Read Books Novel

At Grave's End

That thin-lipped grin widened. "I’m getting to it."

Chapter Sixteen

SANTA LOOKS LIKE HE’S BEEN HITTING MORE than the eggnog, I thought as I strolled by the mix of people waiting in line to get a picture with ol’ Saint Nick. Right now, a nip or two of the hard stuff sounded good to me, too.

Tate tightened his arm around me. It still felt wrong not to pull away, but I didn’t. I leaned into him and smiled instead. Weren’t we the perfect picture of a happy couple?

"You’re so beautiful," Tate whispered, nuzzling my cheek. His mouth slid until it covered my own.

With my job, it was standard operating procedure to kiss undead targets. Hey, when playing a horny chick trying to get a guy alone, that was expected. But Tate wasn’t a target, or a stranger, or someone who’d end up dead by the end of the night.

Unless, of course, Bones lost his temper and killed him before this charade was over.

Tate’s mouth was cool over mine, but getting warmer by the contact with my heated flesh. He wasn’t a bad kisser, either, I couldn’t help but notice, even though he’d kept things respectable by not slipping me any tongue. I tried not to dwell on the fact that I was kissing my friend. Tried to treat this like any other job, but I was failing.

I pulled away, a little too abruptly than my act as his date would have warranted.

"Um…I want some cotton candy," I blurted.

Tate lowered his head to whisper one word near my ear.


He was right. If this was just another job, I wouldn’t have thought twice about faking a little passion, French-kissing the fangs off him, or even grabbing his ass to make things appear more authentic. But this wasTate, so the objectivity I normally had was gone. Aside from my own lack of personal detachment, at any minute, I kept expecting Bones to leap out of a corner and rip Tate’s head off.

Yeah, Vlad had a point. No one wouldever think Bones would tolerate me wandering around a carnival making out with the man he hated.

Above us, kids screamed in delight as the Mad Hatter ride whirled them even faster. The Tilt-A-Whirl off to our left had similar squeals coming from it. Add that to the other rides, the countless conversations from people, Christmas songs blaring, metal grinding of the machines, and it made for a continuous chaos of sound around us.

Somewhere in the midst of this carnival, according to Vlad, was Anthony, one of Patra’s henchmen. Anthony had a thing for Christmas carnivals. Enough not to have the good sense to stay away from them during a war. Then again, everyone thought it was someone else who’d get nabbed, sold out, followed, or killed. I was guilty of that myself. I hadn’t imagined Max would be waiting for me at my mother’s. So who was I to throw stones at Anthony for assuming no one would know what carnival he chose to visit tonight?

Hell, maybe Anthony wouldn’t show up, and this was just Vlad’s idea of a funny trick to play on Bones. To say Bones hadn’t liked the idea of me playing Tate’s girlfriend was to put it mildly. Bones had muttered a string of curses that raised even my brows, then said something along the lines of "Looks like Christmas came early for you, wanker" to Tate when he finally agreed it was the perfect ruse.

Of course, Vlad’s intentions tonight could be more sinister, too. Mencheres didn’t seem to think that Vlad would set us up. Bones must not have, either, or I wouldn’t be here, but there was something to be said about trusting a vampire who openly didn’t like Bones.

"Keep your eye on the prize," I muttered to Tate, avoiding his gaze.

A snort came from him. "I am."

That made me pull up short on my way to the cotton candy vendor. Tate and I were never alone anymore, so aside from our main goal, this was also the perfect time to set some things straight.

"Look, Tate, you have got to get over this…thingyou have for me. It’s affecting our friendship, our work, and you take your life in your hands every time you bring it up in front of Bones."

Tate came closer, lowering his voice, not that it mattered with all this background noise. Another vampire would have to be within spitting distance to focus in on our conversation.

"Do you know why I won’t shut up about how I feel about you? Because I didn’t say anything for years. We were friends, but I kept hoping with time, more would develop between us. I’m not making that mistake again, hesitating when I should have moved forward. I don’t care if it pisses Crypt Keeper off or makes you uncomfortable, I’m done pretending that I only want to be your friend."

Tate leaned down, and I had to either let him press next to me, or cause a scene and wrest away.

"Don’t tell me the thought’s never crossed your mind, either," he said very softly. "I remember that night we kissed, before Bones showed back up in your life. You weren’t treating me like just a friend then."

Figures he’d bring that up, I thought, frustration and annoyance competing within me. One evening of way too many drinks and loneliness had led to a kiss that should have never happened.

"You’re an attractive man, and I’m not dead. Yeah, the thought crossed my mind once or twice. But that was before Bones came back. I can honestly say it hasn’t happened since."

"Sometimes I hate Don," Tate spat.

I was baffled. "What does my uncle have to do with any of this?"

"Don knew what you were from the moment you were born, and I’d known him for three years before I met you.Three years, Cat. That f**king torments me. All Don would’ve had to do was look you up six months sooner than he did. Then you wouldn’t have met Bones first, you would have met me. We like each other, you’re attracted to me, and as a fellow vampire hunter, I would have been your perfect man. You would have fallen in love with me instead of ever loving Bones."

I was amazed by how much thought he’d put into this-and the worst part was, if Ihad met Tate before Bones, there was a good chance I might have ended up dating him. I couldn’t say I’d have fallen in love with him, but there was nothing about Tate that made him unappealing as boyfriend material.

"Or I could have been killed on my first mission, that’s a more likely scenario, because then Bones wouldn’t have trained me first. And even if it all went like you described, it still wouldn’t have worked out between us."

"Why?" Tate asked harshly.

"Bones would have been hired to kill me. He was offered the hit during the years I ran from him and the undead world didn’t know of our connection. So either Bones would have killed me, or he would have been intrigued by my being a half-breed and captured me, like he did when we first met. Either way, you and I still wouldn’t have made it. Sometimes two people just aren’t meant to be together."
