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Because You Are Mine

Because You Are Mine (Because You Are Mine #1)(47)
Author: Beth Kery

“Yes, as you say. ‘You don’t have to worry. The car will be returned very quickly,’” the young man repeated aloud, and then several times under his breath.

“I won’t give it another thought, Gene,” Ian said with a small smile. The short conversation with the valet seemed to lighten his mood a tad. He noticed her raised eyebrows and curious expression when they got on the elevator. “I told Gene I’d try him out in my mailroom if he learned English. He has an aunt and uncle in Chicago and a big American dream.”

She smiled as they stepped off the elevator. “Watch out, Ian.”

He glanced sideways at her as he used the card key to the suite.

“You’re exposing your soft spots.”

“You think so?” he asked unconcernedly as he held the door open for her to enter. “I think I’m being very practical. I’ve observed firsthand what a hard worker Gene is. He scrambles to please when others shuffle.”

“And of course you always want those who are most willing to please you.”

“Yes,” he said, ignoring the sarcasm in her voice. He’d led her to the bedroom suite and now turned to face her. “Are you struggling with that, Francesca?”

“With what?” she asked, confused.

“With entering into an agreement where the primary goal is to please me.”

“I do this to please myself,” she said, lifting her chin.

His amused gaze ran over her face. “Yes,” he murmured, touching her jaw with gentle, blunt-tipped fingers. She shivered. “And that’s what makes you so special. Because pleasing me does please you.”

She frowned. Something about what he’d said encroached on that uncomfortable topic of domination and submission.

He smiled and dropped his hand. “I would prefer you didn’t struggle so much with the basics, lovely. There’s nothing shameful about your nature. In fact, I find you exquisite. You really have no idea why I had to have you at all costs, do you? There’s a quality in you that only a man like me can see . . .” He tapered off when he noticed the bewilderment on her face. He exhaled heavily. “Perhaps time is what is needed in your case. That, and practice.”

She blinked when she saw the gleam in his eyes.

“Please undress and put on a robe. Brush your hair, but then restrain it at the back of your head. Sit at the corner of the bed. I’ll be with you momentarily. We need a few things for this very important lesson.”

You really have no idea why I had to have you at all costs, do you?

Ian’s words kept echoing in her head as she did the things he’d asked, plus brushed her teeth. Sitting and waiting at the corner of the bed definitely ratcheted up her anxiety. She wasn’t pleased, necessarily, that she was so eager to please Ian sexually, to give him the type of pleasure he could give her, but she was honest enough to admit it was true to herself. She had no right to mentally cast aspersions on Ian for his preferences when she herself possessed equally dark desires.

Her thoughts were cut short when Ian walked into the room wearing only the black pants, his torso and feet bare, and carrying a small plastic bag. She watched him, growing breathless at the vision of his near nudity. Would he ever allow her to touch and caress and pet all those sleek, bulging muscles and smooth skin? His nipples were tiny and almost always erect, as far as she’d observed. He set down the bag on one of the chairs at the end of the bed. He took out something with straps she couldn’t identify, along with something she did recognize: the leather handcuffs. He stepped toward her, the items in his hands.

“Why do I have to wear the handcuffs for this?” she asked, disappointment filtering into her tone. She’d thought she was finally going to get the opportunity to touch him.

“Because I say so,” he said gently. “Now stand up and remove the robe.” She came down from the corner of the bed and untied the robe. The air felt a little chilly on her naked skin. Her nipples pulled tight as she tossed the robe on the end of the bed.

“It’s cool, but I think what I have in mind will be making you very warm very soon. Turn your back to me,” Ian said.

Once again, she had to resist a strong urge to gawk over her shoulder and see what he was doing back there. “Put your wrists together at your back,” he instructed. Her clit pinched in excitement when she felt him buckle the restraints around her wrists, binding her arms behind her back. “Now turn around.” She let out a small gasp when she saw the white jar that he held. Heat rushed between her thighs. She was becoming conditioned to that little jar of cream. Her body responded just upon seeing it. Ian paused, seeming to notice her reaction as she eyed the emollient.

“I’m acquainted with a doctor of Chinese medicine in Chicago who recommended this stimulant, but I’d never used it before you. I’m getting the distinct impression that you approve of it,” he said, his full lips shaping into a small smile. He stepped toward her and she held her breath, knowing what was to come. He plunged his finger between her labia and rubbed her clit, covering it with the stimulant. She bit her lower lip to prevent herself from crying out in excitement. Maybe it was her imagination of what was to come, but she already began to burn.

He dropped his hand. She watched anxiously as he picked up the item with the black straps that she’d noticed earlier. There was a thin cord attached to it as well, with a small control panel.

“What’s that?” she asked, slightly alarmed.

“It’s something designed purely for your pleasure, lovely. Don’t be afraid,” he said as he came toward her. “It’s a hands-free vibrator,” he explained, sliding the adjustable straps around her hips and tightening them. She stared down in mixed fascination and arousal as she saw him press a clear, ridged, jellylike column against her labia and clit. He set the control panel with a dial at the edge of the bed. “I don’t relish making you uncomfortable, but since you are inexperienced, your first lessons at this might be more . . . trying for you until you become used to things. I want you to feel pleasure while you’re learning me. It will make things easier for you. Perhaps.”

“I don’t understand,” she said as he further tightened the straps on the vibrator until they were snug and stepped back, examining his handiwork. It was as if she wore a skimpy pair of underwear with the little vibrator wedged between her labia. Her pussy was already buzzing just from the slight pressure and the clitoral cream, and Ian hadn’t even turned on the device yet.
