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Beat of the Heart

Beat of the Heart (Runaway Train #2)(78)
Author: Katie Ashley

I gripped Mia’s chin in my fingers, tipping her head up to look at me. “He was more than happy to give us his blessing, not just so Bella could be legitimate. But because he wanted his baby girl to be happy.”

A sob echoed through Mia’s chest before she really let loose with the tears. “Oh AJ,” she murmured.

I took the ring from the box before taking her hand in mine. “Emiliana Sofia Martinelli, you are the most stubborn and infuriating woman I’ve ever met. Even though you drive me crazy and sometimes I want to bang my head against a fucking wall when you’re being difficult, there’s no one else in the world I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

She laughed at my words. “Thank you…I think.” As I knelt down before her, she stroked my cheek with her hand. “Alejandro Joaquin Resendiz, they broke the mold after they made you. Every stereotype I had about men, you managed to break, and I thank God for that. I’ve given you such an uphill battle, but you always came back for more. I never thought I could love again or be loved, but you proved me so very wrong.” She stooped over to bring her lips to mine. “Thank you for loving me.”

“It’s my pleasure, amorcito mio. To me, you’re perfect.” I kissed her again before I slid the ring on her finger. She held it up to examine it against the twinkling lights.

“This is so beautiful.”

“A beautiful ring for my beautiful girl.”

“Thank you, AJ. Thank you for everything.” She smiled down at me. Grabbing me by the lapels of my tux, she pulled me up off my knees. “Remember our first day in the carriage when I said we needed to get a hotel room?”

A smirk slunk on my face. “Yeah, I remember.”

“Tonight I want to make love to my fiancé, and we know it isn’t happening at your abuela’s.”

“I couldn’t agree more. No sneaking around tonight or roof-top quickies for my future wife.” I ran my thumb over her lips. “I want to spread you out on the bed beneath me, so I can make love to you nice and slow.”

A shiver rippled through her. “Let’s go now.”

I chuckled. “Okay, come on.”


On aching, swollen feet, I tagged along behind AJ to our third Grammys after party of the evening. Even though I was dead tired and wanted nothing more to crawl into bed, I didn’t dare go back to the hotel room to crash. AJ was on such an adrenaline high since it had been a huge day for Runaway Train, and I wanted to be along for the ride as his supportive fiancée.

Earlier in the afternoon, I’d felt like I was Cinderella in a fantasy land. Outfitted in a glittering red maternity gown that AJ proclaimed to be sexy as hell, I’d sat in the third row of the Staples Center surrounded by A-list musicians. We’d started off flying high when Abby and the boys of Jacob’s Ladder had won the Grammy for Best Country Duo/Group. Then later I shed tears of elation and pride when Jake and Abby won Song of the Year, especially knowing how it had been written about Jake’s late mother. When it came time to announce the Best Pop Duo/Group performance, I held AJ’s hand as he nervously tapped his leg. He’d been on edge all afternoon, but he could barely contain himself in his seat now.

When they had announced Runaway Train as the winner, I thought he would keel over with a heart attack from the excitement. Watching him take the stage with the guys had me grinning until my cheeks hurt and clapping until my palms were red and stinging. Brayden had been shoved in front of the mic to do the thank yous, and he did an amazing job. In the end, the guys racked up Best Pop Album as well.

Once the ceremony had ended, we’d been shuffled back into the limo we’d arrived in to start making our way to the after parties. I became immediately star struck at the label party when I saw who all was milling around. Even as the fiancée of a famous musician, it was still hard to believe this was now my life. Bella got in to the festivities as well as the later it got, the more she kicked the crap out of me.

After dancing for hours, we’d just left the Chateau Marmont hotel for a smaller party when AJ eyed me in the limo. “Do you think you need to go back to the hotel?”

“No why?”

“You look a little tired.”

Cocking my head at him, I asked, “Is that a nice way of saying I look like shit?”

He laughed. “Is that the pregnancy hormones talking?”

“No, it isn’t. Besides, Bella is having fun. She’s kicking up a storm.”

AJ’s hand came to rest on my enormous belly. “Man, she’s really going at it, huh?”

I grinned. “Yeah, she is.”

“Well, if you’re sure.”

I leaned over to kiss him. “I wouldn’t miss one minute of this amazing night with you.”

AJ brought his hands up to stroke my face. “I love you, Mia.”

“I love you more.”

Once we got inside the hotel, AJ and the others got drinks while I made my way to the hors d’oeuvres. Bella usually went on a kicking frenzy when she was hungry, so I was trying to appease her. Not only were ribs hurting from her exertions, but my back was as well.

I’d just finished my plate when AJ held out his hand. “Wanna dance again?” Even though I would have preferred sitting at the table and staying off my ballooning feet, I smiled at him and slid my hand into his. Halfway through the second song, I knew I’d made a mistake. The dull ache that had been building throughout my lower back and into my abdomen grew more intense.

With a gasp, I pulled away from AJ. “I think I need to sit this one out,” I shouted over the thumping bass of the music and roaring of the crowd.

AJ’s dark brows knitted together as he brought his hand to my abdomen. “Are you all right?”

Forcing a smile to my lips, I bobbed my head. “I just need to sit down and get some air.” When he started to lead me off the dance floor, I pressed a palm against his chest. “No, this is your night. I can make it to a table just fine.” He opened his mouth to protest, but I pressed my lips to his to silence him. “I’m fine.” I motioned toward the crowd of people who were waiting to talk to him. “Go, have fun.”

“Okay. Love you.”

As I weaved in and out the throng of people, I thought I would never make it outside to the veranda. People milled around, mainly smoking, but it wasn’t nearly as crowded as inside. My heels clicked down the tile as I tried to get away from the clouds of smoke. I sighed with relief when I found an empty chair tucked into an alcove. But after I got off my feet and took in a few deep breaths, pain still radiated through my lower back and abdomen.
