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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Tanner looked at his brother a long moment. "It’s your company, Andrew."

* * *

TANNER TELEPHONED HER as soon as he had made his decision.

"Princess, I have to go to Washington on business. You may not hear from me for a day or two." She said teasingly, "No blondes, brunettes, or redheads." "No chance. You’re the only woman in the world I’m in love with." "And I’m in love with you."

* * *

THE FOLLOWING MORNING, Tanner Kingsley was at the Pentagon, meeting with the army chief of staff, General Alan Barton.

"I thought your proposal was very interesting," General Barton said. "We were discussing whom we were going to use for the test." "Your test involves micro-nanotechnology, and my brother just got a Nobel Prize for his work in it." "We are well aware of that." "He is so excited about this that he would like to do it pro bono." "We’re flattered, Mr. Kingsley. We don’t have many Nobel laureates offering their services." He looked up to make sure the door was closed. "This is top secret. If it works, it’s going to be one of the most important components of our armament. Molecular nano-technology can give us control of the physical world at the level of individual atoms. Until now, efforts to make chips even smaller than they are have been blocked by the electron interference called ‘cross talk,’ when electrons are uncontrolled. If this experiment is successful, it will give us significant new defense weapons and attack weapons." Tanner said, "There’s no danger to this experiment, is there? I don’t want anything to happen to my brother." "You need not worry. We will send over all the equipment you need, including the safe suits and two of our scientists to work with your brother." "Then we have a go-ahead?" "You have a go-ahead." On his way back to New York, Tanner thought, Now all I have to do is convince Andrew.

Chapter Seventeen

ANDREW WAS IN his office, looking at a colorful booklet that the Nobel Committee had sent him, along with a note: "We’re looking forward to your arrival." There were pictures of the huge Stockholm concert hall, with the audience applauding a Nobel laureate as he walked across the stage to receive his award from King Carl XVI Gustav of Sweden. And soon I’ll be up there, Andrew thought.

The door opened and Tanner walked in. "We have to talk." Andrew set the booklet aside. "Yes, Tanner?" Tanner took a deep breath. "I’ve just committed Kingsley Group to assist the army in an experiment they’re conducting." "You what?" "The test involves cryogenics. They need your help." Andrew shook his head. "No. I can’t get involved in that, Tanner. This isn’t the sort of thing we’re doing here." "This isn’t about money, Andrew. This is about the defense of the United States of America. It’s very important to the army. You’d be doing this for your country. Pro bono. They need you." Tanner spent another hour persuading him. Finally, Andrew gave in. "All right.

But this is the last time we get off the track, Tanner. Agreed?" Tanner smiled. "Agreed. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you."

* * *

HE CALLED PRINCESS and left a message on her voice mail. "I’m back, darling. We have a very important experiment coming up. I’ll call you when it’s over. I love you."

* * *

TWO ARMY TECHNICIANS arrived to brief Andrew on the progress they had made so far. Andrew had been reluctant at first, but as they discussed the project, Andrew became more and more excited.

If the problems could be solved, it would be a major breakthrough.

An hour later, Andrew watched as an army truck drove through the gates of Kingsley Group, escorted by two army staff cars, carrying armed soldiers. He went out to meet the colonel in charge of the cadre.

"Here it is, Mr. Kingsley. What do we do with it?" "I’ll handle it from here," Andrew said. "Just unload it and we’ll take over." "Yes, sir." The colonel turned to two soldiers standing at the rear of the truck. "Let’s unload it. And be careful. I mean very careful." The men reached inside the truck and gingerly brought out a small, heavy-duty metallic carrying case.

Within minutes, two staff assistants were carrying the case into a laboratory, under Andrew’s supervision.

"On that table," he said, "very gently." He watched as they set it down. "Fine." "One of us could have carried it. It’s very light." "You wouldn’t believe how heavy it is," Andrew told them.

The two assistants looked at him, puzzled. "What?" Andrew shook his head. "Never mind." Two expert chemists, Perry Stanford and Harvey Walker, had been selected to work on the project with Andrew.

The two men had already donned the heavy protective suits that were required for the experiment.

"I’ll get suited up," Andrew said. "Be right back." He walked down the corridor to a closed door and opened it. Inside were racks holding full chemical gear resembling space suits, along with gas masks, goggles, special shoes, and heavy gloves.

Andrew walked into the room to put on his suit, and Tanner was there to wish him luck.

* * *

WHEN ANDREW RETURNED to the laboratory, Stanford and Walker were waiting. The three men meticulously sealed the room so that it was airtight, then carefully secured the door. They could all feel the excitement in the air.

"All set?"

Stanford nodded. "Ready."

Walker said, "Ready."


They donned their protective gas masks.

"Let’s begin," Andrew said. He cautiously lifted the lid from the metallic box.

Inside were six small vials fitted snugly into protective cushions. "Be careful," he warned. "These genies are two hundred twenty-two degrees below zero." His voice was muffled by the gas mask.
