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Before Lucky

Before Lucky (Forever Love #2.5)(6)
Author: J.S. Cooper

“The model that dated Braydon six months ago?”

“Yeah,” I paused. “She didn’t know anything.”

“I didn’t think she would have much information.” I heard some papers shuffling. “I’m not sure many of them will have access to the info we need.”

“You never know,” My voice was urgent. “I have to try.”

“Yes, it doesn’t hurt. Have you been in contact with Evan?”

“Yeah, we’re going to hang out soon.”

“Good. Once you get in with that crowd, you should be able to figure out who is closest to Braydon. And hopefully, figure out how many people are involved.”

“Yeah.” I sighed. “I have a date planned for next week with Brigetta.”

“The swimsuit model?”


“She’s hot.”

“They’re all hot.” I was nonchalant. Hot didn’t mean anything to me anymore. They were all the same to me; a means to an end.

“Lucky bastard.” Special Agent Waldron laughed and I closed my eyes as I sat on the bed.

“I don’t care if they’re hot. I just want them to have info.”

“Yeah.” His voice was monotone again. “Well, don’t forget to let me know if you get any.”

“Yeah,” I scratched my head. “I took Emily to a diner tonight.”

“Oh?” I knew that he was surprised. I wasn’t the sort of guy to do diners.

“Yeah, Lou’s Burger Joint. It was different, but kinda cool.” I thought back to the beginning of the evening and watching Lucky dancing. I smiled thinking about the concentration on her face, as she tried to get the steps down, and the embarrassed smile she had given me when she realized I had been watching her.

“I see.”

“I figure maybe I’ll go back next week.” I paused. “Unless you think it’s a bad idea.”

“I don’t think it’s a bad idea unless you get made.”

“Yeah, I wasn’t sure if it was smart to go again. I mean, I have no real reason to go back, but the food was pretty good.” My voice trailed off. I wasn’t sure why I was going on about the diner. Or why I wanted to tell him about Lucky. I felt a strong urge to say her name and talk about her, as if that would make me closer to her.

“Okay. Was there anything else, Zane?”

“No, I just wanted to report back about Emily.”

“Let me know what happens next week, and stay safe.” And with that, he hung up. I put the phone down on the mattress and stared up at the ceiling. I didn’t normally mind being alone, but for some reason I felt antsy. I reached over for the remote control and turned on the TV. I stared at the screen and flicked through the channels until I came to Friends. It wasn’t a show that I loved, but it was a show I was comfortable with. Watching Friends made me feel comforted, and I laughed easily as Joey made some stupid joke. I laid back in the bed and watched the screen. Within seconds, my mind had drifted back to Lou’s Burger Joint and Lucky. I laughed as I remembered her dancing again. I couldn’t seem to get the image out of my mind. She had been concentrating so hard as she followed her friend. Watching her move had sparked something in me, and I could still feel the spark that had run through me as she had looked up into my eyes. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to think about her and the way I had felt when we had spoken. I wondered if she had left work already, or if she had to work all night. I sat up, panicked and worried: what if she had to work until 3 a.m. and had to walk to her car by herself? Was that safe? I grabbed my phone and looked up the phone number to the restaurant and called the number without thinking.

“We’re having a great night at Lou’s Burger Joint, can I help you?” A lightly accented lady picked up the phone, and I assumed it was the other waitress, Maria.

“Hi, I, uh, was just wondering if Lucky was there.” My breath caught in my throat and I wondered what I was doing, acting like a stalker.

“Oh, sorry, mi amor, Lucky just left with her friend.”

“Oh? Her friend?” What friend? Did she have a boyfriend? Was I crazy? I was definitely crazy. I was just about to hang up when Maria spoke again.

“Her roommate Leeza. You should call her cell.”

“Oh okay, thanks. I’ll do that.” I hung up quickly, grinning to myself. She hadn’t left with a guy, she had left with her roommate, a girl. I shook my head at how happy I felt. “You don’t even know if she has a boyfriend. Cool it, Zane.” I mumbled to myself, but I didn’t care. All I knew was that she was safe and with her roommate. It wasn’t that I cared about her, I just wanted to make sure she was okay, because she seemed like a nice girl. And I didn’t want to see anything bad happen to her, or any nice girl. If Maria had been my waitress, I would have made sure she was okay as well. I closed my eyes to stop my thoughts, but all I could think about was Lucky and her giant smile. The smile that had awakened something in me. It scared the shit out of me, but I knew that I couldn’t wait for my date the following Friday, so that I could go to Lou’s Burger Joint and see Lucky again. And maybe next time, she could teach me a few dance moves as well.

Chapter 3

“I think you’ll like this place,” my heart raced as I smiled at Brigetta as we walked to Lou’s Burger Joint. Brigetta was surprisingly nice for a swimsuit model. A little bit of an airhead maybe, but she seemed like a sweet gal.

“Oh, I like all sorts of restaurants.” She smiled at me sweetly.

“I hope you like burgers.”

“I love burgers.” She laughed and rubbed her stomach.

“Beef burgers or veggie burgers?” I chortled, but I wasn’t paying attention to her answer as we walked into the diner. I looked around quickly, anxious to see if Lucky was working tonight. I felt my stomach drop as I only saw Maria and another waitress. She wasn’t working. The disappointment that coursed through me was strong and I wanted to know where she was. Why would she take a Friday night off? Did she have a date? Weren’t Friday nights the best nights for tips? Didn’t she care that I was going to be in tonight? How would she know, Zane? The voice whispered in my head, and I frowned. I was losing it.

“Have a seat,” the waitress I didn’t know shouted across the diner to us. “I’m Shayla, and I’ll be with you in a few minutes. Choose any vacant booth.”
