Read Books Novel

Bang Bang

Bang Bang(21)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“Shouldn’t that mean you should put my needs above your own?” I asked in a small voice. “What if I want to go?”

“You don’t know what the hell you want, Amy,” he fired back. “And even if you did, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to give it to you, at least not when you’re in the dark, without knowing the facts. You’re afraid of the unknown, stop trying to figure everything out and just trust me.”

“Trust?” I repeated. “The mafia?”


“You’re insane.”

“Or just brilliant.”

“I choose insane.”

“Choose whatever makes you sleep better at night — but know this. You’re mine and it’s going to take a lot more than you being afraid of things that go bump in the night, for me to let you go.”

“Did you even sleep last night?” I countered, turning on my side to face him. “Or did you just plot my kidnapping.”

“Of course I slept.” He rolled his eyes. “And plotted. I’m a multi-tasker.”

I fought extremely hard not to smile at his ridiculously smug look.

“Smile.” He kissed my mouth roughly. “You know you want to.”

“How do you know what I want?”

Wrong thing to ask.

His eyes darkened as he pulled me flush against his body, his lips found my neck, tasting my pulse. “That right there, tells me, you want this so bad you can barely think straight.”


“When I want something…” He pulled back. “Absolutely. Now as much as I’d like to sit in bed with you all day, it’s time to meet the guys.”

“Guys,” I repeated, my stomach doing somersaults. “What guys?”

“The guys… the men…” He sighed. “The bosses.”

Air whooshed out of my lungs. “Are they going to have guns?”

“Yes.” His eyes narrowed. “For protection, not because they’re going to be trained on you.”

“But I’m a De Lange.”

“So is Phoenix.” He scowled. “And now he’s the freaking owner a few multi-million dollar companies, several overseas accounts, an old car collection, oh right and he has the ear of the Cappo. Your last name doesn’t mean shit anymore.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because Nixon still lets Phoenix walk around without a limp — that alone tells me all I need to know.”


“Don’t worry about it.” He sighed. “Pick out something comfortable and meet me downstairs in a half hour. I’ll have breakfast waiting.”

“And the — the guys…”

“Will be here within the hour, so I’d hurry.”



LEAVING HER IN BED. Alone. Was hard. I wanted to turn on my heel and push her against the nearest wall — naked.

Yeah¸ wrong thing to think of as I made my way downstairs and into the huge, obscene dining room with windows lining one entire wall.

Again, we didn’t do small.

Breakfast was already set out.

Phoenix was drinking coffee and arranging food on his plate — bland food, because apparently he wasn’t allowed to enjoy life anymore — or salt for that matter.

Bee, Campisi’s sister, was right next to Phoenix, leaning towards him, most likely putting him through hell if his grimace was any indication. She was a handful, a gorgeous handful I wanted no contact with. We’d introduced ourselves and that was it. I knew her name; she knew mine. Done.

She was Phoenix’s burden.

Sergio was at the head of the table reading the newspaper.

“Morning,” I barked strolling into the room.

Bee smiled brightly.

Phoenix grunted and scooted away from her. She just followed. I had half a mind to feel sorry for him. His eyes were pleading when they met mine.

Fine. “Hey Bee.” I cleared my throat. “I heard you make some killer espresso?”

She beamed. “All those years in Sicily.”

“Care to make me one?” I winked. “Sorry it’s just been a really long night and I’ve been missing my coffee.”

“Sure!” She bounced up from her chair and made her way into the kitchen. When I knew the coast was clear I flashed my middle finger to Phoenix.

“Don’t even care that you just flipped me off.” He shook his head. “Thank you, seriously. Thank you.”

“She’s just a girl.”

“No.” He laughed without humor. “She’s not. If she was just a girl I wouldn’t be tempted to fall on my own knife.”

“De Langes,” I taunted. “So dramatic.”

He gave me the middle finger back. Nice.

“The guys will be here soon.” Sergio set down the newspaper. His dark hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. I always wondered why he grew it out, made him look like… a girl. He had too fine of features, at least to me he did, what the hell did he want to look like? A fairy-tale prince? Because he was totally channeling charming.

“What?” He squinted.

“Nice hair.”

And more middle fingers.

I smirked and took a seat, piling my plate with food, just as Amy made her way into the room.

She cleared her throat.

I damn near fell out of my chair.

Why she’d chosen to wear black skinny jeans, heels, and a killer tight t-shirt, I had no clue but damn she looked better than breakfast.

Sergio spit out his coffee onto the newspaper while Phoenix hid a grin and then flashed me a knowing smile.

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

“Amy,” Sergio croaked out. “As beautiful as ever.”

“Sergio,” she said through clenched teeth. “Once a liar, always a liar. Good to see you.”

His smile fell as his eyes narrowed. Good job, Ames, way-ta poke the bear.

Phoenix, still smiling, glanced at Amy. “Hey cousin.”

“C-cousin?” Her eyebrows furrowed. “You?”

“I know, I know, I look like hell, don’t ask why, and try not to deny it. Just pisses me off more. Yeah, cousins, first cousins, haven’t seen you since you were carted away to foster care though.”

Amy swallowed and folded her hands in front of her. “I don’t remember you.”

“Yeah well, that makes two of us.” Phoenix grimaced. “I was a different guy then. You hungry?”

“Yeah.” She touched her stomach. “Starving, Ax didn’t feed me once.”
