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Beguiling Bridget

Beguiling Bridget (Waltzing with the Wallflower #2)(7)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

Still, it was pleasing to see him humbled twice in two days. A mischievous smirk curled her lips at the memory of Lord Maddox knocked squarely on his rear. And on a public street. Yes, that image was sure to bring her hours of good humor for the weeks to come as she endured the rest of the wretched London Season. Her walk suddenly took a turn for the better, for every time she thought of the handsome viscount, she remembered his accidents and immediately lost the attraction she held for him. At least, that’s what she told herself to believe when her thoughts turned dangerous.


Already Bridget was relieved her aunt had taken ill that afternoon. Since she was unable to accompany her to the dinner party, Bridget had come with her dear friend Gemma Reynolds. The freedom from her aunt’s heavy-handed scrutiny of Bridget’s every move, as well as the lack of formal dancing, gave Bridget liberty to avoid hiding in corners from unwelcome attempts at forcing her to participate.

She sat chatting with Gemma and her brother, waiting for the entertainments to begin. Gemma was slated to play the pianoforte later this evening after dinner, a talent that escaped Bridget, but she did enjoy listening to her friend’s mastery of the instrument.

Bridget had known Gemma for years. Many times they had been mistaken for sisters, because their hair was the same brilliant shade of crimson — though Bridget had often wished she could trade her wild insubordinate curls for a satin smooth mane like Gemma’s.

Ever since her mother’s death and Bridget had come to live with her father’s family in London — though the man himself had abandoned both Bridget and her mother when she was but a child — Gemma and Bridget had been in constant company and loved one another like sisters. But Gemma’s aspirations were toward marriage nowadays, so her subjects of choice in conversation held little interest for Bridget.

Therefore it was little wonder that Bridget was only half-listening to the discussion of the announced betrothal between Count Belvedere and Miss Violet Jasper when her friend stopped talking mid-sentence and anchored her gaze on the archway behind Bridget.

“Sweet heavens… sin just walked through the door,” Gemma whispered in ironic reverence. Her head tilted to the side, a feminine sigh escaped her lips, and Bridget could have sworn her friend actually began to tear up.

As Bridget twisted in her chair to see what was affecting her friend so, Gemma rested a hand on Bridget’s to stay her, stopping her from turning wholly around.

And something in Gemma’s urgency caused Bridget to stiffen in purest dread, when her friend added, “Oh! I may swoon! He’s approaching us!”

“The devil you say!”

“He comes at this very moment!”Gemma clenched her hands in her lap and began to visibly shake.

If the sudden chill prickling along her spine was any indication, Bridget was certain that the sin rendering her friend paralyzed at this moment was none other than Viscount Maddox, and he stood directly behind her, with his usual beautiful smile spread across his smug face. How did he know she would be here? Well, she wasn’t going to gift him the satisfaction of knowing she could sense his presence. That would be just what he wanted. Drat her arms for producing chills, and curse her stomach for dropping to her knees!

“Holy Moses, no man should have a smile like that,” Gemma said just under her breath.

Bridget rolled her eyes, but had to grudgingly agree. His smile could melt the ice off a polar bear’s tail.

“Lady Bridget, a word?”

Gemma’s mouth gaped, betraying her shock.

Bridget stood before turning around, giving herself time to steel her nerves against the onslaught of his overwhelming male ego. At least he came by it honestly. The viscount truly was carved like a Greek god. But she had no intention of allowing it to affect her. She has other interests — other pursuits, and—

“My buttons, they make a handsome couple,” Gemma’s brother said loud enough for all to hear. Gemma jabbed him in the ribs with a well-placed elbow.

“Ah, Lord Maddox. Speak of the devil and he appears — what an unlikely surprise.”

“You were speaking of me?” His beguiling smile stretched wider across his marble features.

“Hmm… if I recall correctly, we spoke of sin, and yes, I believe the devil was mentioned.” His smile waned to its usual irritating level. The golden corona of his brilliant green eyes seemed to catch the candlelight and sparkle at her. No. Bridget wouldn’t let him convince her. She was no trophy to be won. Why wouldn’t he just leave her alone? Think about your mother crying! Think about your parents’ marriage crumbling and your mother dying of a broken heart. Think of those things!

As if on cue, Sir Wilde interjected with genuine pleasure, “Lady Gemma! It has been an age!” He brushed past the viscount to address the lady’s hand. “Tell me, where have you been keeping yourself?”

Gemma seemed to blush to the very roots of her dark red hair. He tucked her hand under his arm and led her to the refreshment table, chattering all the while.

Bridget shook her head slightly as the pair disappeared around the corner without so much as batting an eyelash in farewell. Behind them, Gemma’s traitor of a brother followed close, as if he didn’t trust Sir Wilde a stone’s throw away with his sister.

This left Bridget quite alone in the salon. Quite alone with Lord Maddox.

The man took a seat beside where Bridget stood and gestured to her to do the same. As she lowered herself into the chair, he leaned in ever so close and turned that sinful smile on her. Suddenly overheated and beyond irritation, she began to fan herself, trying desperately to appear nonchalant when the temptation to lean forward and smell him was overwhelming.

“You asked for a word, my lord. How may I be of help to you this evening? Perhaps a lesson or two on how to walk about the public streets without being trampled by passing carriages? Or possible strategies to avoid dangerous fruit attacks?” Bridget offered him what she hoped was her most innocent expression. “Truly, I aim only to please.”

“It seems I’ve found my match. I do so love a challenge.”

“I’m not participating in said challenge, nor am I like every other girl who would think nothing of selling her own grandmother in order to receive one of your smiles.”

“Truly? You wouldn’t even sell a dress? An irritating sibling?”

“Not a sibling, and certainly not my soul.”

“Truly, you have a rapier sharp wit, my lady. Pray tell, how do you do it?”
