in Chains

Angel in Chains (The Fallen #3)(37)
Author: Cynthia Eden

“My brother.”

Brandt had never mentioned him. But then again, he hadn’t told her about Tanner, either.

Jade rolled her shoulders. The doctor must have given her some fabulous drugs. She didn’t hurt at all. Actually, she felt stronger than she’d ever been before.

But . . . “Why would it be best for me not to see them?” That part didn’t make any sense.

“Because the last time you saw the two of them, you screamed so loud and long that we had to knock you out.”

Shaking her head, she said, “No, no, I didn’t—”

“I was outside, running in the woods, and your screams damn near deafened me.”

He didn’t look like he was bullshitting her.

“We wanted to make sure you woke up feeling calm and safe.”

A shifter was supposed to make her feel safe? She would’ve felt much safer with Az. Jade glanced around the room as she pushed up into a better sitting position. She was in a bed, a small, twin bed that had been pushed against the far right wall. Faint sunlight trickled through the thin white curtains. “How long was I out?”

“About ten hours.”

So long?

A light knock rapped at the door.

Tanner didn’t take his gaze off her. “You ready for this?”

She gave a light laugh that just came out sounding lost. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You will. ’Cause you aren’t the same anymore.” He squared his shoulders. “Just remember that you’re safe. I’ll be right beside you.”

She wanted Az beside her.

“Come in!” Tanner called out.

The door opened. A man’s dark head appeared. Not Az.

The guy came in. His broad shoulders pushed past the doorway. His head was down, his long hair brushing over his cheeks. “Glad you’re awake.” His voice was a deep rumble of sound. “You were starting to worry us.” His head lifted and his eyes met hers.

Black eyes. Completely black eyes. Even the sclera. Every single part of his eyes were black.

Jade didn’t make a sound.

She’d heard stories, of course. She knew about the demons who walked the earth. Some demons possessed enormous power, enough to level a city block. Others were barely more than human. But, according to the stories, they all had the same eyes. Eyes as black as the night. They used glamour to change the color of their eyes and fool humans so they wouldn’t realize what monsters stood beside them.

This guy wasn’t using any glamour. He was showing her his real eyes.

He reached for her wrist. She managed—barely—not to yank her hand back from him. Brandt’s brother, and a demon. Talk about having two strikes against you.

“I’m not going to hurt you.” Two fingers pressed against her inner wrist as he checked her pulse. “I’m not like Brandt.”

She couldn’t look away from his gaze.

“You see me for what I am, don’t you?”

“I-is there a particular reason you aren’t bothering with the glamour magic?” Maybe he felt safe in his home. Maybe . . .

“I am using it. You can just see right through it.” He released her wrist. “You saw me the moment his blood filled your veins.”

So now she was seeing demons? Great. What she needed to see was an angel. “I want Az.”

“You sure about that?” Tanner had moved to the foot of the bed. He was watching her with that half-worried, half-sympathetic gaze that was making her feel increasingly antsy.

“You seemed to . . . want to be away from him when you saw him last.” Now that bit came from the demon doctor.

“I was out of my head then.” The doctor reached for the bandages that began near her shoulder. “I want Az,” Jade said again.

His fingers brushed the tip of the bandages. “Lay back down and let me check your wounds. Once I’m sure you’re healing well, I’ll call him in.”

Tanner offered her a faint half-smile. “Cody’s afraid you’re gonna freak out again and mess up all his fine handiwork.”

She slid back down on the bed. “Check me out, then get me Az.” She needed him.

When Cody got to work slowly pulling back the bandages, she stared up at the ceiling. Faint cracks crisscrossed the white paint above her, and she focused her gaze on them. The sick feeling in her gut told her that she’d have scars on her chest that looked just like those cracks. Long, jagged.

A light touch of air hit her skin when the demon pulled back the bandages.

“How . . .” Surprise roughed the word even as the doctor leaned closer to her. “I’ll be damned.”

She’d been avoiding looking at her wounds but now . . . Jade risked a fast glance down, but only saw the doctor reaching for scissors. Tweezers.

Her gaze immediately jumped back to the ceiling.

After a moment, she felt a light tugging on her chest. Then he pulled something out—stitches? She had to look like Frankenstein’s monster, and she knew it was weak, but Jade didn’t want to see those wounds right then. Give her a few more hours, and she’d woman-up and do the deed but right then . . .

“You’re healed.”

Lie. But . . . her eyes darted down to the ravaged flesh that she hadn’t wanted to see. Only it wasn’t marred. Not so much as scratched. Pale as ever, smooth. No sign of the deep cuts that had torn through flesh and muscle.

“Az!” She screamed his name because in that moment, she was terrified of what she’d become.

The door flew open and slammed back against the wall. Az stood in the entranceway, filling the space. His hands were clenched. His eyes blazing. “Get away from her!” He roared. And in the next second, he’d leapt across the room. Az grabbed the demon by the back of the neck and hurtled him against the wall.

Jade realized she was naked from the waist down. She yanked up the sheet and ended the peep show.

“Easy!” Tanner lifted his hands when Az rounded on him. “We weren’t hurting her.”

“I was . . . just . . .” The demon rose and winced. “I was merely checking her out.”

“I saw that.” A lethal edge underscored Az’s words. He spun to face the doctor, giving Jade his back, and that was when she actually paid attention enough to notice his wings.

Not real wings. More like shadows. Thick, black, they rose from his bare shoulders and extended high above him.

They were dark and so beautiful.

“She was scared,” Az snarled as he closed in on the demon. “I heard her fear.” His hands were clenched into powerful fists.
