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Are You Afraid of the Dark?

"I’m Ron Jones. We spoke on the phone. I know how difficult everything is at a time like this, Mrs. Stevens, and our job is to take the burden off you. Just tell me what you want and we will see that your wishes are carried out." Diane said uncertainly, "I-I’m not even sure what to ask." Jones nodded. "Let me explain. Our services include a casket, a memorial service for your friends, a cemetery plot, and the burial." He hesitated. "From what I read of your husband’s death in the newspapers, Mrs. Stevens, you’ll probably want a closed casket for the memorial service, so-" "No!" Jones looked at her in surprise. "But-" "I want it open. I want Richard to-to be able to see all his friends, before he ? Her voice trailed off.

Jones was studying her sympathetically. "I see. Then if I may make a suggestion, we have a cosmetician who does excellent work where"-he said tactfully-"it’s needed. Will that be all right?" Richard would hate it, but-"Yes." "There’s just one thing more. We’ll need the clothes you want your husband to be buried in." She looked at him in shock. "The-" Diane could feel the cold hands of a stranger violating Richard’s naked body, and she shivered.

"Mrs. Stevens?" I should dress Richard myself. But I couldn ‘t bear to see him the way he is. I want to remember"Mrs. Stevens?" Diane swallowed. "I hadn’t thought about-" Her voice was strangled. "I’m sorry." She was unable to go on.

He watched her stumble outside and hail a taxi.

* * *

WHEN DIANE RETURNED to her apartment, she walked into Richard’s closet. There were two racks filled with his suits. Each outfit held a treasured memory. There was the tan suit Richard had been wearing the night they met at the art gallery. I like your curves. They have the delicacy of a Rossetti or a Manet. Could she let go of that suit? No.

Her fingers touched the next one. It was the light gray sport jacket Richard had worn to the picnic, when they had been caught in the rain.

Your place or mine?

This isn ‘tjust a one-night stand.

I know.

How could she not keep it?

The pinstriped suit was next. You like French food. I know a great French restaurant?

The navy blazer?the suede jacket?Diane wrapped the arms of a blue suit around herself and hugged it. I could never let any of these go. Each of them was a cherished remembrance. "I can’t." Sobbing, she grabbed a suit at random and fled.

The following afternoon, there was a message on Diane’s voice mail: "Mrs.

Stevens, this is Detective Greenburg. I wanted to let you know that everything here has been cleared. I’ve talked to the Dalton Mortuary. You’re free to go ahead with whatever plans you want to make? There was a slight pause. "I wish you well?Good-bye." Diane called Ron Jones at the mortuary. "I understand that my husband’s body has arrived there." "Yes, Mrs. Stevens. I already have someone taking care of the cosmetics, and we’ve received the clothes you sent. Thank you." "I thought-would this coming Friday be all right for the funeral?" "Friday will be fine. By then we will have taken care of all the necessary details. I would suggest eleven a.m." In three days, Richard and I will be parted forever. Or until I join him.

* * *

THURSDAY MORNING, DIANE was busily preparing the final details of the funeral, verifying the long list of invitees and the pallbearers, when the telephone call came.

"Mrs. Stevens?"

"Yes." "This is Ron Jones. I just wanted to let you know that I received your paperwork and the change was made, just as you requested." Diane was puzzled. "Paperwork-?" "Yes. The courier brought it yesterday, with your letter." "I didn’t send any-" "Frankly, I was a little surprised, but, of course, it was your decision." "My decision-?" "We cremated your husband’s body one hour ago."

Chapter Six

Paris, France

KELLY HARRIS WAS a roman candle that had exploded into the world of fashion. She was in her late twenties, an African-American with skin the color of melted honey and a face that was a photographer’s dream. She had intelligent soft brown eyes, sensual full lips, lovely long legs, and a figure filled with erotic promise. Her dark hair was cut short in deliberate dishabille, with a few strands sprawling across her forehead. Earlier that year, the readers of Elle and Mademoiselle magazines had voted Kelly the Most Beautiful Model in the World.

As she finished dressing, Kelly looked around the penthouse, feeling, as always, a sense of wonder. The apartment was spectacular. It was on the exclusive Rue St.-Louis-en-Elle, in the Fourth Arrondissenient of Paris. The apartment had a double-door entry that opened into an elegant hall with high ceilings and soft yellow wall panels, and the living room was furnished with an eclectic mixture of French and Regency furniture. From the terrace, across the Seine, was a view of Notre-Dame.

Kelly was looking forward to the coming weekend. Mark was going to take her out for one of his surprise treats.

I want you to get all dressed up, honey. You ‘re going to love where we’re going.

Kelly smiled to herself. Her husband was the most wonderful man in the world.

Kelly glanced at her wristwatch and sighed. I had better get moving, she thought. The show starts in half an hour. A few moments later, she left the apartment, heading down the hallway toward the elevator. As she did so, the door of a neighboring apartment opened and Madame Josette Lapointe came out into the corridor.

A small butterball of a woman, she always had a friendly word for Kelly.

"Good afternoon, Madame Harris." Kelly smiled. "Good afternoon, Madame Lapointe." "You’re looking beautiful, as always." "Thank you." Kelly pressed the button for the elevator.
