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Beat of the Heart

Beat of the Heart (Runaway Train #2)(51)
Author: Katie Ashley

AJ snored softly on his stomach on top of the sheets—his fine, bare ass on display in the morning light. Snuggling closer to him, I ran my fingertips up and down his back. When he still didn’t stir, my mind went back to last night around the bonfire as he and the guys sang to Jude and Melody. I’d been floored when after taking my seat next to Lily, Melody had scrambled out of her mother’s lap and made a beeline for me. “Hold me, Mi,” she’d demanded. I’d quickly picked her up and let her burrow into my arms. She’d once again wrapped her fingers around the strands of my hair.

Then, I watched in absolute amazement as the guys put on quite the cover of Hey Jude. I wondered what their fans would have thought about seeing them jamming around a bonfire in the middle of the sticks—Brayden on guitar and singing the lead, with AJ and Jake harmonizing. They even got us all singing on the “Nah nah nah nah nah nah” part.

Once again I glanced over my shoulder at the clock. I knew it was time we got up and moving. I leaned over and kissed AJ’s cheek before lightly smacking his other one. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

“Mornin,” he said, in a hoarse voice.

“Did I wear you out last night?”

He chuckled as he rubbed his eyes. “I think you did.” Peeking at me through his hands, he added, “But I’m always up for another round.”

I laughed. “Not happening for several reasons.”

“Like what?”

“First of all, we have to be up to the house at noon for lunch, remember?” Last night before we left the bonfire, Abby had invited us to both breakfast and lunch, but then she recanted her breakfast invitation citing how AJ was not a morning person.

“A quickie would remedy that one.”

I shook my head. “Second reason—we ran out of condoms, remember?”

“I bet Jake has a few left in his goodie drawer.”


Rolling over, AJ opened the top drawer on the nightstand on his side of the bed. He started rifling through the contents.

“What exactly is in there?” I asked, propping up on my elbows.

AJ continued rummaging around. “Hmm, here’s a cock ring,” he announced, holding it up and spinning it around on his finger.

I wrinkled my nose in disgust. “Don’t even think that I’m letting you use that with me when I don’t know who it’s been on.”

He chuckled. “Party pooper.” He shuffled around some more before producing a set of handcuffs, and warming body oil. He raised his brows questioningly at me.

“The body oil, yes. The handcuffs are marginal.”

“You’re questioning the handcuffs when you tied me up on our first date?”

I laughed. “I remember.”

He tossed the items onto the bed before returning to his quest. “Hell yeah!” he exclaimed, producing a sheet of four condoms.

I rolled my eyes. “Only you would get excited about that.”

He dove over to cover me with his body. “I could give two shits about the rubbers. It’s what I’m going to do to you when I’m wearing them that I’m excited about.”

He reached in to kiss my neck when I stopped him by gripping his shoulders and pushing him away. “Babe, you can’t start anything up right now. I don’t want to disappoint Abby about lunch.”

Groaning against my collarbone, AJ lifted his head. “She probably wouldn’t mind if we were a little late.”

“But between yesterday at the waterfalls and last night, I’m starting to wonder if I can walk.”

An impish grin curved on his lips. “I like that. It totally compliments my dick.”

“Of course you would. Now go get in the shower. I wanna grab something to drink first. All this sex has dehydrated me.” I nipped at his bottom lip before rising out of the bed.

“Only if you promise to join me after.”

“I will.” When a triumphant look flashed on his face, I shook my head. “But only for a scrub down. I’m not sneaking into Jake and Abby’s late for everyone to rag us about going at each other like rabbits.”

He chuckled. “Whatever.” He threw back the sheet and padded into the bathroom. As I eased into one of the robes from the bathroom, I heard the water turn on in the shower. I was halfway down the ladder when the doorknob on the front door rattled. It was probably Abby coming to make sure we were up and coming to lunch. I landed on the main floor just as the door blew open.

“Hey baby, I’m here,” a dark-haired girl called. When her gaze met mine, I’m sure we were both wearing the same wide-eyed, open mouthed expressions of shock. In one hand, she held an overnight bag and then a key in the other. Realization of who she was crashed so hard over my head that I shuddered and drew my arms around me to stop my shaking. It was the same girl from last night—AJ’s ex-girlfriend, Kylie.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded.

She pursed her glossed lips before replying, “I came to see AJ.”

I felt my fingernails sharpening like claws at my side. “He’s in the shower and not accepting visitors at the moment.”

“Oh.” She shifted on her feet. “This is kinda awkward.”

“It wouldn’t be if you left,” I snapped. Internally I was doing a little victory dance for keeping my Sicilian strength and standing up the bitch. I hadn’t been able to do the same thing with Erin—my ex-friend who cheated with Dev. I had been too emotionally crippled to ever confront her.

Her eyes widened at me. “Look, I didn’t know he was with anyone. He certainly didn’t tell me that last night—just that it wasn’t a good time to talk. So I figured I would come up here to see him.”

My heart clenched in my chest, and I found it hard to breathe. Why wouldn’t AJ have told her he was with me? He had invited me to Eastman’s as his date…he’d even chased after me when I tried to leave. He should have shot her down completely—not let her think there was some window of opportunity. Shaking my head, I replied, “Well, obviously he should have told you he was with me. Just like he is now.”

Although she seemed to cower back a little, the look that flashed in Kylie’s eyes told me she wasn’t backing down completely. “Fine. I can see now is not a good time. I’ll check in with AJ later.” She waved the key in front of my face. “I know where to find him—I always do.”

