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Beautiful Sacrifice

Beautiful Sacrifice (The Maddox Brothers #3)(60)
Author: Jamie McGuire

“Well, you’ve both kissed the same guy,” Tyler said.

Ellison playfully punched him, but the contact still made a thud.

Tyler held his stomach, startled. “Oh!”

Taylor cackled and then interlaced his fingers in mine, and together, we strolled to Sails, the restaurant parallel to our building. The patio was on the opposite side, and the twins sat at one of the empty tables marked Reserved for the reception.

Seconds after we sat down, a server approached to take our drink orders.

“Whiskey,” Taylor said. “Neat.”

“We have a nice Irish Jameson Eighteen.”

“Sounds good,” he said. He was smiling, but his tone and the skin around his eyes told a different story.

The server looked to me.

“Just a water, please.”

“Yes, ma’am. Flat or sparkling?”

“Sparkling,” I said. At least that would feel a little more like I was celebrating with everyone else.

Liis and Thomas were across the way, seated with Shepley and America and Shepley’s parents. Looking content and in love, Camille and Trenton were chatting with Jim two tables away, completely oblivious of Thomas and Liis at the other table. Whatever awkwardness lived between the two couples must have been one-sided, but I was only speculating.

Taylor pulled off his tuxedo jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his white button-down. He leaned over, pointing to his bow tie, and I helped him loosen it along with his top button.

“Goddamn, I’m glad you’re here,” he said, leaning the remaining inches to kiss the corner of my mouth. “I was really sweating it until you texted me.”

“I told you I would come.”

He scanned my face and touched his thumb to my bottom lip. “I want you. Just you. Nothing else. I’m not just content with that, Falyn. You’re not part of what I want. You’re everything I want. Anything else is a bonus.”

I sat back against my chair, trying not to stare. His forearm tensed when he reached up to rub the back of his neck, and I had to cross my legs to control the ache between my thighs. It had been more than two weeks since I felt his skin against mine, and my body was letting me know about it.

“What?” he asked, a coy grin stretching across his face.

“Nothing,” I said, looking away as I tried not to smile.

Abby and Travis arrived. Travis held his wife’s hand high in the air as her other hand held her bouquet. The hostess announced their arrival over the PA system, and everyone in Sails clapped and cheered. A rock ballad came over the speakers, and Travis pulled Abby out to dance. She looked absolutely beautiful, her elegant caramel waves nearly blending in with her skin that had already been bronzed by the Caribbean sun. The stark white of her dress only made her tan look even darker.

I looked down at my arms, a sad shade of Colorado pale. Whatever time we had left, I committed right then and there to spend it in the sun.

We ate, danced, and listened to the speeches from the best man and maid of honor. We laughed, everyone but me drank, and the men left the covered patio for a bit to smoke the cigars Jim had brought.

Sometime after ten o’clock, Shepley’s parents decided to turn in. Jim followed suit not long after.

Eager to be alone, Travis lifted Abby into his arms. She waved her bouquet as he carried her into the night, toward building five. I thought about what would happen once Taylor and I reached our room, and my body screamed at me to make up an excuse for us to leave. I looked over at Taylor having so much fun with his brothers, and I ignored the overwhelming lust building inside of me.

Thomas and Liis were the next to say their good-byes, leaving the middle-born Maddoxes and their cousin with their dates.

An upbeat song came over the speakers, and Taylor pulled me onto the makeshift dance floor, which was only an area of the patio cleared of tables. For the dozenth time that evening, he spun me around, but then he tripped, and we stumbled to the floor. In the few seconds it took for us to fall, despite the many drinks he’d had, he reached out, making sure to hold me inches off the ground while his hip and shoulder banged against the concrete.

“Oh!” his brothers said, all gathering around us.

Shepley, Tyler, and Trenton worked together to help me up.

“You okay?” Shepley asked.

“Yes,” I said, watching Taylor struggle to stand upright.

“Are you okay?” Taylor asked me.

“I didn’t even hit the floor. Are you okay?”

He nodded, his eyes unfocused. “I can’t feel anything at the moment.”

Tyler patted his brother’s shoulder, hard. “Attaboy.”

America shook her head, turning to me. “Want anything besides sparkling water? He’s way ahead of you.”

“I can see that,” I said, smiling when Taylor’s brothers took turns pushing him back and forth.

“Okay, okay,” Shepley said. “We’re all drunk. Quit fucking with one another before someone gets pissed, and a fight breaks out. I don’t want to be kicked out of a hotel when we’re out of the country.”

“This is US territory,” Taylor said, weaving. “We’re good.”

“See?” Ellison said, pointing at Taylor. “He’s not too drunk. Partying may proceed.”

The boys left for the railing to take a smoke break, and America, Ellison, and Camille joined me at a table.

America rested her arm on top of the back of a chair, looking exhausted.

“You did good,” Camille said.

“You planned this?” I asked.

“Every last detail,” America said. “Abby wanted nothing to do with it. If I was going to get my dream best friend’s wedding where I was the costar maid of honor, I was going to have to plan it myself. So, I did.”

“Impressive,” I said.

The pattering of rain prompted the servers to rush to lower the fabric sidewalls and move the tables to protect the guests. The boys didn’t move, happily standing in the shower of the warm island rain.

Camille jumped up and rushed to Trenton, hugging him. He twirled her around, and she squealed in delight, letting her head fall back while closing her eyes.

A server approached the boys, offering a glass of water for them to extinguish their cigarettes, and they returned to us. Spatters of rain made translucent specks on the shoulders, chests, and sleeves of their white button-downs.

Taylor sat beside me and lifted my hand to his mouth before kissing my knuckles. “I’m trying to be polite, but all I can think about is getting you back to the room.”
