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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

That’s why we were able to grow so fast." Tanner gave Pauline a hug. "We arranged to meet secretly every month." He said proudly, "And then she got interested in politics and became a senator." Andrew frowned. "But-but Sebastiana-Sebastiana-" "Sebastiana Cortez." Tanner laughed. "She was a decoy, to throw people off the track. I made sure that everyone at the office knew about her. Princess and I couldn’t afford to let anyone become suspicious." Andrew said vaguely, "Oh, I see." "Come over here, Andrew." Tanner led him to the control center. They stood in front of Prima.

Tanner said, "Do you remember this? You helped develop it. Now it’s finished." Andrew’s eyes widened. "Prima? Tanner pointed to a button and said, "Yes. Weather control." He pointed to another button. "Location." He looked at his brother. "See how simple we made it?" Andrew said, under his breath, "I remember? Tanner turned to Pauline. "This is only the beginning, Princess." Tanner took her in his arms. "I’m researching thirty more countries.

"You got what you wanted. Power and money." Pauline said happily, "A computer like that could be worth-" "Two computers like that," Tanner said. "I have a surprise for you. Have you ever heard of Tamoa Island, in the South Pacific?" "No." "We just bought it. It’s sixty square miles and unbelievably beautiful. It’s in the French Polynesian islands, and it has a landing strip and a yacht harbor. It has everything, including"-he paused dramatically-"Prima II." Pauline said, "You mean there’s another-?" Tanner nodded. "That’s right. It’s underground, where no one can ever find it.

Now that those two nosy bitches are finally out of the way, the world is ours."

Chapter Forty-Three

KELLY WAS THE first to open her eyes. She was lying on her back, naked, on the bare floor of a concrete basement, her hands handcuffed to eight-inch chains fastened to the wall, just above the floor. There was a small, barred window at the far end of the room, and a heavy door leading into the room.

Kelly turned to see Diane next to her, also naked and handcuffed. Their clothing had been thrown into a corner.

Diane said groggily, "Where are we?"

"We’re in hell, partner." Kelly tested the handcuffs. They were tight and firm around her wrists. She could lift her arm four or five inches, but that was it. "We walked right into their trap," she said bitterly.

"You know what I hate most about this?" Kelly looked around the bare room and said, "I can’t imagine." "They won. We know why they killed our husbands, and why they’re going to kill us, but there’s no way we can ever tell the world. They’ve gotten away with it. Kingsley was right. Our luck has finally run out." "No, it hasn’t." The door had opened, and Harry Flint was standing in the room.

His smile widened.

He locked the door behind him and put the key in his pocket. "I shot you with Xylocaine bullets.

I was supposed to kill you, but I thought we’d all have a little fun first." He moved closer.

The two women exchanged a terrified look. They watched Flint, grinning, take off his shirt and trousers. "Look what I have for you," he said. He dropped his shorts. His member was stiff and turgid. Flint looked at the two of them and moved toward Diane. "Why don’t I start with you, baby, and then-" Kelly interrupted. "Wait a minute, handsome. How about taking me first? I feel horny." Diane looked at her, stunned. "Kelly-" Flint turned to Kelly and smirked. "Sure, baby. You’re going to love this." Flint reached down and started to stretch out on top of Kelly’s naked body.

"Oh, yes." Kelly moaned. "I’ve really missed this." Diane had closed her eyes. She could not bear to watch.

Kelly stretched her legs apart, and as Flint started to enter her, Kelly raised her right arm a few inches and reached into her upswept hairdo. When her hand came down, there was a rat-tailed comb with a steel tip five inches long in it. In one quick motion, she slammed the steel tail into the back of Harry Flint’s neck, pushing its steel tip all the way through.

Flint tried to scream, but all that came out was a loud gurgle. Blood was pouring out of his neck.

Diane opened her eyes, stunned.

Kelly looked over at Diane. "You-you can relax now." She pushed away the limp figure on top of her. "He’s dead." Diane’s heart was beating so fast it felt as though it was going to leap from her chest. Her face was ghostly white.

Kelly was watching her, alarmed. "Are you all right?" "I was afraid he was going to-" Her mouth went dry. She looked at the bloody body of Harry Flint and shuddered. "Why didn’t you tell me about-?" She pointed to the rat-tailed comb in his neck.

"Because if it hadn’t worked?well, I didn’t want you to think I failed you. Let’s get out of here." "How?" "I’ll show you." Kelly stretched out a long leg to where Flint had dropped his pants. Her toes reached out to grab his trousers. Two inches too far away. She shifted closer. One inch too short. Then finally, success.

Kelly grinned. "Voila!" Her toes clutched the leg of the trousers, and she slowly pulled them close until they were near enough to grab with her hands. She was going through his pockets, looking for the key to the handcuffs. She found it. A moment later, her hands were free. She hurried to free Diane.

"My God, you’re a miracle," Diane said.

"Thank my new hairdo. Let’s get away from here." The two women picked up their clothes from the floor and quickly dressed. Kelly took the key to the door from Flint’s pocket.
