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Be Mine at Christmas

Be Mine at Christmas(44)
Author: Brenda Novak

“Oh. Do you know when the funeral is?”

“He’s originally from Bakersfield, so they’re taking his body there and having a small, private ceremony next Monday.”

“I’d like to attend, but if it’s meant to be private, maybe I should just send my condolences to his family.”

“That’s what I plan to do. I can give you the address. Are you still coming tonight?”

Forcing aside the sadness she felt about Mr. Cox, she leaned her head against the back of her seat. They hadn’t seen each other since he’d left her house yesterday morning. He’d been with his daughters since then, but he’d called several times. “If you still want me there,” she said.

“I do. I want to celebrate Christmas with you. And I want you to meet Megan and Callie.”

She’d met his children before. She and Maxim had run in the same circles for so long she’d even met his parents. But only in formal situations. Not in this capacity—not as the woman pregnant with his child. “Are you sure they wouldn’t rather have you all to themselves? I don’t want to intrude….”

“Megan’s got an old boyfriend coming over. And Callie has two girlfriends joining us. You won’t be intruding. Besides, I’ve told them to expect you.”

“How did you explain our connection?”

“I said we got to know each other while we were stranded, and now we’re friends.”

“Were they surprised?”

“Of course. But they got over it quickly. Megan even said she thinks you’re one of the prettiest women she’s ever seen. She said I should’ve asked you out a long time ago, before you could get it in your mind to run against me.”

She laughed. “Already a strategist.”

“I wish I’d thought of that.”

Closing her eyes, she pictured them all gathered around the Christmas tree. She’d imagined this scene once before, as an outsider looking in. Now she’d be part of it. Until this moment, she’d been afraid that tonight might not work out. She felt self-conscious about barging in on a family’s celebration. She felt as if she’d been doing that for years—all the time she was growing up in the system after her parents had died in a house fire. “What should I bring?”

“You don’t need to bring anything.”

“What if I want to?” she insisted. “What would your girls enjoy?”

“Like most kids, they have a sweet tooth. You could bring a dessert, I guess.”

Suddenly, it felt more like Christmas than any Christmas Adelaide had ever experienced. “I’m looking forward to it,” she said and got off the phone so she could go to the grocery store. For the first time since Mark died, she felt like cooking.

MAXIM SAT IN HIS living room alone. The area in front of the Christmas tree was now crowded with the gifts his daughters had wrapped. Megan and Callie were in the kitchen, laughing and talking with friends, their voices occasionally rising above the Christmas music playing throughout the house. He planned to go back in and join them. He needed to help Rosa finish cleaning up the brunch he’d made, but…something was bothering him, and he was pretty sure he knew what it was.

He’d gotten hold of Harvey Sillinger last night and been assured in no uncertain terms that there was nothing to worry about concerning Mark Fairfax. But Maxim couldn’t put it out of his mind. Harvey’s insistence that Maxim should’ve known him better than to assume the worst set off warning bells in Maxim’s head. That statement was so off base it was almost absurd. He’d seen Harvey in action, knew he was ruthless. Usually, Harvey was proud of that trait. So why would he pretend to care about those he might hurt? And why would he suddenly be so amenable to keeping his mouth shut? Harvey hadn’t been willing to commit himself to silence the day he’d stormed out of the office.

Something had changed in the past two days….

Rubbing his temples, Maxim went over the conversation they’d had last night.

“I can’t believe you think I’d leak information you told me not to, Maxim,” he’d said, defensive from the first moment Maxim had managed to reach him. “So what if we haven’t known each other long? I did a good job while I was running your campaign. Anyone else would’ve been thrilled with what I accomplished.”

This wasn’t about what he’d accomplished, and Maxim had told him as much. Harvey was very dedicated. It was his tendency to forget who was boss that disturbed Maxim—that and the fact that he didn’t seem to understand the meaning of the word mercy.

“I would’ve expected you to know me better than that,” Harvey had gone on.

“I just want to be sure, Harvey. That’s all,” Maxim had said. “I just want to be sure.”

“What happened to you while you were stranded in the mountains? That’s what I want to know, because you certainly haven’t been the same since you got back. You don’t act like you even care whether you win the primary.”

He cared. He loved his job and wanted to keep it, but he wouldn’t do it by hurting Adelaide. “I nearly died, Harvey. Coming that close can give you a whole new perspective.”

“From my perspective, you’re losing your edge. But that’s none of my business. You have nothing to worry about. Nothing from me, anyway.”

The clarification had brought a stab of alarm. “What’s that supposed to mean? You and I are the only ones who know about the intern, right?”

“Me, you and the intern,” Harvey had said.

“The boy wouldn’t have any reason to come forward. Why would he risk the embarrassment?”

“He probably wouldn’t. So, like I said, you have nothing to worry about.”

Sensing an undercurrent in the conversation, Maxim had decided to take that final step, to do all he could to guarantee that this situation wouldn’t get away from him. “Is there any way to—” here, Maxim had chosen his words very carefully “—ensure your cooperation on this, Harvey?”

“What do you mean by that, Maxim? I’m an honest guy. I don’t take payoffs.”

“I’m not talking about a payoff. I’m talking about a severance package. To help you along until you find other employment.”

“Oh, a severance package.” After that, there’d been a long pause. “That might be just the thing,” he’d said at length. “Especially if you can get it to me tonight.”
