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At Grave's End

"I will kill you swiftly out of respect for my sire," he answered with an Irish accent.

I gave a sharp bark of amusement. Combined with his short height and round cheeks, Thomas reminded me of the leprechaun from the cereal I ate as a kid.They’re after me Lucky Charms! I wanted to chant at him. Too bad he wasn’t wearing green, that would have made it perfect.

"If you had any respect for Bones, you wouldn’t be challenging for your freedom in the middle of a war," I hissed instead. "As he would say,Very bad form."

"It was his misfortune to be enthralled by a witch such as you," he said as he selected a knife from the display of hastily arranged weapons. I didn’t bother to pick-I was wearing several on my belt. "You incited him to war based on an assault that never really happened!"

There was an eruption of curses from several of the vampires on the stage. Cold fury enveloped me. Trying to go for the low blows, was he? All right, then.

I let out a cry and hunched as if struck. Thomas sprinted forward in a flash of speed. When he was on me, his knife millimeters from a killing blow, I twisted to the side and jammed his own blade deep in his stomach. Soon more sharp silver found a home through his heart. It all happened in less than a second.

"You dumb f**k, guess you weren’t paying attention when Bones told you not to fall for a bluff."

With my knife in his heart, Thomas froze like he’d been turned to ice. I leaned closer to almost whisper in his ear.

"Tell Bones hello for me," I said, then twisted the blade in his heart. "And when he gets ahold of you, you’llreally be sorry."

I gave Thomas’s slowly shriveling body a kick that sent him down into the seat where the orchestra would normally sit. Then I tucked my knife back into my belt, not even bothering to wipe the blood off.

There was commotion in the back. The sound of doors banging open. I glanced up just as Mencheres came forward and gripped my hand.

"Cat, I am very sorry, but I had no idea she would do this," he grated. "You cannot attack her at a formal gathering, it’s against our laws. To do so would condemn us all."

Those words chased away my momentary confusion over who the five vampires were who entered the theater.Late arrivals, had been my first thought. Then that f**king laugh told me otherwise even as Mencheres was still speaking. I knew that laugh. It branded me.

"Mencheres, my husband, aren’t you going to greet me?"

My fingers whitened on his, squeezing so hard, Mencheres’s bones fractured as fast as they could heal. Patra had spoken to him, but her eyes were all for me as she descended the aisle with serpentine grace.

Patra didn’t have the famous blunt Egyptian haircut so often shown in movies about her mother. No, she had threads of gold highlights in her long black hair. Her brows weren’t as thick as Hollywood suggested, either. Actually, they were slender. So was she. In fact, she was more athletic than voluptuous. Her skin was pale, but darker than mine. Almost honey-colored. Her nose was slightly longer than fashion favored, but there was no question about it, Patra was beautiful.


I spat the question to Mencheres while not taking my eyes from her. Everything in me was wound to the breaking point.Kill, was all my mind was capable of thinking.

"It’s our laws. As my wife, she can be present at any formal gathering, but she cannot attack us. Neither may we injure her, however. She seeks to provoke you to violence, but don’t give her such an easy victory."

Oh, she’d provoked me to violence, all right. I wanted to rip her apart and wear her blood for clothing. My eyes flared, green rays of loathing shining on her.

"Hello, bitch."

She laughed again in an insinuating, purring way. "So you’re the half-breed. Tell me." A gleam appeared in her eyes. "Have you slept well recently?"

Some part of me was amazed I hadn’t combusted in rage. The other half heard me laugh in a bright, chipper tone that was so at odds with how I felt.

"That’s the best you can do? Oh, Patra. How boring."

Whatever she’d been expecting, it wasn’t that. Hell, I was surprised at myself.

Patra didn’t like being laughed at. Her incensed expression was evidence of that.

"I’m not as stupid as you’re hoping," I went on. "Now, either shut up or leave, because you’re interrupting things. There’s got to be a law about that as well."

"I’ll go." Her smile was contemptuous. "I’ve seen what I wanted. You’re nothing, and soon you’ll be less than that. But before I leave, I thought you should know why you’re in this war in the first place. I’m betting my husband hasn’t told you, has he?"

"Told me what?"

She laughed again, and I found myself thinking I hated her laugh more than any sound I’d heard before it.

"Haven’t you asked yourself why I turned against Mencheres in the first place? If I hadn’t, then there would be no war, and no reason to kill you or Bones."

If she was waiting for me to encourage her to go on, all she got was silence. Patra sighed.

"Very well, I’ll explain. When Mencheres offered to make me a vampire, I told him I wouldn’t cross over unless he changed my lover Intef as well. But after I woke up from my death, Mencheres told me Intef had been killed before his people could reach him."

She paused to give Mencheres a look filled with loathing.

"Then one day Anubus, a former friend of Mencheres, broke his silence. Intef wasn’t killed by the Romans. Mencheres did it. You see, little half-breed, you’re in this war because I’m finally getting revenge on my lover’s murderer, so who’sreally to blame for Bones’s death?"

I glanced at Mencheres, who closed his eyes briefly before meeting my stare. I saw it then. That what Patra had said was true, every word of it. For a moment, I was overwhelmed with the urge to stab both of them for their ruthlessness in getting what they wanted.

Then I turned back to Patra. "I get your motivation. But you should have just gone after Mencheres. Instead, you chose to kidnap people’s family members to force them to suicide bomb themselves. You chose to murder Bones, and for that, I’m going to kill you. You of all people should understand why."

Patra smiled. "Because I understand your pain, I’m going to free you of it." She raised her voice. "I offer amnesty to anyone who leaves her and joins me! Furthermore, to the man or woman who slays her, I offer a reward beyond your ability to fathom. You have the word of a god."

I gave her a stare that was harder than the diamond on my hand. "You arrogant bitch, I’ll see you dead, and that’s the word of a half-breed."

Patra gave me a last disparaging glance and turned her back. Her four escorts flanked her as she ascended the aisle in the same sweeping manner she’d arrived.
