Read Books Novel

At Grave's End

Rodney, instead of being insulted, just laughed. "You’re welcome, Justina."

I dragged my attention away from the unbelievable sight of my mother eating food a ghoul had prepared. "If you’re going to the new compound later, Don, I’m going with you."

Bones had been pacing on the porch while talking on his cell. At that, his booted stride stopped.

Don cast a pointed glance out the window before meeting my gaze. "Are you sure that’s wise?"

"Unless you fire me, I am going there today to check on my team," I interrupted him. "That’s where I’m needed." Since I clearly wasn’t wanted with Bones later.

I ignored the muttered curse outside. Don spread out his hands. "Of course I’m not going to fire you. I’m sure the men will be glad to see you."

"Zero, Tick Tock, Rattler, you will be accompanying her," Bones said. He didn’t bother to come inside or raise his voice. With their hearing, it wasn’t necessary.

"How did you move Tate to the new location, anyway?" I asked without comment on my assigned guard. Transporting a blood-crazed new vampire must have been tricky.

Don coughed. "The only way we could. In the capsule."

My jaw dropped. "He could have been killed."

Don’s expression clouded. "It was Tate’s idea. He knew how dangerous he was to the team any other way. He arrived safe and is now confined with Annette and Dave again. She’s said Tate’s already making strides in controlling his hunger."

It was less than a day since Tate had been turned.


Bones came back inside. I didn’t look up, but concentrated on my food. When I was done, I rinsed my plate, put it in the dishwasher, and started back toward my room.

"Just a moment, Kitten," Bones said. I paused, half up the stairs. He held out something that flashed in the light. "Did you want this back?"

I glanced down at my left hand and felt a sting of shame. I’d forgotten about my ring. Good God, I had to get my head out of my ass. First not thinking of Denise and Randy’s safety, then not even remembering Max had stolen my engagement ring. That whole tortured-and-almost-killed thing wouldn’t cover every screwup I was making. No wonder Bones was treating me like a stupid little girl-I was acting like one.

"Thank you," I said, looking him in the eye. "I do want it back, of course."

No matter how upset I was over him leaving me behind tonight, my anger wasn’t going to be permanent. I’d fight Bones to see the error of his ways over treating me like a damsel in distress, but I wasn’t giving up on us. Not now, not ever.

Bones almost smiled. "I’m glad to hear it."

He came up the stairs. I stretched out my hand, but instead of handing me the ring, Bones slid it on my finger. The cool touch of his skin on mine, that familiar tingle of his power…all of it made me want to do nothing more than fling myself in his arms and forget about the world around us.

But there was so much more going on than just the two of us, and how we felt. Who would have ever guessed that my falling in love with a vampire was turning out to be the easiest part of our relationship? I remembered when I thought him being undead was the biggest obstacle to our having a life together. Now I knew the stakes were much higher.

"I’m leaving now, Kitten. Don will give me the location where you’ll be. I’ll pick you up afterward."

I let my hand slide from his. "What time?"

"Before dawn, but not by much."

It wasn’t even eight. Bones had along party planned for Max. "Uh huh," was all I said.

He inhaled with a slow breath. Maybe he was gauging my emotions by my scent. "I love you," he said at last, and then left without waiting to see if I said it back.

He was already down the stairs by the time I murmured my reply.

"I love you, too."

I gave the interior of the new building a once-over. "Cozy. For a bomb shelter."

"It will be much more difficult for anyone to monitor," Don pointed out. "The exterior looks like a private airport, and the underground levels are extensive. We’ll add upgrades each day until it’s completed."

"Oh, I like it."

Rattler, Zero, and Tick Tock looked around with curiosity as well. Don hadn’t been wild about three strange vampires accompanying me, but he must have known better than to argue with Bones. Rodney, Cooper, and my mother had gone with Bones on his grisly field trip. Juan didn’t, so he was perusing the facility as well.

"Where’s the team?" I asked.

"On the fourth sub-level. They’re busy moving the pieces of the obstacle course into the new training room."

I swallowed. It would be a huge undertaking to get everything up to speed, and it was all my fault. I was the one with the homicidal father who’d found out where our last facility was, after all.

"I’m going down there. You coming?"

Don shook his head. "No. I’m going to check on some of the online transfers, make sure everything’s being routed correctly."

I left him to go to the elevators, following the signs. Juan and my three undead watchers trailed me.

I did a couple hours of lifting and moving with the guys to try and get things into somewhat of an order. This was where having those three undead bodyguards came in handy, since they could hoist cars on their shoulders if they wanted to. We made the most of them with the really heavy items, but they didn’t complain, although I was sure this wasn’t they had in mind when they were told to watch my back. I was just about to get the rappelling platform in place when Don walked in. He waved me over, an odd expression on his face.

"What’s wrong?" I asked at once, checking my cell to make sure I hadn’t missed any calls.

"Nothing. Come to my office for a minute. There’s…something you should see."

"Why does everyone think being cryptic is cool?" I wondered. Don didn’t answer. He just headed back up and left me to follow. My watchdogs quit what they were doing and followed as well. If only my team were so obedient.

I was still grumbling as we got to Don’s office. His door was closed, and I yanked it open-and then stopped in my tracks.

Tate stood on the other side of it. Indigo eyes ringed with green gazed at me with suppressed heartbreak. I glanced at my watch. It was just a few minutes after midnight, only a day since he’d been changed.

"He’s mastered his hunger enough to be let out for a short while," Annette said. She was standing a little off to the side behind him. "Remarkable, really."

Pink tears slid out of Tate’s eyes as he stared at me.

"I’ll never forgive myself, Cat. I’m the one who suggested using Belinda as bait on jobs, and it almost got you killed. I’m so f**king sorry."
