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I open my mouth further, relax my jaw and get to work. I keep my fist at his base so I don’t embarrass myself if I can’t take him as far as I want. My other hand is reaching up, over his abdomen, and scratching my nails down the trail that leads to the happy place. I feel like I’m able to take more so I move my fist and surprise myself when I feel his c*ck reach the back of my throat, possibly further.

Skylar’s fingers find my hair and the back of my scalp, lightly pulling and pushing with my motion. His pace starts to quicken and I know he’s getting close. Since this wasn’t a regular occurrence with Danny, I’m not quite sure what to do from here. Do I let him come on my tits or do I let him come in my mouth? Suddenly, a conversation that Kylee and I had a few years ago streams in HD through my head. The phrase that keeps playing over and over again is, “Spitters are quitters.” I know my plan of action.

I put my fist back around his base and take my pace into over drive. The grip on the back of my head is tightened, the pushing and pulling becomes more frantic and Skylar’s using his hips, pumping toward me when I take him down. I take my free hand and massage his balls. I feel them tighten and pull upward and I know the male anatomy enough to know what’s coming next.

Skylar lets out a low groan and the first spurt hits my tongue; hot and salty. It’s not the greatest taste but it’s pure Skylar and male so I take him as far as possible without gagging, allowing the fluid to slide down my throat without much work from me.

I release Skylar’s c*ck from my mouth with a popping sound and stand up. Wiping the corners of my mouth, I smile at him coyly.

“Well, that was a surprise. A very wonderful surprise.” I think for the first time in ages Skylar might be as a loss for words.

“Just a little gratitude for last night.” I really didn’t do it for any reason other than I wanted to, but I must say, I love seeing Skylar shocked and happy.

“Shit, Sweets, if that’s my ‘thank you’ I’m going to have to make sure I do that more often.” Hell yes, you better.

“I had a dream very similar to this when I was in a coma, ya know.” I bite my lip and I know my cheeks are probably fire engine red with embarrassment. We almost talked about my dream in the clubhouse before but I didn’t continue. Skylar’s eyes shoot up with interest and I’m going to have to finally spill.

“What was different?”

“I didn’t suck you off in the shower but you f**ked me out there,” I point toward the sink, “bent over the vanity. It was amazing.”

“Well, Sweets, what do ya say we start making those dreams a reality?” Skylar picks me up and carries me out of the shower. Sitting me down on the sink, he starts kissing me. Not just regular kisses, but the ones that make you feel like you’re floating and nothing else in the world matters. I never thought I would experience a kiss like this in real life; I never have before.

As I climb off the vanity, turning my back to Skylar he leaves the room. What the fuck? I grab a towel and start to dry myself and wonder if I’ve turned him off in some way. Everything in me is screaming to follow him and demand answers but I can’t make myself do it. I want to know but I want him to tell me, if that makes any sense.

Seconds later, Skylar returns carrying my new property vest. I look at him suspiciously, not fully understanding what he wants. He holds it out and asks me with his eyes to put it on. What? I do as he silently requests and wait for further direction. I’ve never been this kind of girl before, taking non verbal commands, but there’s something about Skylar. I want to make him happy and let him to do whatever he wants to me.

“Turn around.” Skylar’s voice is low and almost unidentifiable. If he wasn’t standing right in front of me and I didn’t see his lips move, I would swear someone else was talking. Without responding, I turn around and wait.

Skylar’s hands start touching my h*ps and the curve of my ass. With one hand, he comes around my body and cups my breast, manipulating my nipple, pinching and pulling. I can feel his breath on the back of my neck and each time he exhales a shiver runs down my spine. His other hand finds my cl*t and I’m officially lost in lust. Skylar’s body is flush against mine; I can feel his erection pulsing and hot against my backside. I want this man now.

As his fingers roll expertly around my cl*t and my nipple, I’m falling apart in his arms. My body becomes lax as I lean into him; allowing him to hold me upright.

“Sky, oh God. Fuck!” I scream in ecstasy.

“Tell me about your dream, Mira,” Skylar says; his voice even lower and authoritative. I knew he had an alpha streak running through him, but f**k me if he’s not one hundred f**king percent alpha.

“You f**ked me right here. You bent me over the counter and f**ked me hard and fast.” All my inhibitions have flown right out the window. There’s zero embarrassment left in me, only need and want.

“Is that what you want me to do? Fuck you hard and fast, right here?”

“Yes.” My voice is hoarse from all the yelling I’ve done in the last twenty four hours. I want to know what this feels like, in real life. I need to know how far he’ll go.

“You’re wish is my command,” Skylar whispers in my ear, taking his c*ck in hand and positioning at my entrance.

Mother hell, please just give it to me.

Skylar enters slowly and as soon as he’s in balls deep, the assault starts. Hard and fast in my dream was nothing compared to right now. I’m using my arms to hold me off the counter and my upper legs firmly pushed to the cabinet under the sink so they don’t hit it. Skylar’s strokes are fast but methodical; he knows exactly what he’s doing to me and he’s taking joy in it. The sounds of wet skin slapping together as he slams repeatedly into me, swirls my mind and leaves me breathless. This is the greatest sex of my life.

My panting comes harder and faster with every thrust. Skylar’s fingertips are digging into my h*ps and I’m sure I’ll have bruises tomorrow. But the slight pain mixed with ultimate pleasure builds low in my belly and I nearly combust when Skylar lets a hip go to find my core with his fingers.

“Ahhhhh f**k yes!” I scream, unaware if anyone can hear me, not that I care, anyway.

“Tell me you love me,” Skylar says, each word between thrusts when he catches his breath.

“Love, ahhh fuck, you,” I manage to get out as I break apart. Every emotion I’ve felt since I woke up rushes through me all at once. My brain is on overload, the pleasure is almost too much and the love in this small bathroom sits heavy on my heart. Tears start to fall, but they’re not sad tears. These tears are of pure, delirious happiness.

After Skylar finishes, he carries me into the bedroom, and lays me on the bed. I scoot over so he can get in next to me. For the second time, we’re lying in bed, about to fall asleep, and fully sated. I roll to face Skylar and look into his eyes, trying to show him exactly how I feel. When I don’t think it’s enough, I tell him.

“My heart chose you,” I tell him softly, hoping he understands.

“And you stole mine.” I nestle into the crook of his arm, my body half across his, and fall asleep.

This is how my life should have been all along. As much as I loved Danny, it was never like this. I never had feelings like this. Happiness, love, and fear; fear that he would leave me but I’m terrified that I wouldn’t know how to act if Skylar left me. I push those thoughts aside and decide to live in the moment.

Skylar and I end up sleeping long after lunch time and I’m hoping that our plans aren’t spoiled. When he takes a call, confirming a time a little more than an hour from now, I know we can still make it. We take separate showers so we can actually get something accomplished. I throw on my clothes from last night, including my vest, which makes Skylar unbelievably happy.

The pride shining in his eyes as we enter the main part of the clubhouse makes my heart melt. I know he enjoyed f**king me while staring at “Property of Axe” displayed on my body, but showing me off to his family has to be so much more fulfilling. He’s claimed me in more ways than one and I know it; I embrace it.

We leave the clubhouse on the bike and I’ve never been more excited to ride; both of us in Hooliganz cuts. We’re only on the motorcycle for a few minutes before we hit downtown and I realize he’s not taking us back to Ann Arbor. We pull up to a building, maybe eight or ten stories, just off the river. It looks like an apartment building and I’m sure the look on my face screams confusion.

“Where are we?” I ask as Skylar turns off the bike, allowing me to get off before he does.

“Just come on, nosey,” Skylar jokes, taking my hand and leading me to the entrance.

We walk into the building and they are apartments and they’re beautiful. The original woodwork and crown molding catches my eye immediately. I’ve never been into architecture but old Detroit houses and buildings have always made me want to know more. I wish I knew the right words to describe it, but I don’t care that much. It’s beautiful and breathtaking; that’s all I really need to know.

An older man comes out of one of the apartments, holding a set of keys. Skylar and the man must know each other since they do one of those man hugs where they only use one arm and clap each other on the back. The man, who’s introduced to me as Henry, gives Skylar the set of keys and tells him to go to apartment 810.

Skylar and I get into the elevator and he pushes the button for the eighth floor. I look up at Skylar and he looks excited but nervous at the same time. I squeeze his hand, letting him know I’m here and he doesn’t need to worry; at least I hope he doesn’t.

“Okay, this is it,” Skylar says as we reach the cherry stained wood door marked 810.

“What exactly is this?”

“Something I’ve been thinking a lot about.” Skylar puts the key into the lock and turns. When the door opens, my mouth drops; literally drops. It’s exquisite. I expected everything to look as antique as the rest of the building but I’m dead wrong.

The entire apartment is decked out in a more contemporary setting. Instead of walls blocking off rooms, it’s open and spacious. The kitchen is sleek and modern; stainless steel everything and granite countertops. Finished hardwood floors cover the entire space and the floor to ceiling windows that look out onto the river steal my breath away; it’s the most beautiful view of the city I’ve ever seen.

Walking around in awe, I find a door that leads to a bedroom with an en suite bathroom. Inside the bathroom, it’s as modern as the kitchen, except for the large claw-foot tub in the center of the room.

“Do you like it?” Skylar comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.

“It’s beautiful, but what is it?” I just want to strip down and get in that tub. It’s that amazing.

“Come Tuesday, it’s mine.” I turn around so quickly I slap Skylar across the face with my ponytail.

“What? Like really? When did this happen?”

“I knew that I wanted to be with you and wouldn’t stop until you were mine. I also knew that you would never come back to my house with me because of Danny. So it made sense that I start looking for a place of my own. The owner of the building has been friends with my uncle for ages and agreed to lease me this apartment. Well, lease us the apartment.” The nervousness comes back to Skylar’s eyes and my heart stops beating.

Is he asking me to move in with him? Is it too fast? Shit. I can’t even form words.

“Sweets, don’t look so freaked out. If you’re not ready, it’s okay. I can afford it on my own; I just thought it would be a nice place for us.” It’s Skylar’s turn to freak out and he’s back peddling like an Olympic cyclist, but in reverse.

“It’s not that I’m not ready, I’m just not sure if we’re moving too fast. We’ve been dating for all of a day and we’re looking at apartments together. It just seems weird.”

“I know what you mean, I just don’t want to waste anymore time. I feel if I would have stood up and said that I wanted you way back then, we wouldn’t be going through this now. We would be living our lives and everything would be perfect.” I really don’t like the sadness coming over Skylar. Me not wanting to live with him isn’t the case at all. I can’t wait for the day that I get to wake up to him every morning, but I really think we need to slow down.

I take Skylar’s face in my hands, searching his soul with my eyes and praying he’s going to understand what I’m saying. Everything is perfect and exactly how I want it to be, but we still have to worry about Danny’s feelings. I was with Danny for four years and never even considered moving in with him and this is going to hurt him, even if he was the one to break it off with me. I don’t want to walk on eggshells forever, but I can’t be the girl that shatters him; he’s still a very important part of my life.

“Babe, think about it. It took me and Danny dating and getting engaged for all of this to come around. If I wouldn’t have been with him, I wouldn’t have gotten to know you so well. I fell in love with you as my friend first and that says something. The best relationships blossom out of a deep rooted friendship and that’s what we have. You’re my best friend, my partner and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Here comes the hard part, the walking on eggshells.

“We have to remember Danny, too. We’ve only been apart for three weeks and that’s not long enough for him, or anyone else, to understand why we’re moving so fast. It’s going to seem like we’ve been going behind his back and having an affair. I can’t hurt him like that and I don’t think you can, either.”

Skylar grits his teeth and clenches his jaw. I can see the veins in his neck start to throb and his eyebrows furrow together.
