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Be Mine at Christmas

Be Mine at Christmas(67)
Author: Brenda Novak

As Cierra put the rolls on the dining table, Tiffany noticed the nacimiento displayed between the couches and Ken’s chair and crossed over to it. “Oh! I saw this at Gerdy’s Boutique and wanted it myself,” she said, her eyes wide. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”

Maybe she’d get it someday. She wanted Ken, too, didn’t she? “Sí.”

Tiffany studied her for a moment. “You know, you have really pretty eyes. If you’d like to come over sometime, I’ll help you put on a little makeup. It wouldn’t take much. Your skin is already flawless. A bit of mascara on those lashes and you’d be stunning.”

Stunning. Cierra didn’t feel she could ever be stunning. Not compared to Tiffany. But she had to give Ken’s ex-girlfriend credit for trying to be nice. Or was Tiffany merely making it clear that she didn’t view Cierra as any kind of threat?

Mom thought you were perfect for each other. Brent had said that about Tiffany and Ken. And they probably were. They even looked like they belonged together. So what would one half of that equation want with a blue-collar illegal immigrant from Guatemala who had three sisters to feed?

Ken reappeared, looking as good as if he’d taken the time to shower. He hadn’t. He’d merely put on a pair of jeans with a sweater and house shoes, and combed his hair. But he didn’t need to do much. With his rugged face and muscular body, he was attractive no matter what. “How about one of those rolls?” he said.

“I will make coffee.” Cierra ducked out of the room as soon as she felt it was safe to do so without appearing rude. But the kitchen opened onto the living room and, even though they’d lowered their voices, she could hear Tiffany and Ken talking about her after she’d left.

“Your housekeeper is so sweet, Ken. How old is she?”

“I haven’t asked, but I’m guessing she’s about twenty-five.”

“How long have you had her? Was she with you in New York?”

“No. We met when I flew in to Boise.”

Cierra peered out through the crack in the door. Tiffany stood close to Ken, and touched his arm at every opportunity. “You’re lucky to have someone like her. It’s got to be nice having help. Does she cook?”

“She does. She hasn’t made a lot yet, but what she’s served has been terrific.”

“Mexican food?”


“You’ll have to ask her if she’ll teach me a dish or two.”

“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”

“Awesome! That would be fun!”

“Hi, Tiff!” When Brent joined them, Cierra returned to the stove to prepare eggs and bacon. She wasn’t certain whether additional food was expected with cinnamon rolls, but she preferred to keep busy. That made it easier not to obsess about Tiffany.

“You drove all the way up here just to bring my bum brother some rolls?” Brent’s voice carried back to Cierra, but she knew Tiffany’s response wouldn’t be as loud. Wanting to hear it, Cierra tiptoed over to the door.

“Actually, I came here because I wanted to ask him a question.” She seemed a little nervous despite her usual confidence.

“What is it?” Ken’s face was filled with curiosity.

Tiffany glanced from Ken to Brent and back again. “Some of my friends, three different couples, are going skiing at Silver Mountain Resort tomorrow, then staying over at a cabin. I was hoping you’d be my date.”

Ken’s mouth dropped open. “Uh, that sounds good, but I’m not quite settled in—”

“I’ll be around to take care of what’s left,” Brent said. “Me and Cierra. Go, have a great time.”

Hands in his pockets, Ken cleared his throat. “Right, it’s the holidays, after all. So…sure, I’ll come.”

“Thank you!” Tiffany threw her arms around him, then hugged Brent. “Can you pick me up at my place first thing in the morning? Around six?”


“Because of the storms, I think we should take your Land Rover, if that’s okay.”

“No problem.”

“I’m glad you can come,” she said, and started for the door.

“You’re not staying for breakfast?” Brent asked.

“No, I’ve got a lot to do today so I can be away from the flower shop. But enjoy the rolls. Smells like the coffee’s ready.”

“Thanks.” Ken showed her out, then turned back to his brother. “That came out of nowhere, didn’t it?”

“Are you kidding?” Brent replied. “You know Tiffany’s been waiting for you to come home for years. How can you be surprised?”

Ken didn’t respond.

“You’re going to have a blast,” Brent added.

“Yeah, should be fun,” Ken muttered.

Cierra hurried to the stove but could still hear Brent’s booming voice. “This is the beginning of the end for you, bro. You’re going to make the big commitment soon. I can feel it.”

Again, Ken didn’t reply, but Cierra agreed with Brent. Why wouldn’t Ken want Tiffany? What was there not to like?

Nothing. Tiffany had everything a man could want.

KEN COULDN’T HELP wondering what Cierra had thought of Tiffany’s visit. She wouldn’t look at him as she served breakfast, so he knew she’d heard their conversation. Was she mad?

She must think it was weird that, after saying he wanted to make love to her, he’d accept an overnight invitation from another woman. He knew it made him seem shallow and insincere, as if he’d attempted to use her, and he hated that. He wanted to explain that he’d only accepted Tiffany’s invitation because he didn’t want to embarrass her by refusing. The whole community had expectations for them that made him feel obligated. But maybe it was better to forget what had happened last night rather than address what had happened today.

Of course it was. Cierra didn’t expect anything from him. So why did it bother him so much that she might be upset? What was it about this dark-skinned beauty in her ill-fitting clothes that affected him on such a gut level? Was it just that she was different, unique, a challenge because of that damn pride? If so, he couldn’t be sure the attraction would last. He’d never met a woman he couldn’t forget with a little time. And Tiffany was…Tiffany was the woman everyone had always thought he’d marry.

“What’s going on around here?” Brent broke the silence.
