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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

"Thomas." Kelly could hear low, low whispers in the hall. She pressed her ear against the door until the voices faded. She stood there, filled with blind terror.

A minute later, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?"

"Security." "Bill?" Kelly asked. She held her breath.

"No, Mrs. Harris. It’s Thomas." Kelly quickly opened the door and let him in.

He regarded her a moment and said, "What happened?" "Some-some men tried to get in here." "Did you see them?" "No. I-I heard them. Would you walk me out to a taxi?" "Certainly, Mrs. Harris." Kelly was trying to force herself to stay calm. Too much was happening too fast.

Thomas stayed close by Kelly’s side as they got into the elevator.

When they reached the lobby, Kelly glanced around, but she could see nothing suspicious. Kelly and the security guard walked outside, and as they reached the taxi stand, Kelly said, "Thank you very much. I appreciate it." "I’ll make sure that everything is all right when you come back. Whoever tried to break into your room is gone by now." Kelly got into a taxi. As she glanced out the rear window, she saw two men hurrying into a parked limousine.

"Where to?" the cabdriver asked Kelly.

The limousine had pulled up behind the taxi. Ahead, at the corner, a policeman was directing traffic.

"Go straight ahead," Kelly told him.

"Okay." As they approached the green light, Kelly said urgently, "I want you to slow down and wait until the light changes to yellow, then make a quick left turn." The driver glanced at her in the rearview mirror. "What?" "Don’t go through the green light until it turns yellow." She saw the expression on the driver’s face.

Kelly forced a smile. "I’m trying to win a bet." "Oh." Crazy damn passengers.

As the light changed from green to yellow, Kelly said, "Now!" The taxi made a fast left turn as the light turned red. Behind them, the oncoming traffic was stopped by the policeman. The men in the limousine turned to each other, frustrated.

When the taxi had gone a block, Kelly said, "Oh, I forgot something. I’ve got to get out here." The driver pulled over to the curb and Kelly got out of the cab and handed him some money. "Here." He watched Kelly hurry into the entrance to a medical building. I hope she’s seeing a psychiatrist.

At the corner, the moment the light turned green, the limousine made a left turn. The taxi was two blocks ahead, and they raced after it.

Five minutes later, Kelly was hailing another cab.

* * *

IN DIANE STEVENS’s apartment, Detective Greenburg was saying,

"Mrs. Stevens, did you get a look at the person who took a shot at you?

Diane shook her head. "No, it happened so fast? "Whoever it was, was serious. Ballistics dug the bullets out of the wall. They were forty-five calibers, capable of piercing body armor. You were lucky." He hesitated. "We think that whoever it was, he was sent by Tony Altieri." Diane swallowed. I’m just going to take it easy for a while, clear up a few old debts.

"We’re checking that out."

Diane nodded.

Greenburg studied her a moment. "About the briefcase that’s missing, do you have any idea what was in it?" "I’m not sure. Richard usually took it to the laboratory with him most mornings and brought it home at night. I saw some of the papers once and they were very technical." Greenburg picked up the wedding ring that was on the table. "And you said that your husband never took off his wedding ring?" "That’s-that’s right." "In the days before his death, did your husband act differently than usual, as though he might be under some kind of pressure, or be worried about something?

Do you remember anything that he said or did on the last night you saw him?" It was early morning. They were in bed, naked. Richard gently stroked her thighs and said, "I’m going to be working late tonight, but save an hour or two for me, when I get home, honey." She touched him where he liked being touched and said, "Braggart." "Mrs. Stevens-" Diane was jolted back to reality. "No. There was nothing unusual." "I’ll see that you have protection," Greenburg said. "And if-" The doorbell rang.

"Were you expecting anyone?"


Greenburg nodded. "I’ll get it." He walked over to the door and opened it. Kelly Harris stormed in and brushed by him.

Kelly marched up to Diane. "We need to talk." Diane looked at her in surprise. "I thought you were on your way to Paris?" "I took a detour." Greenburg had joined them. "This is Detective Earl Greenburg. Kelly Harris." Kelly turned to Greenburg. "Someone just tried to break into my hotel room, Detective." "Did you report it to hotel security?" "Yes. The men were gone. A guard escorted me out." "Do you have any idea who they were?" "No." "When you say someone tried to break in, you mean they tried to force the door?" "No, they-they just stood out in the hall. They pretended they were from room service." "Had you ordered room service?" "Yes." Diane said, "Then you’re probably imagining things because of what happened this morning, and-" Kelly snapped at her. "Listen, I told you, I don’t want any part of this or of you. I’m going to pack and fly back to Paris this afternoon. You tell your Mafia friends to leave me alone." They watched Kelly turn and leave.

"What was that all about?" Greenburg asked.

"Her husband was-was killed. He worked for the same company Richard worked for, Kingsley International Group."
