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Ascension (Guardians of Ascension #1)(77)
Author: Caris Roane

She seemed to understand because as he angled over her chest, she tightened her legs around his bu**ocks and kept his hips seated against her. He thrust slowly as he licked her breast then set the sharp tips of his fangs over the swell of her skin.

He overlaid her mind. May I taste you?

So polite for a vampire.

He cupped her breast and felt it swell in his hand. She groaned and whimpered.

May I? he asked again, avoiding puncture. He ground his hips into her.

“Please,” she whispered aloud, her voice hoarse.

He lowered his mouth to her nipple and ran his tongue in a circle several times until her hips bucked beneath him. He slowed his thrusting, holding back, spinning the moment out as long as he could.

He positioned his fangs just above the pink areola. In a swift jab he sank the razor-sharp tips deep, exuding a chemical to keep the blood from flowing. With her blood held at bay, he slowly started releasing a potion designed to heighten sensation.

* * *

Alison cried out. Pain and pleasure merged in a driving duet of incredible sensation. She looked up into the twig ceiling and slid her fingers once more into his hair. She panted and gasped, unable to believe that this wonderful thing had happened. Her warrior-vampire was inside her, at last. And she wasn’t hurting him. Not at all. At least not yet. Never, she hoped. Oh, God, please never.

Her breast tingled where his fangs had penetrated her skin. His tongue lapped low, stroking the tight bud. Her internal muscles clenched rhythmically around his driving cock. Her hips shoved back into him while her legs locked him in place.

She gasped and clutched at the nape of his neck, encouraging him.

A strange sensation began spreading at the place of puncture. She felt a hot sting, then a steady rise of pleasure, which diffused like lightning through her breast as though he touched her from within and without in quick pulses. Her nipple drew up further into a taut hard bead. She moaned loudly. Her back arched.

Oh, God, Kerrick, what have you done to me?

This is only the beginning.

I may pass out.

He chuckled against her skin as he laved the aching nipple, his fangs still deep within her, his hips a slow steady rhythm.

Do you want me to suckle you?

Hard. Now. Please.

He removed his fangs and drew his hand firmly around her breast, forcing the nipple to rise up into his mouth. He took a generous portion and pulled with a deep sucking motion. At the same moment, he slid an arm under her waist and drove into her hard.

Alison knew the moment had come. She wanted to warn him but couldn’t. She was locked inside the orgasm as it carried her on a heavy wave. At the same time, she felt power gathering deep inside. He left her breast and rose up over her, pumping hard now as if he understood her need. She moaned, trying to form the words to warn him but failing. As the intense ecstasy caught her, the power released and the climax took her in a sharp beautiful agonizing grip of pleasure that went on and on. She heard Kerrick grunt then chuckle then groan loudly.

He leaned down to her. “Oh, my God,” he whispered against her ear as he continued stroking her, wringing the last bit of sensation. “That was incredible. My God.”

“You’re not hurt?” she asked, still breathing hard. She planted a hand on his chest. She had to know.

“I’m beyond aroused. I didn’t know it would feel like that when I was inside you. Alison, do it again.”

Relief flooded her. Tears poured from her eyes. She was so happy. And still he was hard as a rock and continued to pump into her. If he kept going, she’d come again.

Now, however, she became aware of a different sensation, a kind of pleasurable burning. Her breast, where he had driven his fangs, now felt on fire in the best way. You put something in my breast.

He smiled down at her. “A potion. One of the best gifts of ascended life.”

She rolled her head back and forth as another orgasm began to build. The potion wasn’t remaining at her breast, either, but had spread and now seeped low into her abdomen.

She moaned and rocked her hips into him.

That’s it, Alison. Did I tell you I love it when you’re in my head? So damn sexy.

She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. He thrust heavily into her once more.

The vampire had staying power.

Desire bolted through her all over again as the potion continued to descend. She didn’t know how much more she could take.

She whimpered as she slid her hands down to caress his bu**ocks. He was so thick-muscled, so physically powerful, a man, a vampire, a warrior. Her hands moved over him, riding the dips and swells of his beautifully contoured flesh. He was flat-out gorgeous in every possible way, not less so in the honed muscles of his warrior’s body.

She worked her hands up to his waist then over the ripples of his back. She fingered the ridges from which his wings would emerge.

His hips jerked and he moaned. “Better stop that now,” he whispered, his body twisting. “Wing-locks are very sensitive.”

Her fingers couldn’t stop. She loved the way his body moved when she touched him there.

“No, really,” he gasped, rising up to look at her. “Stop or I’ll come and I don’t want to. Not yet. I want to feel you come again. I want to watch you come.”

She slid her hands down to his waist.

More, she whispered in his head.

He rose up over her and growled. His fangs emerged, his green eyes dark, fierce, as he met her gaze. She reached up and stroked his fangs, avoiding the tips. He moaned then rolled his hips into her. She arched and whimpered. She touched his lips, his chin, and stroked his neck with her hand. He was beautiful everywhere. Her chest hurt looking at him.

“I feel your potion inside me still, very deep. Oh, God. It’s almost all the way down.” Once more, unexpected tears tracked down her face and into her hair.

He caught her lips with his, his fangs heavy on her mouth. His tongue pierced her.

He drove hard now, his hips flexing, his c**k driving. When the potion finally penetrated her core, the sensation was like nothing she had ever experienced before, a fire burning in the well of her body. She panted in heavy gasps, weeping, writhing beneath him.

“Oh, God! Kerrick!” The next climax hit her like a hard punch. She screamed at the breadth of the sensation as the orgasm rolled through her, pleasure spiking, flowing, flooding her. At the same time, power gathered, then, in an enormous wave, released.

Once more he grunted hard, taking what she could give. “Oh, shit,” he whispered. “That was—” He groaned and growled over her now, more beast than man, more erotic, wild, hot as he pumped into her hard, faster and faster. “I’m going to come.”
