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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Senator Van Luven’s husband had died of a heart attack. I’ll offer my condolences.

* * *

FIFTEEN MINUTES LATER, Senator Van Luven and her two attractive young assistants arrived.

Tanner rose to greet them. "I’m delighted you decided to come." Senator Van Luven nodded. "You remember Corinne Murphy and Karolee Trost." Tanner smiled. "Yes. It’s nice to see you both again." He turned to the senator.

"I heard about your husband’s passing away. I’m terribly sorry." Senator Van Luven nodded. "Thank you. He had been ill for a long time, and finally, a few weeks ago? She forced a smile. "By the way, the information on global warming that you’ve been sending me is very impressive." "Thank you." "Would you like to show us what you’re doing here?" "Of course. How much of a tour would you like? We have a five-hour tour, a four-hour tour, and an hour-and-a-half tour." Corinne Murphy grinned. "It would be nice to take the five-" Senator Van Luven interrupted. "We’ll settle for the hour-and-a-half tour." "My pleasure." "How many people work at KIG?" Senator Van Luven asked.

"Approximately two thousand. KIG has offices in a dozen major countries all over the world." Corinne Murphy and Karolee Trost looked impressed.

"We have five hundred employees in these buildings. The staff members and the research fellows have separate quarters. Every scientist employed here has a minimum IQ of one hundred sixty." Corinne Murphy gushed, "They’re geniuses." Senator Van Luven gave her a disapproving look.

"Follow me, please," Tanner said.

* * *

THE SENATOR AND Murphy and Trost followed Tanner through a side door into one of the adjoining buildings. He led them into a room crammed with esoteric-looking equipment.

Senator Van Luven walked up to one of the odd-looking machines and asked, "What does this do?" "That’s a sound spectrograph, Senator. It converts the sound of a voice into a voiceprint. It can recognize thousands of different voices." Trost frowned. "How does it do that?" "Think of it this way. When a friend calls you on the telephone, you instantly recognize the voice because that sound pattern is etched in your brain circuit. We program this machine the same way.

An electronic filter allows only a certain band of frequencies to get through to the recorder, so that we have only the distinguishable features of that person’s voice." The rest of the tour became a fascinating montage of giant machines and miniature electronic microscopes and chemical laboratories; rooms with blackboards filled with mysterious symbols, labs with a dozen scientists working together, and offices where a single scientist was absorbed in trying to solve some arcane problem.

They passed a redbrick building with a double set of locks on the door.

Senator Van Luven asked, "What’s in there?" "Some secret government research. Sorry, it’s out of bounds, Senator." The tour took two hours. When it was over, Tanner escorted the three women back to his office.

"I hope you enjoyed it," Tanner said.

Senator Van Luven nodded. "It was interesting." "Very interesting." Corinne Murphy smiled. Her eyes were on Tanner.

"I loved it!" exclaimed Karolee Trost.

Tanner turned to Senator Van Luven. "By the way, have you had a chance to discuss with your colleagues the environmental problem we talked about?" The senator’s voice was noncommittal. "Yes." "Would you tell me what you think the chances are, Senator?" "This is not a guessing game, Mr. Kingsley. There will be more discussions. I’ll let you know when it’s been decided." Tanner managed a smile. "Thank you. Thank you all for dropping by." He watched them leave.

* * *

AS THE DOOR closed behind them, Kathy Ordonez’s voice came over the intercom.

"Mr. Kingsley, Saida Hernandez has been trying to reach you. She said it was urgent, but you told me to hold your calls." "Get her for me," Tanner said.

Saida Hernandez was the woman he had sent to the Adams Hotel to plant the bomb.

Line one.

Tanner picked up the phone, anticipating the good news. "All went well, Saida?" "No. I’m sorry, Mr. Kingsley." He could hear the fear in her voice. "They got away." Tanner’s body went stiff. "They what?" "Yes, sir. They left before the bomb went off. A bellman saw them rush out of the hotel lobby." Tanner slammed the phone down. He buzzed his secretary. "Send Flint and Carballo in here." A minute later, Harry Flint and Vince Carballo walked into Tanner’s office.

Tanner turned to the two men. He was in a towering rage. "The bitches got away again. That’s the last time I will allow that to happen. Do you understand? I’m going to tell you where they are, and you’re going to take care of them. Any questions?" Flint and Carballo looked at each other. "No, sir." Tanner pressed a button that revealed the electronic city map. "As long as they have the cards that I gave them, we can track them down." They watched the electronic lights appear on the television screen map. Tanner pressed a button.

The lights did not move.

Tanner gritted his teeth. "They’ve gotten rid of their cards." His face got redder. He turned to Flint and Carballo. "I want them killed today." Flint looked at Tanner, puzzled. "If we don’t know where they are, how can we-?" Tanner cut in. "Do you think I’d let a woman outwit me that easily? As long as they have their cell phones, they’re not going anywhere without telling us." "You could get hold of their cell phone numbers?" Flint asked, surprised.

Tanner did not bother to reply. He was examining the map. "By now they’ve probably separated." He pressed another switch. "Let’s try Diane Stevens first." Tanner punched in a number.
