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Beauty and the Blacksmith

Beauty and the Blacksmith (Spindle Cove #3.5)(18)
Author: Tessa Dare

“Does he need help?” Diana whispered.

“He might be looking for help.” Or he might be looking for trouble.

Aaron stopped a fair distance from the cart. He reached under the driver’s box and retrieved the pistol he kept there. He’d loaded the weapon before setting off from Hastings, and now he was glad of it. This man looked honest enough at a glance—but it never hurt to be cautious.

Patched Coat jammed his hat back on his head and approached their wagon. “Good afternoon, sir. My cartwheel’s gone off its axle, and I can’t repair it on my own. As you can see, the missus is in a delicate state.”

He nodded toward the cart, and behind it Aaron could make out the shadowy form of a woman great with child.

“Can I ask for a moment’s assistance, sir? With the two of us, we should have it mended in a trice.”

Aaron hesitated. There was a canny glint in the man’s eyes and an oily quality in his smile. He didn’t like this.

But Diana dug her elbow into his ribs. “She’s pregnant. Night will fall before long. We have to help them.”

That settled matters. Aaron was obligated now. He couldn’t look like a callous, unsympathetic monster in front of the woman who had, just two minutes ago, danced on the verge of professing to love him.

“I’ll be right there,” he told the man, and he directed the horses as they pulled the wagon aside.

“You stay here,” he told Diana in a firm, low voice. He put the pistol in her lap and the reins in her hands. “Chances are, I’ll be back in two minutes. But if anything untoward happens, you drive away. If I call to you to drive, you drive away. Do you understand? If there’s trouble, I can handle myself. But I can’t handle myself and protect you and Charlotte.”

She nodded. “I understand.”

Aaron jumped down from the wagon, and his boots landed in the mud with a squelch. He rued wearing his finest coat now, having stupidly donned it just to impress Diana. The later the hour, the greater the dangers of highway travel grew. Any appearance of riches could put her at risk.

“I do appreciate your help,” Patched Coat said, walking him over to the disabled cart. “This will take no time at all. Big fellow like you? You can lift, and I’ll replace the wheel.”

Aaron ducked and took a quick peek under the cart. Though the wheel was off the axle, he saw nothing broken or damaged. In fact, the dried mud on the wheel rims suggested this cart hadn’t moved in several hours.

“You’ll want to remove your coat,” the man said. “My missus would be glad to hold it for you.”

Of course she would. And she’d be glad to strip the contents from every pocket while she was at it.

Aaron saw exactly what was happening now. This couple had probably been sitting by the road all afternoon, taking that cartwheel off and then flagging down passersby for assistance in “repairing” it. While the unsuspecting travelers performed a good deed, the “missus” would relieve them of their coin.

At least these were petty swindlers, not violent highwaymen. Aaron could get out of this easily enough.

He played along to a point, dutifully lifting the cart so that Patched Coat could fit the wheel back on the axle. Just as he’d probably done four times already today.

Aaron tipped his hat to Mrs. Patched Coat—whose pregnant belly looked a great deal lumpier than any he’d ever seen—and took his leave. “Best of luck to you both.”

Find some other unsuspecting fool to gull.

Damn it, the bastard followed him. “Say, I wonder if you could spare a blanket or—”

Aaron stopped in his paces and wheeled on him. “Not another step.”

“Why, I didn’t mean any—”

Aaron lowered his voice to a threat and loomed over the man. “You will not come one step nearer my wagon. I’ve helped you with your cart. If you know what’s good for you, turn around and walk back.”

“Aaron?” Diana called from the wagon. “Is everything all right?”

He lifted his eyebrows at Patched Coat. You tell me. Are you going to be sensible and turn around, slink back to your donkey cart? Or is this going to get ugly?

It got ugly. The man pulled a knife.

Aaron took a quick step back, putting himself out of reach.

“That’s a fine lady you have there,” the man said, gesturing with the gleaming point of his blade. “I’d imagine you work to keep her happy. Surely there’s something in your wagon my missus would enjoy.”

Without turning his gaze, Aaron lifted his voice. “Diana, drive on. Now.”

“I can’t,” she replied. “I’m not going to leave you here.”

“Drive. Now.”

When several seconds passed and Diana failed to obey his command, a smile spread across Patched Coat’s face. He swiveled the blade back and forth, taunting. “I think she likes me.”

Aaron swung on instinct, wanting to knock that smile straight off the bastard’s face and grind his nose into the gravel. His punch connected—but so did Patched Coat’s blade, slashing through the wool of Aaron’s coat sleeve.

They reeled apart from each other and prepared to clash again.

On some level, Aaron registered the fact that he’d been cut. But his mind took the pain and stashed it away for later. He could weather far worse—and he would. He was the human equivalent of an oak tree. If this bastard wanted to bring him down with that puny blade, he’d have to hack at Aaron all night long.

“Diana,” he said, keeping his eyes on that glittering, twisting blade. “For the last time, go.”

Patched Coat began to chuckle. “See now, my missus always listens to me.” He lifted his voice and called to his wife. “Search the wagon while I hold him here.”

A sound stopped them all cold.

The click of a pistol being cocked.

“I don’t think so.” Diana’s voice, as cool and calm as he’d ever heard it. “Step away from him,” she told Patched Coat. “Or I will shoot.”

Aaron cringed. Damn it all. Why had she refused to drive away? This couldn’t end well. If she lost her nerve, she could lose her life. And if she did shoot . . . He knew Diana. Taking a life would weigh heavy on her, even if the act was justified.

“Step away from him now,” she repeated, “or I will shoot.”

She didn’t give a third warning.


As the smoke cleared, Patched Coat let out a howl of pain, clutching his right hand in his left. The hand didn’t appear to be bleeding, but the knife was gone.
