Read Books Novel

Bang Bang

Bang Bang(30)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“Hey.” I kissed Amy again, tugging her chin away from Tex’s retreating form. “Let’s get out of here.”

“But the reception and—”

“Leave it.” I tasted her mouth again. “Come with me.” My tongue lined her lower lip. “Now.”


Gripping her hand I tugged her towards the door.

“But the cake!” Trace yelled after us.

“I’ll give you cake,” Nixon commented.

“How cute, Nixon made a joke!” Chase’s loud laughter was the last thing I heard as I tugged Amy towards my Mercedes. I pushed her against the door then slid my hand up her naked thigh. With a shudder I swore. “You’re not wearing anything underneath this are you?”

“Couldn’t.” She smiled against my mouth. “It’s too tight.”

“Damn it.” I pressed my body against hers, loving the softness. “I’m not going to make it to the hotel.”

“You will.” Amy pushed me away and winked, then the little tease opened her own door, freaking bent over to take off her tall shoes, giving me an almost perfect view of her ass, and slid into the car.

In too much shock to do anything I simply stared in fascination while she buckled the seatbelt. To pull a knife out and rip the seatbelt in half or act like a sane human and get in the car?

Decisions, decisions.

“Ax?” Her eyebrows lifted.

“Yeah?” I croaked.

“We staying or going?”

“Going, damn it.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Sorry was distracted… saw skin and…” I shook my head and mumbled to myself. Yeah it was going to be long ass ride to the hotel.

I aged ten years during that car ride, one for each mile. I’d always been the guy that could hide his feelings. It made me a good asset to the family — at least I liked to think so. I didn’t allow things to distract me. I didn’t allow things to affect me. I was stone.

But every man had his kryptonite.

And during the next ten miles to the hotel I found mine. At first I thought it was skin, maybe skin was my thing? After all her skin was really soft, so touchable, the perfect color. I wanted to lick all the way from her ankle to her hip bone and then repeat the process until the other leg moaned in protest.

But then her hand moved across her thigh and I got distracted by her fingers. Right, her fingers. They were long, feminine; her nails were even pretty.

When I stopped at the light I opened my mouth to say something, her eyes were on me.

And words died in my throat.

So it wasn’t her skin after all or fingers. It was her eyes; it had to be her deep brown eyes. They saw all, they looked at me and didn’t judge, didn’t see a killer or a monster. They just saw me. Her mouth curved into a smile.

Damn it!

I hit the accelerator as the light turned green and tried to snap out of it.

By the time we made it to the hotel I’d officially lost the war in my head. It wasn’t a part of her that provoked me, made me want to lose myself in her, it was just simply… her.

All of her.

Every single part that made Amy who she was.

I wanted it all.

And I was going to take it all and give everything I could in return. My heart, my soul, everything. It was hers — hell it had always been hers. From the very beginning she was the one I wanted, the one I’d die for, the one I would do anything to protect, to save.

“Axe.” Her hand rested against my forearm. “Are you okay?”

“Never been better.” I smiled and pulled up to the hotel valet. “You?”

Her smile hit me like an arrow in the chest. “I’ll be better… in a few minutes.”

“Sir?” A knock sounded on my window. With a curse I turned and opened the door giving the guy a scowl for interrupting me while I was lusting after my wife, and tossed him the keys.

He caught them mid air. I glared even harder. He held up his hands as if to say, I just work here.

A bellhop ran towards us and grabbed the bags. Times like this, I was thankful for my last name.

“Abandonato,” I said loudly to the bellhop. “Penthouse suite.”

He dropped our bags, apologized, picked them up again with shaking hands, and gave me a nod. When we approached the front desk the receptionist already had my key ready.

“Anything else, Mr. Abandonato?”

“Is everything to my specifications?” I angled my head.

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her face. “Yes, sir.”

“Perfect.” I gripped the key card and led Amy towards the bank of elevators and into a waiting car.

“Smiling wouldn’t hurt,” Amy said once we were streaking upward to the penthouse.

“Oh, it hurts.” I pressed the emergency stop button and pushed her against the wall. “Make it better?”

Amy’s face broke out into a grin as she bit on her bottom lip, taunting me. I took the bait, and pressed her hands against the wall, then used my legs to spread hers wide so her dress would ride up enough for me to lift her into my warms and wrap her legs around my body.

Our mouths met in an almost angry frenzy. She moaned as my hands inched up her thighs, my fingers digging into her flesh as I tugged her roughly against me.

My lips slid from hers and trailed down her neck When her back arched, I set her down and started walking towards the buttons so I could release the Stop. The elevator moved with a jolt, causing us to stumble together against the wall.

Our mouths never once left each other.

I was drowning in her.

Such a damn good way to go.

Amy hooked her foot behind me, sliding her body against me. The friction was so great I groaned and tugged down the sleeve of her dress, while she frantically pulled at my shirt.

The sound of buttons hitting the floor was our elevator music. When the doors whooshed open, we stumbled out in a rush. I carried her to the door of our suite then pushed her against it as I slid the card over the sensor.

With a click, the door opened. All that registered in my head was that we were in the room. Finally in the room.

Still holding Amy in my arms, I walked us towards what I hoped was the bedroom. We were within inches when a knock sounded at the door.

“Our luggage,” Amy said against my lips.

“They’ll leave it in the hall.”


Groaning, I kissed her mouth harder, deeper. “No.”


The knock sounded louder.

“That’s it.” I set her on her feet. “I’m grabbing my gun.”
