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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Kelly’s eyes were closed. "Did we hit anybody yet?" "We’re fine." As Kelly opened her eyes, she looked in the side-view mirror and froze. A black Citroen Berlingo was behind them and she could see the man behind the wheel.

"It’s Godzilla!" Kelly gasped. "He’s following us." "What? How could he have found us so quickly?" Diane pressed the accelerator all the way to the floor. The Citroen was gaining on them. Diane looked at the double-faced speedometer. One dial read: 175 kilometers an hour. The other dial read: 110 miles an hour.

Nervously, Kelly said, "I’ll bet you’re too fast to drive at the Indianapolis racetrack." A mile ahead Diane saw the customs checkpoint between Spain and France.

"Hit me," Diane said.

Kelly laughed. "I was only kidding, I just-" "Hit me." Diane’s voice was urgent.

The Citroen was getting closer.

"What are you-?" Do it now!" Reluctantly, Kelly slapped Diane across the face.

"No. Punch me hard." There were now only two cars between them and the Citroen.

"Hurry," Diane shouted.

Wincing, Kelly punched Diane on the cheek.

"Harder." Kelly hit her again. This time, her diamond wedding ring made a gash in Diane’s cheek, and blood started flowing.

Kelly was looking at Diane, horrified. "I’m so sorry, Diane. I didn’t mean to-" They had reached the customs checkpoint. Diane braked to a stop.

The border guard approached the car. "Good afternoon, ladies." "Good afternoon." Diane turned her head so that the guard could see the blood running down her cheek.

He looked at it, aghast. "Se駉ra, what happened?" Diane bit her lip. "It’s my ex-husband. He enjoys hitting me. I got a restraining order against him, but I-I can’t stop him. He keeps following me. He’s back there now. I know there’s no use asking for your help. No one can stop him." When the guard turned around to scan the line of approaching cars, his face was grim. "Which car is he in?" "The black Citroen, two cars back. I think he plans to kill me." "He does, does he?" the guard growled. "You ladies go on. You won’t have to worry about him anymore." Diane looked at him tearfully and said, "Oh, thank you. Thank you." A moment later, they had crossed the border and were driving into France.


"Yes?" Kelly put her hand on Diane’s shoulder. "I’m so sorry about-" She pointed to Diane’s cheek.

Diane grinned. "It got rid of Godzilla, didn’t it?" She glanced at Kelly.

"You’re crying." "No, I’m not." Kelly sniffed. "It’s the damn mascara. What you did was-you’re not just a pretty face, are you?" Kelly asked as she dabbed at Diane’s wound with a tissue.

Diane looked in the rearview mirror and grimaced. "Not anymore, I’m not."

* * *

WHEN HARRY FLINT reached the border checkpoint, the patrol H guard was waiting.

"Step out of the car, please." "I haven’t time for that," Flint said. "I’m in a hurry. I have to-" "Step out of the car." Flint looked at him. "Why? What’s the problem?" "We have a report that a car with this license number has been smuggling drugs.

We’re going to have to take the car apart." Flint glared at him. "Are you crazy? I told you, I’m in a hurry. Drugs were never smuggled-?" He stopped and smiled. "I get it." He reached in his pocket and handed the guard a hundred-dollar bill.

"Here you are. Take this and forget about it." The border guard called out, "Jose!" A uniformed captain approached. The border guard handed him the hundred-dollar bill.

"This is an attempted bribe." The captain said to Flint, "Remove yourself from the car. You are under arrest for bribery. Pull over to that lot-" "No. You can’t arrest me now. I’m in the middle of-" "And resisting arrest." He turned to the guard. "Call for a backup." Flint looked ahead at the highway and took a deep breath. The Peugeot was out of sight.

Flint turned to the captain. "I have to make a phone call."

* * *

AS DIANE AND Kelly sped through the French countryside, the flat central plateau of the Castilian meseta began to break up into the foothills of the Pyrenees and the Sierra de Urbasa.

Diane spoke. "You said you had a friend in Paris?" "Yes. Sam Meadows. He worked with Mark. I have a feeling he can help us." Kelly reached into her purse, took out her new cell phone, and dialed a number in Paris.

An operator said, "KIG."

"Could I speak to Sam Meadows, please?"

A minute later, Kelly heard his voice.

"Hello." "Sam, it’s Kelly. I’m on my way to Paris." "My God! I’ve been worried sick about you. Are you all right?" Kelly hesitated. "I think so." "This is a nightmare," Sam Meadows said. "I still can’t believe it." Neither can I, Kelly thought. "Sam, I have to tell you something. I believe Mark was murdered." Sam Meadows’s answer sent a chill through her. "So do I." Kelly was finding it difficult to speak. "I have to know what happened. Can you help me?" "I don’t think it’s something we should discuss on the phone, Kelly." He was trying to make his voice sound very casual.

"I-I understand." "Why don’t we talk about it tonight? We can have dinner at my place.


"Seven o’clock?"

"I’ll be there," Kelly said.

Kelly ended the call. "I’m going to get some answers tonight." "While you’re doing that, I’m going to fly to Berlin and talk to people who worked with Franz Verbrugge." Kelly was suddenly silent.
