Read Books Novel


I don’t look back at Danny as I walk out the front door. He can think whatever he wants about me right now, my main concern is Mira and her wellbeing. I need to get to her. She left not too long ago and was almost to Meijers; I have an idea which route she took and I’ll just ride until I find her.

As I take off through the neighborhood, I still don’t hear Mira on the other end of the phone. When I stop at a red light, I take my phone from the zipped pocket and see that the call has ended. My heart races and tries to climb out of my throat. I can’t lose her again.

A few more intersections pass by in a blur and I still don’t see Mira’s car. Where the f**k is she? Finally, I see police lights up ahead and what looks like two cars on the shoulder. I hit the accelerator so hard that the front wheel of my bike lifts off the ground. I recover the wheelie and speed toward the lights. As I get closer, I confirm it’s Mira’s car.

There’s no ambulance, only two cop cars. My nerves calm a little, but not much. I inch my way over toward the shoulder, avoiding glass and broken pieces of car scattered on the road. I put my kickstand down, turn off the bike and run in the direction of Mira’s car.

Where is she?

Mira’s not in her car or sitting on the side of the road. “Mira? Where are you?” I yell, panicked.

“I’m over here, Sky,” the voice of an angel calls to me. The sweet sound comes from where the cop cars are parked, blocking traffic.

“Mi, are you okay?” I ask as I dash to her, pulling her into my arms, thankful I can hold her. I push her back; my eyes roam over her entire body; no blood, cuts or bruises. Oh thank you, God.

“I’m okay, just scared. I was pulling over and there was another car on the side of the road. They didn’t have their hazards on and I didn’t see them. I wrecked my car,” Mira says, moisture gathering in the corners of her eyes.

“Shh, it’s okay. It’s going to be fine. It doesn’t look that bad. We can have it towed to my shop and I’ll have it fixed in no time. Don’t cry, please don’t cry.” I squeeze her a little tighter and rake my fingers gently through her hair.

“Thank you, Sky,” Mira whispers.

“For what, Sweets?”

“Taking care of me. Thank you for finding me and being here. Thank you for being you. I love you.”

I’m done holding back. I’m done fighting these feelings. I tried to be the friend Danny deserved, but right now, all that matters is Mira. “I love you too, Sweets. Let’s get you out of here, yeah?”

Mira looks up at me through her mascara caked eyelashes and smiles, “Yeah.”

“Where do you want to go? I can take you back to the house, the apartment or to the clubhouse with me.” I really don’t want her going back to the house and dealing with more drama, but I’ll do whatever she needs at this point.

“The clubhouse is fine.”

I walk Mira to my bike and give her the spare helmet. She doesn’t hesitate this time. She’s almost anxious to get on the bike. There really is no greater feeling than having her arms and legs wrapped around me. My sweet angel loves the bike, which makes me happy beyond belief.

I get on first and put the kickstand up, waiting for Mira to take her place; her rightful place, on the back of my bike. As soon as she’s straddling the rear seat, I start the bike and let the engine purr for a few moments, giving Mira time to adjust and get comfortable. Well, get as comfortable as she can on a sports bike. I don’t care what anyone says; sports bikes are not just for pussies. My GSX-R is amazing and I’d much rather ride this than a cruiser any day of the week.

As expected, Mira’s arms go around my waist but it’s different that a few hours ago. She’s relaxed and ready to be with me; on the bike at least. Instead of putting her hands on my outer thighs or hooked together around my stomach, Mira takes her dainty hands and puts them inside my vest and under my shirt; skin on skin. My breath hitches and I almost pull her hands away, but then I realize that even though it’s summer, the nights get pretty chilly. Especially since we’re on the bike and she’s not wearing gloves. I keep my composure and refrain from pulling her off the bike and taking her right here on the shoulder of the road; police or not.

I carefully pull onto the road and drive toward the highway; my senses on high alert. She’s been in one accident today and one motorcycle accident this year; I’m not looking to add another. Once we’re on the highway, I’m a little calmer than on the main roads of the city. There isn’t much traffic out at this hour; not much to look out for. I move to the fast lane and hit the accelerator. Mira’s grip on my bare stomach tightens and she lies down on my back; head resting on my shoulder.

This is how it’s supposed to be.

The rest of the ride is easy and comfortable. Mira is an excellent passenger and doesn’t give me much worry. However, my nervousness doesn’t subside until we pull up to the gates of the clubhouse. Then it hits me, I never told Mira about joining the club. Well, I talked to her when she was asleep, but never while she was awake. Did she hear me tell her in her dream?

I stop over thinking the situation and wait for whatever probe is on duty tonight to open the gate for us. When the black fence swings wide, I pull into the parking lot as close to the door as I can get. There aren’t many bikes parked inside, which is nice. I don’t want Mira to get the wrong impression of the club now that I’m a patched member.

When we’re off the bike, I place my hand on the small of her back, maneuvering her to the doors of the club house. Her shirt has ridden up on her back from being crouched over for so long, and I’m actually touching her bare skin. I understand why she wanted to touch my stomach, the tingles that shoot up my spine and to other parts of my anatomy take me by surprise; a good surprise.

Inside the clubhouse, there isn’t anyone on the main level. The bikes outside must belong to members who are using the apartments upstairs or are in the kitchen. I grab two beers from behind the bar before taking Mira’s hand, pulling her up the stairs. She’s been to the clubhouse before, but never upstairs. This is a big deal for me, as I’ve never taken any girl up the stairs to my assigned apartment.

I don’t even know why it’s called an apartment; it’s more like a studio room. One queen sized bed, a night stand and an attached, private bathroom. It’s not much, but it’s mine. It’s the only space that I truly have to myself.

I open the door to my room, allowing Mira to walk in ahead of me. Now that we’re in the room, just me and her, and the tension is palpable. It’s resonating off our bodies; almost too much to bear. I should have just taken her home where I wouldn’t be tempted to touch her.

“This is nice. It looks kind of how I remember, but not exactly,” Mira says, putting her purse on the night stand and looking around the room.

“What do you mean? You’ve never been up here. How do you know what it looks like?” I know she’s going to say her dream, but I need to hear her say it. I need to know what happened in this room while she was sleeping.

“Oh, sorry. I was here while I was asleep. Okay, that sounds crazy, but you know what I mean. I came here one night after you were trashed and threatening to go riding. I stayed with you. It was quite an experience.” Her cheeks are as pink as the shirt she’s wearing. Embarrassed is a great look for Mira. She looks so innocent and it makes me want to rob her of that innocence. Mark her as mine. Get a f**king grip, dude. She’s not yours.

“I figured that’s what you were talking about, but I wasn’t sure. I just wanted to make sure. What kind of experience happened up here?” The more time I spend with her, I lose grip of who I am to her and lean more toward who I want to be. Domineering.

“Do we really have to talk about it? It’s kind of embarrassing, since it didn’t actually happen. But I will tell you that it was amazing. It was an experience that I’ll remember the rest of my life, even if it didn’t happen in real life.” I can tell she’s remembering details of her memory and the coy smile across her face, eyes drifting off into space, is turning me on so badly. I’m positive my c*ck will be bruised in the morning as hard as it’s straining against the cool metal zipper on the inside of my pants.

I probably should drop the subject, because God knows that if she keeps going I’m not going to be able to contain myself. I can’t stop, though. I want to know. I need to know.

“Can you just give me an idea? It’s not fair you have these memories that I can’t share. Spill it, Sweets.”

“Sky, we made love. Your cornered me in the shower. It was amazing and sexy. It still feels so real to me.” Mira looks lost in space again and her eyes look sad.

“Mi, what’s wrong? I was just screwing around. I didn’t mean to upset you.” I really should listen to myself more often. I should have stopped while I was ahead.

“You didn’t upset me, Sky. It’s really hard to explain. I have all of these memories, but they’re not really memories. I feel like I’m losing my grip on reality. You really didn’t do anything wrong though, I promise,” Mira says, looking sadly at her lap, “It was just a really special experience that we had. I never felt anything like it before. It wasn’t cheap, it was beautiful. There was no guilt.”

The way Mira is burying her face in her lap is ripping my heart apart. I don’t want her to be sad, especially since it revolves around me. I love my best friend; he’s my brother, but knowing she’s hurting because Mira can’t distinguish between reality and her reality, shatters me. I just want to make everything better, but I’m not sure I can. After Danny’s actions earlier, I’m not sure if I can walk away from her if I tried.

I squat down so our faces are level with each other. Mira’s face is still looking deep into her lap while she picks imaginary lint from the comforter she’s sitting on. I gently place one finger under her chin, slightly lifting her face so we’re looking eye to eye. Big mistake, Sky.

I had every intention of apologizing again and making her less sad, but now I’m just drowning in the depths of her deep green eyes. I can feel her breath on my face and it’s driving me crazy. Millimeters are the only thing separating us and I can’t look away. She truly has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen; especially when she’s shocked and her eyes are wide. They’re so bright I swear I can see the light bounce off her irises and watch the natural moisture glisten.

I should be talking by now, but I’m mesmerized. Before I can utter a single word, Mira leans forward slightly and her lips graze mine. I quickly shut my eyes, relishing the feel of her mouth on mine. My tongue parts my lips to moisten the dryness; she notices. That’s all it takes before I move the remaining distance and place a sweet kiss on the corner of her mouth.

When I pull back some, I can see the need and want on her face. She almost looks disappointed. This distance is too much and I shouldn’t have gotten this close. I can’t help myself. Taking my thumb, I brush it slightly over her plump lower lip, losing myself. She’s lost, too. Mira closes her eyes, taking in my touch, and kisses the pad of my thumb.

“What are we doing?” I pray she has an answer for me. Something logical that I can, just for a moment, agree with.

“I don’t know, but I don’t want to stop,” Mira whispers. I can feel every word she says and my restraint buckles.

I push the hand she just kissed into her hair and slightly pull from underneath. The soft moan that escapes from her lips finishes the job. I crush my mouth to hers. With my tongue, I ask for permission to give her a kiss that she’ll never forget; and it will be a memory for both of us. She slightly parts her lips, allowing me access.

I gently massage her tongue with mine, still holding a grip on her hair, giving me control to angle her head exactly where I need it to consume her. I rise up and lean her onto the bed. Mira parts her legs, allowing me to nestle between her thighs. I can feel the heat radiating from her body and I know she can feel my erection pressing into her. It takes everything in me to not grind against her, even though that’s exactly what I want to do.

I take the hand that was in her hair and use it to prop myself up; keeping my weight off her. With my other hand, I run my fingers up her side. When I get to the swell of her breast, I wait until Mira arches into my hand; silently asking for me to touch her. From underneath, I take her in my hand, lightly rubbing my thumb over her nipple. When she moans into my mouth, I almost come on the spot.

She has no idea how sexy she is. Arching into my touch, moaning and panting into my mouth and raking her nails down my back; I’m almost to the point of no return. As my hand makes my way to her stomach and almost to the waist band of her jeans, I lay my land flat. Here’s the guilt. I pull away from her, immediately missing her taste and look her in the eyes.

To my surprise, it’s Mira that speaks; not me.

“We can’t, Sky. Not like this.”

“I know,” I whisper, resting my forehead against hers and trying to catch my breath. I’m going to need a cold shower after this.

“Sky, I really do love you, but that doesn’t take away anything I ever felt for Danny. He’s too important to both of us to do this to him. If we’re going to start something, I can’t be involved with Danny. That’s not fair to him and it starts us off on the wrong foot. He deserves better from both of us. No matter what happened earlier, he’s not a bad person. He’s as confused as I am.”

Wait, she’s confused again?

“What are you trying to say, Mi? What are we?”

“I’m trying to say that this is wrong. Anyway you look at it, it’s wrong. We can’t do this to him. He would never do anything like this to either of us. We need to stop and go back to being friends. Who knows how this will all play out? All I know is I’m not willing to lose you in my life and I can’t be the person to rip you and Danny apart. You guys have too much history. No matter how much I want to be with you right now, I can’t do it.”
