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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Diane’s eyes turned toward the second gate. It was blocked by Carballo and two more men.

"Look!" Diane’s throat was dry.

Kelly turned to see the six men blocking the exits. "Is there any other way out of here?" "I don’t think so." Tanner was saying, "Regrettably, recent misfortunes have come to several members of our family.

And when a tragedy befalls someone in the family, it affects us all. KIG is offering a five-million-dollar reward to anyone who can prove who or what is behind all of this." "Five million dollars from one of his pockets into the other," Kelly said softly.

Tanner looked out over the crowd at Kelly and Diane, and his eyes were cold. "We have two bereaved members here today, Mrs. Mark Harris and Mrs. Richard Stevens.

I’m going to ask them to please come up here on the podium." "We can’t let him get us up there," Kelly said, horrified. "We have to stay with the crowd. What do we do now?" Diane looked at Kelly, surprised. "What do you mean? You’re the one who’s going to get us out of here, remember? Start your plan." Kelly swallowed. "It didn’t work." Diane said nervously, "Then go to plan B." "Diane? "Yes?" "There is no plan B." Diane’s eyes widened. "You mean you-you got us here with no way to get us out?" "I thought-" Tanner’s voice boomed over the loudspeaker. "Would Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Harris come up here now, please?" Kelly turned to Diane and said miserably, "I’m-I’m so sorry." "It’s my fault. I should never have let us come." The people in the crowd were turning to watch them. They were trapped.

"Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Harris? Kelly whispered, "What are we going to do?" Diane said, "We have no choice. We’re going up there." She took a deep breath.

"Let’s go." Reluctantly, the two women started slowly toward the podium.

Diane was looking up at Betty Barker, whose eyes were fastened on her, a panicky look on her face.

Diane and Kelly neared the podium, their hearts pounding.

Diane was thinking, Richard, darling, I tried. No matter what happens, I want you to know that IThere was a sudden loud commotion at the back of the park. People were craning their necks to see what was happening.

Ben Roberts was making an entrance, accompanied by a large crew of cameramen and assistants.

The two women turned to look. Kelly grabbed Diane’s arm, beaming. "Plan A has arrived!

Ben is here." And Diane looked up and said softly, "Thank you, Richard." Kelly said, "What?" She suddenly realized what Diane meant. She said cynically,

"Right. Come on.

Ben is waiting for us."

* * *

TANNER WAS WATCHING the scene, his face stiff. He called out, "Excuse me. I’m sorry, Mr. Roberts. This is a private memorial ceremony. I will have to ask you and your crew to leave." Ben Roberts said, "Good morning, Mr. Kingsley. My show is doing a television segment with Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Stevens at the studio, but while we were here, I thought you might like to have us do a piece on the memorial service." Tanner shook his head. "No, I can’t permit you to stay here." "Too bad. Then I’ll just take Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Stevens over to the studio now." "You can’t," Tanner said harshly.

Ben looked at him. "I can’t what?" Tanner was almost trembling with fury. "I-I mean-you?nothing." The women had reached Ben.

He said softly, "Sorry I’m late. There was a breaking news story about a murder and-" "There was almost a breaking news story about two more," Kelly said. "Let’s get out of here." Tanner watched, frustrated, as Kelly, Diane, Ben Roberts, and his crew pushed past Tanner’s men and walked out of the park.

Harry Flint looked over to Tanner for instructions. As Tanner slowly shook his head no, he was thinking, It’s not over yet, bitches.

* * *

DIANE AND KELLY got into the car with Ben Roberts. His crew was following in two vans.

Roberts looked at Kelly. "Now, can you tell me what that was all about?" "I wish I could, Ben. But not yet. I will when I know what I’m talking about. I promise." "Kelly, I’m a reporter. I need to know-" "Today you came as a friend." Roberts sighed. "Right. Where would you like me to take you?" Diane said, "Would you drop us off at Forty-second Street and Times Square?" "You ve got it."

* * *

TWENTY MINUTES LATER, Kelly and Diane were getting out of the car.

Kelly kissed Ben Roberts on the cheek. "Thanks, Ben. I won’t forget this. We’ll stay in touch." "Be safe." They turned to wave as they walked away.

Kelly said, "I feel naked."

"Why?" "Diane, we don’t have any weapons. Nothing. I wish we had a gun." "We have our brains." "I wish we had a gun. Why are we here? What are we going to do now?" "We’re going to stop running. From now on, we’re on the offensive.

Kelly looked at her curiously. "What does that mean?" "It means I’m sick and tired of us being the target of the day. We’re going after them, Kelly." Kelly looked at Diane a moment. "We’re going after KIG?" "That’s right." "You’ve been reading too many mysteries. How do you think the two of us can bring down the biggest think tank in the world?" "We’re going to start by getting the names of all their employees who have died in the past few weeks." "What makes you think there were more than Mark and Richard?" "Because the newspaper announcement said all their employees, so there were more than two people." "Oh. And who’s going to give us those names?" "I’ll show you," Diane said.
