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Beauty Awakened

Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark #2)(93)
Author: Gena Showalter

But Koldo was too weak to fight as he was dragged to a large silver boulder and strapped down. A second later, each of the females seemed to unfold a whip and strike at him, over and over again. His arms, his legs, and yes, even his decimated back. He gritted his teeth and bore it without a word, without a gasp, even when his skin was nothing more than tattered ribbons. He knew the rules of the Nefas.

A moment of frailty would be forever exploited.

He tried to flash, and failed. But even if he’d been at his strongest, he knew he wouldn’t have been capable of the deed. During the journey, Sirena had dug her claws into many of his wounds and poisoned him, stealing his ability. “I’ll have you yet,” she’d whispered. He’d tried to project his voice into Zacharel’s mind, but he wasn’t sure he’d gotten through. There’d been no response.

At last the females finished with him. More of his strength waned, but he was determined to live. He had to live. He had to obtain more Water. Had to help save Laila. Had to see Nicola again. Had to be with her, hold her.

He’d often sensed when she was in danger, but just then, he thought he sensed…determination from her. And if that were the case, Laila had to be alive. Nicola had to be wondering where he was. Nothing else would elicit that much resolve from her.

“How do you feel, boy?” Nox asked with a laugh. “Well, I hope. But if not, no matter. Tonight, Sirena will claim you as her very own.”

Cheers erupted.

“Take him to the cage.”

Koldo was untied and carried to the very cage he’d locked his mother in. Only, now it was covered by a tarp. He was flashed inside and dropped. He remained on the floor and rolled to his stomach, every inch of him aching. He looked around, but his vision was too hazed to make out more than a dark blob in the corner. A human?

His father approached, saying, “Have you learned yet, boy? You cannot vanquish me.”

Koldo pressed his lips together. He could rage, but what good would that do him? He could threaten—and amuse his father. He would rather wallow in the humiliation.

“I hear you let your mother go,” Nox said. “Did I ever tell you the story of your conception? No, probably not. I liked that you thought she loved me and still wanted me. But you see, your mother was helping defend an impoverished tribe of humans I wanted as my slaves. I captured her, too. Oh, how she fought me.”

Sickness suddenly churned in his stomach.

“I soon put her in her place, of course. Underneath me.”

Rape, Koldo thought, his stomach now heaving.

His mother had been raped. Koldo had been the result. He should have guessed, even when she’d claimed to want the man, probably too ashamed to admit the truth. Instead, he’d been so blinded by his hatred and his need to make her suffer, he’d taunted her about obsessing over Nox. No wonder she had spat at him.

Guilt and shame joined Koldo’s humiliation, the same toxic mix he’d dealt with most of his life. He wasn’t excusing his mother’s behavior. But she had hurt, and so she had lashed out. Koldo had hurt, and so he had lashed out. He should have broken the cycle.

“I enjoyed her over and over again, and decided to keep her,” Nox continued. “The day she gave birth I made the mistake of freeing her bonds. She escaped, taking you with her. I looked for her, but she hid very well.”

And that was probably one of the reasons she had never wanted her friends to see him, Koldo thought, not because she was ashamed of his ugliness. She hadn’t wanted word to travel and reach Nox.

“Will…destroy…you.” The words left him, unstoppable.

He would. Whatever he had to do.

He would strengthen. He would come out of this.

Nox snorted, and even that was smug. “You can’t even protect yourself, and you think you’ll take me down? No, Koldo, that isn’t how this is going to work. You’re going to heal, and you’re going to marry Sirena. You will get her with child if I have to steal your seed myself. Once she has a son, I’ll have no more use for you.”

And he would be killed.

“Until then, meet your cell mate.” Nox gestured to the shadow Koldo had seen in the corner of the cage. “I believe you know him. His name is Axel. He’s a Sent One, just like you, and you’re going to kill him if you want your Nicola to survive what I have planned for her.”

Footsteps pounded…became fainter….

“Liar,” Koldo tried to shout, but only managed to whisper. Nicola was safe. Axel was safe. He wouldn’t believe otherwise.

“Not this time, he’s not,” he heard Axel say calmly.

What? Koldo tried to sit up. No…no! Have to get Axel to safety. Can’t allow him to suffer. “You must escape. Now.”

“No, none of that now.” Warm hands stroked over his scalp. “I’m exactly where I want to be.”

Koldo relaxed, but only slightly. “How were…you caught?”

“You know, the uze. I was strolling down an abandoned alley, pretending to be helpless, and boom, someone grabbed me.”

So…he was here on purpose?

“The Nefas had been following me for days. I just let them catch me.”

Koldo was astonished. “Why?”

“Like I really want to break in a new partner.”

No. No, that wasn’t it. Axel cared about him. Axel had placed Koldo’s well-being above his own. And now, Koldo was supposed to harm him to save Nicola? “Shouldn’t…be here. I want you gone.”

“No way. I told you. I’m exactly where I want to be.”

“Too bad. You’re not allowed to help me. The Water…you’ll suffer.”

“Who said anything about helping you?”

Then what? What was the plan? What was the purpose of this?

“Just sit back and enjoy the show, bro,” Axel said, and Koldo heard the amusement in his tone. “I have a feeling you’re going to like this one. Your day is about to be saved, and by the most unlikely person.”

“Who? How?”

“No way I’ll ruin the surprise.”

Koldo couldn’t help himself. He pulled himself into a sitting position and draped his arm around Axel. “Thank you.”

“Not afraid of a man hug, I see,” the warrior said, clearly uncomfortable.

Koldo gripped him tighter.

“Really? This is happening?”

“I love you, male.”

Axel cleared his throat and wrapped an arm around him, too. “I love you, too. But I’m going to pretend that’s the pain talking—for both of us. And if you ever tell anyone you heard any kind of trembling in my voice, I’ll kill you.”
