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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

When Kelly reached the dressing room, the wardrobe mistress said, "I have the evening gown ready for you. You had better-" Kelly was sobbing. "No. I-I can’t go out there in front of those people. They’ll laugh at me." She was becoming hysterical. "I’m through. I’m never going to go out there again. Never!" "Of course you are." Kelly spun around. Mark was standing in the doorway. "Mark! What-what are you doing here?" "Oh, I-I’ve kind of been hanging around lately." "You-you saw-what happened out there?" Mark smiled. "It was wonderful. I’m glad it happened." Kelly was staring at him. "Wh-what?" He stepped close to her and took out a handkerchief to dry her tears. "Kelly, before you walked out there, the audience thought you were just a beautiful, untouchable dream, a fantasy, out of reach.

When you tripped and fell, it showed them that you’re human, and they adored you for it. Now you Go back out there and make them happy." She looked into Mark’s compassionate eyes, and that was the moment Kelly realized she was in love with him.

The wardrobe woman was putting the evening gown back on a clothes rack.

"Give me that," Kelly said. She looked at Mark and smiled through her tears.

Five minutes later, when Kelly confidently walked out on the runway, there was a wave of thunderous applause and a standing ovation from the audience. Kelly stood there facing them, overwhelmed by emotion.

It was so wonderful to have Mark in her life again. She remembered how nervous she had been in the beginning?

* * *

KELLY HAD BEEN tense, waiting for Mark to make a pass at her, but he was always the perfect gentleman. His shyness made her feel more confident. It was Kelly who began most of the conversations, and no matter what the subject was, she found that Mark was knowledgeable and amusing.

One evening, Kelly said, "Mark, there’s a great symphony orchestra opening tomorrow night. Do you like classical music?" He nodded. "I grew up with it." "Good. We’ll go."

* * *

THE CONCERT WAS brilliant, and the audience enthusiastic.

On the way back to Kelly’s apartment, Mark said, "Kelly, I-I lied to you." I should have known, Kelly thought. He’s just like the rest of them. It’s over.

She steeled herself for his answer. "Did you?" "Yes. I-I don’t really like classical music." Kelly bit her lip to keep from bursting out laughing.

On their next date, Kelly said, "I want to thank you for Angel. She’s great company." And so are you, Kelly thought. Mark had the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen, and an endearing, crooked, little smile. She enjoyed his company tremendously and?

* * *

THE WATER WAS getting cold. Kelly turned off the shower, toweled herself off, put on the hotel’s terry cloth robe, and went into the bedroom.

"It s all yours."

"Thanks." Diane got up and stepped into the bathroom. It looked like a storm had struck.

Water had spilled onto the floor, and towels were strewn all over the floor.

Angrily, Diane walked back into the bedroom. "The bathroom is a mess. Are you used to having people pick up after you?" Kelly smiled sweetly. "Yes, Mrs. Stevens. As a matter of fact, I grew up with a lot of maids taking care of me." "Well, I’m not one of them." You wouldn’t qualify.

Diane took a deep breath. "I think it would be better if we-" "There’s no ‘we,’ Mrs. Stevens. There’s you and there’s me." They stared at each other for a long moment. Then, without another word, Diane turned and went back into the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, when she emerged, Kelly was in bed. Diane reached for the switch to turn off the overhead light.

"No, don’t touch that!" It was a scream.

Diane looked at Kelly, startled. "What?" "Leave the lights on." Diane asked scornfully, "Are you afraid of the dark?" "Yes. I’m-I’m afraid of the dark." Diane said patronizingly, "Why? Did your parents tell you scary bogeyman stories when you were a little girl?" There was a long silence. "That’s it." Diane went to her own bed. She lay there for a minute, then closed her eyes.

Richard, darling, I never believed that someone could die of a broken heart. I believe it now. I need you so much. I need you to guide me. I need your warmth and your love. You’re here somewhere, I know you are. I can feel you. You ‘re a gift that God loaned me, but not for long enough. Good night, my guardian angel.

Please don’t ever leave me. Please.

In her bed, Kelly could hear Diane quietly sobbing. Kelly’s lips tightened. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

And tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

WHEN DIANE AWAKENED in the morning, Kelly was sitting in a chair, facing a wall.

"Morning," Diane said. "Did you get some sleep?" There was no response.

"We have to figure out what our next move is. We can’t stay here forever." No response.

Exasperated, Diane said loudly, "Kelly, can you hear me?" Kelly spun around in her chair. "Do you mind? I’m in the middle of a mantra." "Oh, sorry. I didn’t-" "Forget it." Kelly rose. "Did anyone ever tell you you snore?" Diane felt a small shock. She could hear Richard’s voice saying, on the first night they had slept together, Darling, did you know you snore? Let me put it another way. It’s not really a snore. Your nose sings delicious little melodies through the night like the music of angels. And he had taken her in his arms and"Well, you do," Kelly said. She walked over to the television set and turned it on. "Let’s see what’s happening in the world." She began to channel surf and suddenly stopped. A news show was on the air, and the host was Ben Roberts. "It’s Ben!" Kelly exclaimed.
