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Beautiful Monster 2

Beautiful Monster 2 (Beautiful Monster #2)(28)
Author: Bella Forrest

The other vampires lurched and groaned, fighting their instincts as blood began to spill from between Sarah’s legs. Even Nina moved forward and it was only due to my lightning quick reflexes that I was able to grab her.

“AMY!” I yelled, trying to get her attention in the crowd. “Do something!”

I didn’t know what I wanted Amy to do, I couldn’t even think clearly.

“Get out, get out!” I howled at the others. Their fangs were growing, and their eyes darkening and while I was strong, I certainly wasn’t strong enough to fight them all off and resist the smell of blood myself. But suddenly, relief filled the air. I whipped my head around to Sarah, who was now on the ground, Amy covering her. Amy’s arm was slashed from her elbow to her armpit, a pair of sewing scissors in her hand. It horrified me that she had to do it, but it was a good move. Her infected blood neutralized the cravings, and together with Sarah being a Shield, the fog in my mind began to clear. However, Amy had her arm held out, the blood dripping on the floor. I needed to keep it far away from Sarah or anyone else who could possibly be affected. My heart went out to her, as she crouched half on Sarah and half to the side. The war that she had to go through on a daily basis was enough, and I wished that I didn’t have to put her through any more. I hated myself for involving her in all of this.

“Call an ambulance,” Amy yelled at me.

I reached to pull out my cell phone. “Get out, the rest of you! Out, NOW! Connor, dismiss the cast!” I barked at them as I dialed 9-1-1 and let it ring through.

I could feel my heart beating hard, the transformation now half set. Connor met my eyes, and tried to head towards Sarah, but I pushed him back, glaring at him.

“If you do not do as I say right now, I will make sure that you and your wife are never free from Selene’s terror.”

He glared at me with intensity, but finally broke away, never saying a word as he pulled the others out. The ringing in the phone stopped.

“9-1-1, what is your emergency?”

I gave the information to the operator as everyone scattered and I hung up.

“Go,” Amy said to me. “Go. You look like a corpse.”

“Amy…” I didn’t want to leave her here to deal with this.

Sarah was conscious, but clearly in pain, and Amy was speaking soothing words to her, her injured arm held out to her side. These girls were so young, no one should have to deal with death. But Amy’s gaze was strong.

“No, go,” she repeated. “I’ll call you as soon as it’s safe.”

I hesitated for a minute and then headed down the steps, Amy’s blood still flooding my nostrils. We had to get this curse lifted, we had to succeed at the end of the year. Because I never ever wanted to put her through that again.

I knew I had been short with Amy all day, and I regretted it. I hadn’t meant to be, and she certainly didn’t deserve it. And without a chance to properly apologize, it weighed heavily on my chest.

I knew Sarah was having a miscarriage, it didn’t take a doctor to diagnose it. I was still fairly in the dark when it came to the mystery of a woman’s body, but the blood pouring out of her convinced me that the child could not survive. A child had never been conceived from vampire coupling and so perhaps it wasn’t meant to be. Perhaps this is what happened all the time and no one talked about it. There was so much that I didn’t know about the world I lived in, and so much I wished I had never learned.

I rushed down to the basement, fighting transformation all the way. The monster in me craved the blood on the floor, wanting to lap it up, and I hated myself more than ever


I made it to the hospital in 10 minutes after Amy texted me that it was safe. I probably broke every speed law on the planet. I had dismissed the school to regular classes, which I’m sure made the department heads hate me, but I wasn’t in any mindset to address them. It was 6 am, and it had been a long sleepless night. I walked into the hospital waiting room and Amy was waiting for me, a bandage up her arm.

“Amy,” I said, reaching out to wrap her in a hug. To my surprise though, she didn’t return it.

“Come with me,” she said, striding ahead of me towards the double doors.

“Amy, if you’re mad at me, do you think we can discuss it some other time?”

“Yes,” she said, and pushed a door open.

Sarah lay in a bed, tubing hooked up to her arms. She looked exhausted, but a quick glance at the monitors told me that her vitals were strong.

“Sarah, how are you?” I changed my tone, approaching the bed carefully.

Her eyes flicked opened, and she gave me a small nod. “I’m alright, now.”

“What happened?”

There was a silence, and the two girls looked at each other before Amy spoke.

“Sarah decided to take matters into her own hands and induced a miscarriage. Using pennyroyal.”

“What?” My jaw fell open. I was torn between offering sympathy and losing my cool.

“You don’t understand.” Sarah’s eyes were full of tears. “I couldn’t have that baby, I couldn’t. You know Connor wouldn’t support me, you know my parents would freak. And I didn’t want it.”

“Sarah, if you didn’t want it, there were other ways of…”

“No.” She shook her head, meeting my eyes. “Connor comes from a time when that doesn’t happen. He told me that if he caught me doing that, he would hold me captive.”

“WHAT?” Now my jaw fell open. “I’m going to kill him myself, don’t you worry.”

“Don’t,” Sarah begged, tears flooding her face. “I love him, Liam.”

“That’s not love.” Amy took her hand, squeezing it. “And you know it.”

“Sarah,” I said carefully. “Pennyroyal can kill you, did you know that?”

Instead of looking shocked, she nodded.

“You what?” Now it was Amy’s turn to be shocked. “You knew it could be fatal and you did it anyway?”

“I knew you wouldn’t let me die.” Sarah met my eyes. “Damn what the Shields think, Liam, I knew that if my life slipped away, you’d change me.”

I heard Amy gasp, and it must have been because of the look on my face. Every muscle in my body tremored as I tried not to punch a hole through the wall. Amy made a move towards me, but I moved away. I didn’t want to be touched, I didn’t want to think, I didn’t even want to breathe. I was trembling and I paced the room, trying to get under control.
