Read Books Novel

Bad Luck and Trouble

"Ceramic," Reacher said. "They don’t make them anymore. Because they don’t set the metal detector off."

"Correct," O’Donnell said. "No metal at all, apart from the switchblade spring, which is still steel. But that’s very small."

"It’s good to see you again, David," Reacher said.

"Likewise. But I wish it were under happier circumstances."

"The circumstances just got fifty percent happier. We thought it was just the two of us. Now it’s the three of us."

"What have we got?"

"Very little. You’ve seen what’s in his autopsy report. Apart from that we’ve got two generic white men who tossed his office. Didn’t find anything, because he was mailing stuff to himself in a permanent loop. We found his mail box and picked up four flash memories and we’re down to the last try at a password."

"So start thinking about computer security," Neagley said.

O’Donnell took a deep breath and held it longer than seemed humanly possible. Then he exhaled, gently. It was an old habit.

"Tell me what words you’ve tried so far," he said.

Neagley opened her notebook to the relevant page and handed it over. O’Donnell put a finger to his lips and read. Reacher watched him. He hadn’t seen him in eleven years, but he hadn’t changed much. He had the kind of corn-colored hair that would never show gray. He had the kind of greyhound’s body that would never show fat. His suit was beautifully cut. In the same way as Neagley, he looked settled and prosperous and successful. Like he was making it.

"Koufax didn’t work?" he asked.

Neagley shook her head. "That was our third try."

"Should have been your first, out of this list. Franz related to icons, gods, people he admired, performances he idolized. Koufax is the only one of these that really fits the bill. The others are merely sentimental. Miles Davis perhaps, because he loved music, but ultimately he thought music was inessential."

"Music is inessential and baseball isn’t?"

"Baseball is a metaphor," O’Donnell said. "An ace pitcher like Sandy Koufax, a man of great integrity, all alone on the mound, the World Series, stakes high, that’s how Franz wanted to see himself. He probably wouldn’t have articulated it exactly that way, but I can tell you his password would have to be a worthy repository for his devotion. And it would be expressed in a brusque, masculine fashion, which would mean a surname only."

"So what would you vote for?"

"It’s tough, with only one try left. I’d look like a real fool if I were wrong. What are we going to find on there anyway?"

"Something he felt was worth hiding."

Reacher said, "Something he got his legs broken for. He didn’t give up anything. He drove them into a fury. His office looks like a tornado hit it."

"What’s our ultimate aim here?"

"Seek and destroy. Is that good enough for you?"

O’Donnell shook his head.

"No," he said. "I want to kill their families and piss on their ancestors’ graves."

"You haven’t changed."

"I’ve gotten worse. Have you changed?"

"If I have I’m ready to change back."

O’Donnell smiled, briefly. "Neagley, what don’t you do?"

Neagley said, "You don’t mess with the special investigators."

"Correct," O’Donnell said. "You do not. Can we get some room service coffee?"

They drank thick strong coffee out of the kind of battered electro-plated jugs found only in old hotels. They kept pretty quiet, but each of them knew the others were tracing the same mental circles, shying away from the last attempt at the password, examining the vector, trying to find another avenue forward, failing to, and starting all over again. Finally O’Donnell put his cup down and said, "Time to shit or get off the pot. Or fish or cut bait. Or however else you want to express it. Let’s hear your ideas."

Neagley said, "I don’t have any."

Reacher said, "You do it, Dave. You’ve got something in mind. I can tell."

"Do you trust me?"

"As far as I could throw you. Which would be pretty damn far, as skinny as you are. Exactly how far, you’ll find out if you screw up."

O’Donnell got out of his chair and flexed his fingers and stepped over to the laptop on the desk. Put the cursor in the box on the screen and typed seven letters.

Took a breath and held it.



Hit enter.

The laptop screen redrew.

A file directory appeared. A table of contents. Big, bold, clear and obvious.

O’Donnell breathed out.

He had typed: Reacher.


Reacher spun away from the computer like he had been slapped and said, "Ah, man, that ain’t fair."

"He liked you," O’Donnell said. "He admired you."

"It’s like a voice from the grave. Like a call."

"You were here anyway."

"It doubles everything. Now I can’t let him down."

"You weren’t going to in the first place."

"Too much pressure."

"No such thing as too much pressure. We like pressure. We thrive on pressure."

Neagley was at the desk, fingers on the laptop’s keyboard, staring at the screen.

"Eight separate files," she said. "Seven of them are a bunch of numbers and the eighth is a list of names."

"Show me the names," O’Donnell said.

Neagley clicked on an icon and a word processor page opened. It contained a vertical list of five names. At the top, typed in bold and underlined, was Azhari Mahmoud. Then came four Western names: Adrian Mount, Alan Mason, Andrew MacBride, and Anthony Matthews.

"Initials are all the same," O’Donnell said. "Top one is Arab, anywhere from Morocco to Pakistan."

"Syrian," Neagley said. "That would be my guess."

"Last four names feel British," Reacher said. "Don’t you think? Rather than American? English or Scottish."

"Significance?" O’Donnell asked.

Reacher said, "At first glance I would say one of Franz’s background checks came up with a Syrian guy with four known aliases. Because of the five sets of common initials. Clumsy, but indicative. Maybe he’s got monogrammed shirts. And maybe the phony names are British because the paperwork is British, which would get around the kind of scrutiny that American paperwork would invite over here."

"Possible," O’Donnell said.

Reacher said, "Show me the numbers."

Neagley closed the word processor document and opened the first of seven spreadsheets. It was nothing more than a page-long vertical list of fractions. At the top was 10/12. At the bottom was 11/12. In between were twenty-some similar numbers, including a repeated 10/12 and a 12/13 and a 9/10.

"Next," Reacher said.

The next spreadsheet was essentially identical. A long vertical column, starting with 13/14 and ending with 8/9. Twenty-some similar numbers in between.

"Next," Reacher said.

The third spreadsheet showed more or less exactly the same thing.

"Are they dates?" O’Donnell said.

"No," Reacher said. "Thirteen-fourteen isn’t a date whether it’s month-day or day-month."

"So what are they? Just fractions?"

"Not really. Ten-over-twelve would be written five-over-six if it was a regular fraction."

"They’re like box scores, then."

"For the game from hell. Thirteen for fourteen and twelve for thirteen would imply lots of extra innings and a three-figure final score, probably."
