Read Books Novel

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

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AS LOIS WAS thinking about Gary, there was a knock at the front door. She looked out the window to see who was calling and recognized him. Tom Huebner. He was a tall, rugged-looking charter pilot, a friend of Gary’s.

Lois opened the door and Huebner walked in.

"Hi, Tom."

"Lois." "Gary isn’t here yet. I think I heard his plane a little while ago. He should be here any minute. Would you like to wait or-?" He was staring at her. "You haven’t been watching the news?" Lois shook her head. "No. What’s going on? I hope we’re not going to get into another war and-" "Lois, I’m afraid I have some bad news. Really bad news." His voice was tight.

"It’s about Gary."

She stiffened. "What about him?" "He was killed in a plane crash on his way here to see you." He watched the light go out of her eyes.

"I’m so sorry. I know how much you loved each other." Lois tried to speak, but she was hyperventilating. "How-how?how-?" Tom Huebner took her hand and gently led her to the couch.

Lois sat down and took deep breaths. "What-what happened?" "Gary’s plane hit the side of a mountain a few miles outside of Denver." Lois felt faint. "Tom, I’d like to be alone." He studied her, worried. "Are you sure, Lois? I could stay and-" "Thank you, but please go." Tom Huebner stood there irresolutely, then nodded. "You have my number. Call if you need me." Lois did not hear him leave. She sat there in a state of shock. It was as if someone had told her she had died. Her mind started flashing back to their childhood. Gary had always been her protector, fighting boys who teased her and, as they got older, escorting her to baseball games and movies and parties.

The last time she had seen him was a week ago, and she saw the scene in her mind, unspooling like a blurred film through her tears.

The two of them were seated at the dining room table.

"You’re not eating, Gary." "It’s delicious, sis. I’m not very hungry." She watched him a moment. "Anything you want to talk about?" "You always know, don’t you?" "It’s something to do with your work." "Yes." He pushed his plate away. "I think my life is in danger." Lois looked at him, startled. "What?" "Sis, only half a dozen people in the world know about what’s happening. I’m flying back here next Monday to spend the night. On Tuesday morning, I’m heading for Washington." Lois was puzzled. "Why Washington?" "To tell them about Prima." And Gary explained it.

* * *

NOW GARY WAS dead. I think my life is in danger. Her brother had not been killed in an accident.

He had been murdered.

Lois looked at her watch. It was too late to do anything now, but in the morning she was going to make the phone call that would avenge her brother’s murder. She was going to finish what Gary had planned to do. Lois felt suddenly drained. It was an effort to get up from the couch.

She had had no dinner, but the idea of food nauseated her.

Lois headed for the bedroom and fell onto the bed, too tired to undress. She lay there, dazed, until she finally fell asleep.

* * *

LOIS DREAMED THAT she and Gary were on a speeding train and that all the passengers in the railroad car were smoking. It was getting hot, and the smoke made her cough. Her coughing woke her up, and she opened her eyes. She looked around in shock. Her bedroom was on fire, the blaze racing up the curtains, the room filled with smoke. Lois stumbled out of bed, choking.

Trying to hold her breath, she staggered into the living room. The entire room was engulfed in flames. She took half a dozen steps toward the door, felt her legs give way, and fell to the floor.

The last thing Lois Reynolds remembered was the flames hungrily licking their way toward her.

Chapter Ten

TO KELLY, EVERYTHING was happening at a dizzying pace. She quickly learned about the most important aspects of modeling: the agency had given her training courses in image projection, poise, and carriage. Much of modeling was attitude, and to Kelly that meant acting, because she felt neither beautiful nor desirable.

The phrase "overnight sensation" could have been invented for Kelly. She projected not only an exciting, provocative image, but also an air of untouchability that was a challenge to men. Within two years, Kelly had risen to the top tier of models.

She was advertising products in a dozen countries.

Much of Kelly’s time was spent in Paris, where some of her agency’s most important clients were located.

Once, after a fashion extravaganza in New York, before heading back to Paris, Kelly went to see her mother, who looked older and more careworn. I’ve got to get her out of here, Kelly thought. I’ll buy a nice apartment for her, and take care of her.

Her mother seemed pleased to see her. "I’m glad you’re doing so well, Kelly.

Thanks for your monthly checks." "You’re welcome. Mother, there’s something I want to talk to you about. I have a plan all worked out.

I want you to leave-" "Well, look who’s come to pay us a visit-her highness." Her stepfather had just walked in. "What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be strutting around in them fancy clothes?" I’ll have to do this another time, Kelly thought.

* * *

KELLY HAD ONE more stop to make. She went to the public library where she had spent so many wonderful hours, and as she walked through the door, holding half a dozen magazines, her mind was dancing with memories.

Mrs. Houston was not at her desk. Kelly walked inside and saw her standing in one of the side aisles, looking radiant in a sleek, tailored dress, busily filling a shelf with books.

As Mrs. Houston heard the door open, she said, "I’ll be with you in a moment." She turned. "Kelly!" It was almost a scream. "Oh, Kelly." They ran to each other and embraced.
