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Ascension (Guardians of Ascension #1)(54)
Author: Caris Roane

He growled heavily. As he rose up, he slid his hand the rest of the way down her pants and cupped her. He pivoted his shoulders and overlaid his fangs above her vein. You must give me permission.

Alison had a thousand reasons to say no. She didn’t even know this man—vampire—whatever. He admitted he was caught in something even he didn’t think was such a good idea, bonding of some kind. And hey, it was her blood, her blood she’d be giving up. Truth? She ached with need from her head to her toes. She was in a process of ascension, which still confused her and freaked her out and he was asking for blood and oh, damn, she was so going to give it up for him.

Take me now, her mind whispered.

He emitted the most erotic sound, something between a gasp and a growl. He sank the razor-sharp tips, a quick sting then just the presence of his fangs. The next moment he sucked long and hard from her vein.

At the same time, his fingers worked her delicate folds. Desire rushed over her in lightning flashes. She gasped and moaned. It would take so little. The pulls on her neck were connected to the well of her body and each time his mouth suckled, she clenched internally, over and over. The lightning strikes continued, pulsing down her sensitive flesh, streaking into her core. The clenching became exquisitely unbearable. She should warn him how close she was, that she might … oh, God … she came so suddenly she cried out. Pleasure climaxed like nothing ever before. At the same time, power rolled from her, a burst of energy that struck him before she could give the warning. She felt his body react as if he’d taken a hit, although the only sound he made as he continued pulling at her neck was a deep satisfied groan.

Are you okay? she sent.

More than okay. That was amazing. Do it again.

I didn’t hurt you?

Not even a little bit, he sent, his fangs still deep, the pulls on her neck gentler now as he conversed telepathically. The blast felt like an erotic punch to my chest. More. I want more.

You don’t know how relieved I am. Her eyes burned suddenly and unexpected tears slid down the sides of her face.

She hadn’t hurt him and he wanted more of what she could give.

Relief merged with pleasure, heightening every sensation. More growls rumbled in his throat. He pushed his large hand deeper, taking her jeans to their limit as he pressed two fingers inside.

She whimpered as he rhythmically worked her core and at the same time took from her vein.

I have so much more to give you, Alison. I want you to have everything, my mouth sucking your beautiful br**sts, my c**k inside you pumping hard, working your body, driving your passion. I want to feast on your sex, taste your honey.

His words forged a new fire. His driving fingers stoked the flames. Her cries rose to the ceiling. That’s it, his voice murmured inside her head. She was breathing hard. Her core clenched around his driving fingers. Lightning slid over her flesh again and she screamed yet another orgasm. And another. Each time her power pummeled him, but he merely growled as though deeply satisfied.

Tears once more trailed from her eyes as her body quieted.

After a few minutes, he withdrew his fangs. He remained settled against her neck, his lips kissing in tender swipes, his fingers still possessing her core.

Will my neck bleed? she sent.

Not at all. When I withdrew, chemicals left the tips of each fang and gave you a quick seal-and-heal.

She took deep breaths, settling into the reality of what had just happened as well as how happy she was. She could get used to this, to being with him.

Even so, her heart tensed. After all, what did she really know of him? She had an overwhelming desire to stay with him forever, but how sensible or even possible or likely would that be? By his own admission, he said he could never really be with her, not in any permanent sense.

Oh, God, what did she risk by drawing this close, by allowing her blood into his body, by giving herself to him?

She was in so much trouble.

Her hands were still buried in his thick hair, a couple of her fingers knotted up completely. She started untangling them. When she was free, Kerrick slowly withdrew his fingers from the well of her body then looked at her. She dropped her gaze to his lips. “You have blood on your mouth and you look really pumped, stronger.”

He nodded. He appeared sated as he carefully wiped his mouth with the fingers that had been inside her. Green eyes bored into hers as he sucked his fingers clean of every last bit of her. Lavender, he sent.

Her entire body became a pool that just kept sinking deeper and deeper into the couch. She didn’t want to get up … ever. She wanted to stay here and watch this man, this vampire, lick his fingers, his green eyes dark with passion and need, his strength enhanced by her blood.

He leaned over her and planted a hand between the sofa back and her side. His dark hair fell forward onto her face, her neck, her chest. Even his hair smelled of exotic cardamom. His fangs lengthened. Arousal, maybe? Probably.

A new wave of heat rolled from his body and blasted her. She lifted a finger and touched his left fang. So smooth. Her finger strayed to his lower lip and as he had done while unconscious he drew her finger into his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned. She had the most profound sensation that she could never tire of this man, this vampire, not in a hundred million years.

He released her finger, leaned down and kissed her, the weight of his fangs pressed against her lips, his tongue dipping inside. She suckled and he groaned. She was so into this. If this was ascension, give her more, a lot more.

He started pushing down her pants around her hips. He had just managed to free one cheek when a really bad sensation stole up her spine like a spider with claws. She planted a hand on his thick shoulder. “Kerrick,” she called sharply. “Something’s not right.”

“No,” he said, his voice husky. “This is right. This is very right.”

She sat up and pushed at him. “I’m serious, Kerrick. Something’s wrong. I can feel it. I sense it. We’re in trouble.”

He drew back and scowled. “What kind of trouble?”

“I think death vampires are on the way.” She shook her head. “A lot of death vampires.”

Kerrick shook his head. “Shit.” He started to pace.

Alison leaped from the couch, pulled up her jeans, zipped, then buttoned. She glanced out the family room slider, which faced east. The mountains opposite were trimmed in a faint light. Dawn would not be far behind.

He looked at her. “So you’re sure about this.” He crossed to the other couch, grabbed his weapons harness then slid it on. In a blur of motion he drew his hair back and secured it in the leather clasp.
