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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

They came to see me in Vienna, to ask me what plans I had for Prima. I told them I was going to give it to our government. I didn’t think they would pursue the matter any further, but just to be safe, I set a trap. When they were sitting in the reception room, I put in a call to your Senate office, making sure they could hear me denying to you that I had ever heard of Prima. The next morning, they began calling you for appointments. That’s when I knew they had to be disposed of." Tanner smiled. "Let me show you what we have here." On a computer screen, a map of the world appeared, dotted with lines and symbols. As Tanner spoke, he moved a switch, and the focus of the map kept shifting until it highlighted Portugal.

Tanner said, "The agricultural valleys in Portugal are supplied by rivers that flow to the Atlantic from Spain. Just imagine what would happen to Portugal if it continued to rain until the agricultural valley was drowned out." Tanner pressed a button, and on a huge screen appeared a picture of a massive pink palace with ceremonial guards standing watch while its lush, beautiful gardens glimmered in the bright sunlight.

"That’s the presidential palace." The picture switched to a dining room inside, where a family was having breakfast.

"That’s the president of Portugal and his wife and two children. When they speak, it’s going to be in Portuguese, but you’ll hear it in English. I have dozens of nano-cameras and microphones set up in the palace. The president doesn’t know it, but his head security guard works for me." An aide was saying to the president, "At eleven o’clock this morning, you have a meeting at the embassy, followed by a labor union speech. At one p.m., luncheon at the museum.

This evening, we’re having a state reception for-" The phone rang at the breakfast table. The president picked it up. "Hello." Then Tanner’s voice, instantaneously translated from English to Portuguese as he spoke, said "Mr. President?" The president looked startled. "Who is this?" he asked as his voice was immediately translated from Portuguese to English for Tanner.

"I’m a friend." "Who-how did you get my private number?" "That’s not important. I want you to listen very carefully. I love your country, and I would not want to see it destroyed. If you don’t want terrible storms to wipe it off the map, you must send me two billion dollars in gold. If you’re not interested now, I’ll call you back in three days." On the screen, they watched the president slam the phone down. He said to his wife, "Some crazy man got my phone number. Sounds like he escaped from an asylum." Tanner turned to Pauline. "That was recorded three days ago. Now let me show you the conversation we had yesterday." A picture of the massive pink palace and its beautiful gardens flashed on again, but this time heavy rains were pouring down, and the sky was ablaze with thunder and lightning.

Tanner pressed a button, and the scene on television moved into the president’s office. He was seated at a conference table, with half a dozen assistants all talking at once. The president’s face was grim.

The telephone on his desk rang.

"Now." Tanner grinned.

The president picked up the telephone apprehensively. "Hello." "Good morning, Mr. President. How-?" "You are destroying my country! You have ruined the crops. The fields are flooded. The villages are being-" He stopped and took a deep breath. "How long is this going to go on?" There was hysteria in the president’s voice.

"Until I receive the two billion dollars." They watched the president grit his teeth and close his eyes for a moment. "And you will stop the storms, then?" Yes.

"How do you want the money delivered?" "You see how easy it is, Princess? We already have the money. Let me show you what else Prima can do. These are our earlier tests." Tanner pressed another button and a picture of a raging hurricane appeared on the screen. "This is taking place in Japan," Tanner said. "Real time. And this season for them is always calm weather." He pressed a different button and pictures of a violent hailstorm appeared, battering a grove of citrus fruit. "This is live from Florida. The temperature there now is near zero-in June. The crops are being wiped out." He activated another button, and on the giant screen was a scene of a tornado tearing down buildings. "This is what’s happening in Brazil. As you see," Tanner said proudly, "Prima can do anything." Pauline moved closer to him and said softly, "Like its papa." Tanner turned off the television set. He picked up three DVDs and showed them to her. "These are three interesting conversations that I had with Peru, Mexico, and Italy. Do you know how the gold is delivered? We send trucks to their banks and they fill them. And then there’s Catch Twenty-two. If they make any attempt to find out where the gold is going, I promise them that the storm will begin again and never stop." Pauline looked at him, worried. "Tanner, is there any way they can trace your calls?" Tanner laughed. "I hope they do. If someone tries to trace them, they’ll reach a relay in a church, then a second relay takes them to a school. The third relay will set up storms they’ll wish they had never seen. And the fourth time it ends up at the Oval Office of the White House." Pauline laughed.

The door opened and Andrew walked in.

Tanner turned. "Ah. Here’s my dear brother." Andrew was staring at Pauline, a puzzled expression on his face. "Don’t I know you?" He looked at her for almost a minute as he concentrated, and then his face lit up. "You-you and Tanner were?going to get married. I was the best man. You’re-you’re Princess." Pauline said, "Very good, Andrew." "But you-you went away. You didn’t love Tanner." Tanner spoke up. "Let me straighten you out. She went away because she did love me." He took Pauline’s hand. "She telephoned me the day after her wedding. She married a very rich, influential man so she could use her husband’s influence to get important clients for KIG.
