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Before The Moon Rises

Before The Moon Rises (Ritter Werewolves #1)(8)
Author: Catherine Bybee

“Over my dead body,” Max’s voice was deadpan, his expression firm.

“Whoa, wait up. Since when do you take assignments so literally? We try to keep him from turning people. Never do you risk your life for them.”

“She’s different.”

Richard rolled his eyes. “If you say so.”

“I mean it, Richard. She’s mine, he can’t have her!”

“Slow down, you just met her, remember?”

Max leaned forward, debated with how much to tell his brother. “She’s mine.”

Richard stood. “If you say so.”

“I say so.”

Richard had the good sense to change the subject. “How did you end up in the hospital anyway?”

“I’m not all that sure. During last night’s fight I managed a couple of good bites. I remember feeling lightheaded.”

“Do you think the other werewolf was on drugs?”

“Must have been. But, whatever he took filtered out of my system before the hospital managed to draw my blood. According to Janet my tox screen was negative.” Max covered a yawn.

Richard took the hint and started to leave the room. “Get some sleep. I’ll wake you in a few hours.”

“Two, don’t let me sleep more than two.”

Richard waved him off. “Whatever.”


Gentle strokes across her forehead woke her from restless dreams. Max stared down at her. His face freshly shaven his clothes changed. He smelled of musk and soap. Clean.

Janet smiled and rolled on her back. “Hey.”

“You were out.”

“What time is it?” She stretched her arms to the side. The blankets fell to her waist exposing a simple sleeveless nightgown that revealed more than it covered. She caught him staring at her chest.

“Six, like you asked.” He forced his eyes to hers.

“Did you sleep?” To her disappointment, he stood from the bed to put distance between them.

“A little. I have to work in a couple hours.”

The thought of him leaving her alone in his home unsettled her.

As if sensing her concern he added, “I’ve asked my brother to stay with you. And James is always here. You have nothing to fear.”

“What do you do?”

He turned away. “I own a security management firm, tonight I have to run surveillance for a client.”

Knowing nothing about what he spoke of, Janet didn’t question him. “When are you leaving?”

He checked his watch. “In about an hour.”

Janet tossed the blankets back, when she stood her nightgown went to her knees. “I’ll get dressed, make us some dinner.”

“You cook?”

His question caught her off guard. “Don’t you?”

“If you call microwave dinners cooking, then yes.”

Janet chuckled. “I’ll meet you downstairs.”


Richard was pleasant, even if he kept a watchful eye on her during their brief meal.

He resembled his brother in appearance, except younger, more innocent around the eyes. He didn’t question why he was asked to stay and watch over her while Max went to work. He seemed to take it as if he did so everyday, which struck Janet as a little odd.

She wished it were Max staying, instead of his brother. But beggars can’t be choosers, she told herself.

The sun had begun to sink in vibrant hues when she walked Max out.

“I’m sorry I have to leave,” he told her.

“You have to pay the bills, right?”


His thoughtful expression made her think he worried for her. “I’ll be okay,” she told him.

“I know. I hate to leave you.” Max gathered her in his arms.

The thought to pull away never entered Janet’s mind. His eyes were swirling again, in turn her stomach fluttered in anticipation of his touch. “I’ll be here when you get back.” The words a promise, one she didn’t regret.

She reached up and stroked his face. She caught his smile before he dropped his lips to hers. His tongue explored every corner of her mouth, her body molded to his trying to soak in every detail before he left.

Her knees went weak. Desire shot through her and had her panting for more. His hands caressed her waist, inched up slowly and settled on her breast. His fingers tugged and sent a spark of lust through her body.

He whispered in heated desire. “I want to finish this.”

Against her normal behavior, Janet leaned in and said, “Hurry home.”

He captured her lips for one last searing kiss before leaving.

Richard wore a knowing smile when she came back inside. “So, Miss O’Brien, what movie should we watch?”

Janet followed him into the den, completely at home with her personal bodyguard. She turned her attention to the movie selections. They were entirely male. Not one ‘chick flick’ to be found. Picking something at random, she gave it to Richard to put in the player.

He checked the title and starting laughing.

“What is it?”

“Oh, man. You have no idea.” He kept up the chuckles and fired up the DVD. “I’ll get the popcorn.”

Richard left the room, laughing hysterically.

Janet tucked her feet under her and removed the throw from the back of the couch. The opening credits of “An American Werewolf in London” hit the screen.

Richard returned five minutes later, though the telltale smell of popcorn hit her senses first. “I hope you added extra butter.”

“A woman after my own heart,” he said before plopping down the bowl of popcorn.

A yelp behind the couch had Janet tense into a rigid sit. From behind Richard, the cause of the noise walked up and pressed its nose against her arm.

Janet sprang away and backed up against the wall in alarm. “What is that?”

Richard smirked and grabbed a handful of popcorn. “Didn’t Max tell you he had a dog?”

“No! He didn’t. That…” She motioned toward the four legged, pointed-eared animal. “Doesn’t look like a dog.”

“Well, he thinks he’s more human than dog. But you’re right, he’s a wolf.”

Janet started backing out of the room, never taking her eyes off the animal.

“He’s harmless, really. You have nothing to be afraid of.”

As if in understanding, the wolf walked up to her and tried to lick her hand to prove Richard’s point.

“I’m deathly allergic to dogs.” She snatched her hand away.
