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Ascension (Guardians of Ascension #1)(120)
Author: Caris Roane

He peeled back the triangle of lace to reveal her beautiful light curls. His c**k twitched. His wing-locks surged. He stroked her gently with the back of his finger. She groaned. Lavender rose to him in heady waves now until his brain was drunk with the scent.

He had to taste her. He slid his tongue down her cleft, dipped low, and dragged over the entrance to her core.

She cried out. “Oh, God, Kerrick.” He knew what she wanted.

“Patience,” he murmured, his voice hoarse.

“Please.” She was begging for contact, hard contact.

I just have to have one more taste, he sent, laying his thoughts over her mind. He licked deep this time. Your honey is like heaven.

Kerrick. Please.

Her breathing came in long gulps now, her fingers still working through his hair.

He drew himself upright and made eye contact, his knees between her spread legs. Her lips were parted, her breaths quick, full of gasps and uneven. She watched him, her gaze skating over his face, his shoulders, his chest, then falling to his groin.

He took his heavy c**k in his hand. She licked her lips. He stroked himself. “Is this what you want?”

She nodded. “God, yes.”

He stroked again. “You want me to give it to you?”

Her eyelashes fluttered. “Please. Now. Hard.”

He stretched out and poised the head of his c**k at her wet swollen entrance. When she moaned and her hips rocked, he plunged into her. She cried out, clutching at his shoulders, his back, his waist. He leaned over her, his forearms resting on the bed.

He moved inside her, his c**k at hair-trigger. He pulled back, thrust forward. Once more he concentrated on his breathing. He set up a rhythm.

She looked into his eyes, her hands having found purchase on his shoulders. Tears streamed down the sides of her face and into her hair. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too,” he whispered. “Oh, God. You’re so tight.” She arched her neck, which caused her hips to rock, which in turned stroked him and dammit, he almost came. He hissed and took more deep breaths.

She turned her neck to the side. “Take my vein,” she cried, releasing his shoulders.

He didn’t hesitate. He crashed down on her neck and bit her hard, sinking his fangs deep. She cried out.

Now take my wrist, he sent.

“Yes,” she moaned, her hips meeting his with each thrust of his cock.

His arm felt weighted, heavy, hard to move as he positioned his forearm over her mouth. She grabbed hold with one hand, brought him against her mouth then bit. The feel of her fangs making a virgin strike made his c**k jerk all over again and his wing-locks vibrate. Dammit. He was being pulled apart at a thousand different points of his body.

But he would hold himself back. More deep breathing as he drew on her vein, pulling hard. He surged in her now as she suckled his wrist.

Your blood, Kerrick, like an exotic wine.

He groaned, surged, pulled back, breathed, then thrust.

Her blood, flavored of lavender, slid down his throat and power burgeoned in his body. He was a machine over her now, his c**k working her deep, his throat swallowing her blood, the muscles all across his shoulders, arms, and back engorged, his wing-locks on fire. So much f**king power.

Alison, I’m going to enter your mind and afterward you’ll possess mine. Just be prepared … this will complete the breh-hedden.

He heard her breathe through her nose in one long breath as she continued to pull at his wrist.

Do it! her mind called to him.

As he pumped into her, as he took her blood, he pressed his mind against hers and felt her give way. He tumbled inside her, invading her thoughts, seeing instantly just how close to orgasm she was. A tornado of sensation moved around him, whipping his body into a frenzy.

* * *

Alison felt the orgasm sitting at the knife-edge of her consciousness. The big body pounding into her, drinking from her vein, penetrating her mind, whose blood flowed down her throat, now possessed her in every possible way.

She wept for release yet held it at bay, holding back, restraining, wanting the moment to last. She panted over his wrist, her mouth still suckling as though she had always known how to take blood in this way. She longed for the moment she could take Kerrick at his neck, and the thought sent new blistering sensations straight up her core.

She felt the seizing begin, deep inside, around his thick hard presence. She could no longer restrain what had to be released.

You’re going to come, he whispered within her mind. I can feel it.

Deep guttural groans poured from her throat even as she continued to take his blood. She tried to warn him, but the orgasm swamped her, filling her with pleasure that spread like fire from her tender cleft up through her core to rise like a powerful geyser through her body. She screamed against his wrist, but kept drawing his blood into her mouth. At the same time, power rolled from her and struck Kerrick, who groaned heavily in return.

Oh, God, Alison. I’m so close. His hips thrust harder and deeper as she held him with tightened muscles. He kept taking her blood at her neck, groaning, then grunting. A jumble of words moved through her mind, beautiful, f**k, hard, like-a-fist, touch me, oh, God … Alison.


Move into my mind. Now. This is it.

She obeyed the command, still panting over his wrist, his blood like small explosions in her throat. But as he retreated from her mind and she moved into his, as she saw the height of his pleasure, as she saw his love for her, a second orgasm barreled down on her, streaking like lightning over all her sensitive flesh. She screamed. Her power rolled from her and once more beat at him.

Then everything changed, shifted. The sudden oneness she experienced with Kerrick in the middle of this profound moment stunned her. She felt all her pleasure. She felt his. She felt him taking in her pleasure at the exact same moment.

As one, each released the vein, the retreat of the fangs sealing the wounds. His gaze locked with hers as pleasure flooded his body, her body, his, hers. Theirs.

Holy shit, he murmured inside her head.

No kidding.

He kept thrusting, hard and fast. She couldn’t look away. She orgasmed, power released, and his mouth opened. I felt your pleasure, he said.

I know. I can feel what you feel. Unbelievable.

She felt the tensing of his back.

I’m going to come, he sent.

She could feel the intense rush of fluid through his cock, the tremendous pleasure of his orgasm as he pumped into her and filled her. His orgasm continued on igniting hers. Fireworks lit inside her brain. She laughed. She cried.

He laughed with her, his body still surging. Oh, shit.
