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Avoiding Responsibility

Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding #2)(71)
Author: K.A. Linde

She had been in such a state of bliss when she had woken up that it hadn’t even crossed her mind that the wedding was today. Ramsey had made her completely forget about Jack. She hadn’t thought that it was even possible. When they had been together, there had been times when Jack wasn’t considered. She knew that he wasn’t important to their relationship, but he had always still been there. After all, Jack was marrying his sister. Jack would be Ramsey’s brother-in-law. That thought was hard to get rid of after knowing Jack for so long.

Yet here she was the day of his wedding…the day that she had been dreading for a consistent year, and she hadn’t even thought about it. She had slept better than she had in months. She had actually slept in. When she had woken up, she felt content and satisfied. She was pleased just to find Ramsey next to her. Not even one measly thought had passed through her head about Jack since her and Ramsey had worked things out.

Lexi smiled letting the tension release from her shoulders. This was a good feeling. She could make it through the day feeling like this. The thought alone that someone could make her happy enough to forget Jack’s wedding day was good enough for her.

The only thing she needed to do now was to tell Ramsey the one secret she was carrying around. It was only fair after everything he had told her. Lexi took a deep breath and released it slowly. She could handle this.

As she hopped out of the bed, Ramsey walked back into the room. "What are you doing out of bed? I brought you your coffee," he said holding up a steaming olive green mug.

"Oh thanks. I was just going to check on you," she told him.

"Well food will be done soon. I just knew you would want this first," he said handing the coffee over. She smiled and took a sip. This really was heaven. "Now that you’re up, how about we eat in the kitchen?"

"Alright," Lexi said tugging on a pair of Ramsey’s boxers and a spare black t-shirt that fell to her knees.

"Sexy," he said kissing her on the mouth.

Lexi followed him downstairs determined to bring up what had happened in New York. She knew he wouldn’t be happy, but it wouldn’t be fair for her to hold it in. She plopped down into a chair at the dining room table and crossed her legs Indian style. "Hey Ramsey, can we talk?" She hated how cliché she sounded, but she didn’t know how else to bring it up.

"Oh God, I left you alone for ten minutes and you want to break up again," he said with a crooked smile. She could see that he was nervous at the statement, since every time they had spoken recently had ended up in a major argument or a breakup. She couldn’t blame him. Especially because what she was about to tell him wasn’t great news either.

"No no, nothing like that," she quickly amended. She had no intention of breaking up with him. That was the last thing on her mind. She had been so happy this morning that all she had wanted to do was forget the past month, and move on with their lives. She liked how well they worked together, and couldn’t imagine giving that up so easily. As long as all of his secrets were out in the open, they could work it out…well after she got this last one out of the way. "I like how things are now so…open…honest."

Ramsey nodded. Lexi wasn’t sure if he was just agreeing with whatever she was saying or not. He seemed sincere, and the sex last night had been unbelievable. It really must have taken a weight off of his shoulders to have her know the whole story. "Me too. I shouldn’t have hid so much from you. I just didn’t know how to tell you everything."

"I understand that," she said thinking of the secret she was about to reveal. There wasn’t exactly an easy way to say that she had slept with someone else. Either way he wasn’t going to be pleased. She was hoping that the fact that they were back together would deter the majority of the backlash.

"It must have been the same way with Jack," he said hesitantly meeting her eyes.

"Yeah…I suppose," she said after thinking it over. She still hadn’t been thinking of Jack. This was a very strange day for her indeed. A second time where she was so lost in Ramsey that she didn’t even think of Jack. She couldn’t remember that last time this had happened. She was even telling him something that correlated on some level to what had happened with Jack, and he hadn’t even crossed her mind.

"So what is it we have to talk about?" he asked more at ease now that he knew that she didn’t want to end things all over again. Lexi met his gaze and admired the man standing before her. She hated what she was about to do. She hated to wipe that beautiful smile off of his face…to make him doubt her. She had to do it though. If she didn’t do it now, then it could hurt them so much more later. Lexi opened her mouth to tell him.

A knock at the door startled both of them out of the conversation they were about to have. Lexi cursed in her head. She hated whoever was at that door for their terrible timing. She couldn’t believe how many times this had happened. Just when she was about to reveal everything to him, she had finally gotten up the courage and picked the time to tell him, someone else interfered. She wished he wouldn’t answer the door, but she knew that was out of the question.

Ramsey shrugged. "This can wait?" he asked as he went to answer the door. Lexi groaned hating that she had to wait, but agreed that nothing could be done.

"Hey bitches!" Chyna cried as soon as the door swung open.

Lexi gasped in surprised. Did she say she would hate whoever was on the other side of the door? "Chyna!" she squealed running and hugging her best friend. It felt like an eternity since she had last seen her even though it had only been a week. As her arms circled her tiny frame, Lexi realized just how much she had missed her crazy best friend. "I didn’t know when you were getting here."

"Well I tried to call you last night and this morning. You didn’t answer," she said strolling into the living room. "Judging by your clothes, I’m guessing you were busy," she said looking Lexi’s boxer and t-shirt combo.

Ramsey just smiled at her intrusion. "Yeah we were busy," Ramsey said pulling Chyna into a quick hug and grabbing the bag she was carrying.

"Thanks," she said sauntering into his apartment like she owned the place. She dropped her enormous purse on the dining room table. Lexi wondered if they had let her take the massive bag on as a carry on. "Adam’s just getting the rest of the stuff from the cab."

Adam appeared at the door on a short while later with a large suitcase, obviously Chyna’s, as well as a smaller carry-on which was likely his own. Lexi was almost certain that his carry on was smaller than Chyna’s purse. She could honestly have back problems from lugging that thing around.

"Hey good to see you man," Adam said depositing the bags next to the couch and firmly shaking Ramsey’s hand.

"Likewise," Ramsey said nodding his head at Adam in greeting.

"Lexi," Adam said with a curt nod and a rather pointed look. She smiled then quickly diverted her gaze focusing back on Chyna. She did not want to look at Adam too closely. He clearly wanted to talk, and this was not the time or place for that. She was going to tell Ramsey about everything until they had barged in. Now she figured she should talk to Adam about it before discussing it with Ramsey. She hated hiding it for any longer, but just blurting it out in front of Chyna would be a terrible idea.

"So a wedding, huh?" Chyna asked more bubbly than the last time Lexi had seen her. Apparently Adam was having a positive effect on her again. "When do we start?"

"I was just making breakfast," Ramsey said walking back over to the stove where he had been cooking. "I have to be at the hotel by eleven. Lexi was going to come with me, but ya’ll can stay here if you want."

"Uh, no I think we should go with you," Lexi hastily said. She did not want to be alone with Adam and Chyna when there was still so much left unsaid. Chyna’s reaction was sure to be less than pleasant. Lexi wanted to make it to the wedding alive at least. She had put all this time into preparation for it, she might as well go to the damn thing.

"You sure Alexa?" Chyna asked. "I mean that’s plenty of time for us to relax before this whole ordeal."

Lexi nodded wanting nothing more than to just get this day over with. Then everything would be out in the open, and she could finally move on with her life. "We’ll have plenty of time, and we can both get ready there. Right Ramsey?"

"Yeah. We have plenty of room," he said eyeing Lexi a bit curiously. He didn’t know that she was that ready to get to the hotel. Last he had checked she had still been a bit hesitant about this whole wedding. Not that he blamed her or anything. He had put her in a slightly sticky situation to start out.

Chyna shrugged as if it didn’t matter to her. As long as she had enough time and space to get ready, then she could be easily accommodated. She was here for Lexi, and if she wanted to deal with the bitch early then by all means. Chyna could handle herself either way. "Whatever you want."

"Now C, should I even bother to ask why you packed for a month long vacation when you’re only staying one night?"

"Do you even have to ask that?" Adam asked with a chuckle.

"I don’t pack light. You know that. If it’s essential, then I bring it with me."

"How can you determine what’s essential and what’s not?" Lexi asked looking at the luggage she had brought with her.

"You’ve seen my closet. I was able to narrow down," she said with a shrug.

Lexi laughed realizing that in fact this was a big narrowing of Chyna’s closet. They didn’t have time to dwell on anything further. Lexi and Ramsey quickly ate their breakfast, changed, and stuffed everything they needed for the big day into Ramsey’s Mercedes. All four piled into his car, and he drove them to the St. Regis Hotel in Buckhead. Lexi had never actually been in the establishment, but she knew just by looking at the outside that the place must have cost a fortune to book for a wedding. Ramsey had the gentleman at the door valet his car, and was instructed that their luggage would be moved to the proper suite. How he knew where it was supposed to go without asking was beyond Lexi.

She had helped plan a few weddings and been to a dozen more, but nothing compared to this. Most of the events had been small typically outdoors events for friends and family. Chyna’s father’s wedding early that year had been the exception, but somehow this felt different. Lexi didn’t know if it was Jack or Bekah that made it feel that way.

Lexi tried to keep from letting her jaw drop at the luxurious lobby that she walked into. The glamour of the place didn’t even seem to faze Chyna who barely glanced at her surroundings.

A woman greeted them after they had barely walked a few feet into the room. "Mr. Bridges, welcome to the St. Regis!" she exclaimed pleasantly. Her eyes traveled the length of him briefly before shooting back up to his face. Lexi was sure that wasn’t exactly business professional. "My name is Jenny. May I direct you and your guests to their accommodations?"

"Thank you Jenny. That would be great," Ramsey said lacing his fingers with Lexi’s as he spoke. The woman’s smile waned only slightly before she turned on her heel and began to escort them around the lavish hotel.

"As you well know," Jenny said to Ramsey as she briskly walked through across the lobby, "the wedding will be held outside in our Grand Terrace with the reception in our Astor Ballroom down this hallway. We have a welcome reception set up outside of the ballroom for guests who arrive prior to when we will be seating them in the Terrace. The groom’s rooms are just down this hallway. You will find everything you need and more I’m sure." Jenny stopped and gestured Ramsey down the hallway.
