Read Books Novel

Belonging to the Steer Brothers

The wetness from the stories she’d read had made her crave a relationship with two men. To have two men devoted to her pleasure.

Man.  She’d read way too many erotica books and movies to send her spiralling.

Since Paul seemed determined to keep her at arms’ length from any male with a willing cock, she’d ended up remaining a virgin. She’d had opportunities, but whenever she’d gotten close to giving herself to someone there had been a part of her that hadn’t felt right. In her heart and mind she belonged to Paul and David. The only men she’d give herself to would be her men. The Steer men.

“Are you decent?” The masculine call came through the door. Anna smiled as she called for him to enter, and there was David, in the flesh. One of the two men she couldn’t stop dreaming and fantasizing about. Would his c**k be as long as the men she’d seen in the videos? One of her room-mates had talked to her about what happened during a woman’s first time. She wasn’t scared. Her virginity was a matter that would be taken care of soon. Paul wouldn’t push her away again. Anna Myers wanted to belong to the Steer brothers. This visit would either cement their bond, or she’d leave and never look back. One thing was clear in her mind. She wouldn’t leave until she knew her answer.

Holding her hands out to her side, Anna gave him a little twirl. “What do you think?” Time hadn’t changed the way David responded to her. He always made her feel wanted.

“You look amazing as always,” he said stepping further into the room.

“Amazing? Is that it?” she asked disappointed, but she tried not to show it. When would a guy tell her she was sexy or beautiful?

“What more is there?”

Anna sighed and turned back to look at her reflection. “You know I’m not a child anymore?” She wouldn’t beg for attention. It wasn’t in her style.

David joined her, standing close to her back placing his hands on her shoulders. “I’ve never seen you as a child.”

Anna couldn’t concentrate as his thumbs moved along the angle of her neck. She almost leaned back and pressed her body against his much larger warmth. This is what it was always like. Wanting but refusing, scared to move past the age barrier. Yes, she understood they’d taken her in when she was sixteen, but she had her own mind and knew what she wanted. She wanted to be able to be part of their lives. In her heart she dreamed of being married to both men. Anna knew if she didn’t react soon she would always remain in the closed off bracket.

What Paul had said all that time ago no longer mattered. She loved them both and could overlook his hurtful words.

Impulsively, Anna leaned back. David’s body consumed her. His shoulders could be seen on either side of her. She watched in the full length mirror as his gaze moved down the line of her body and back up again. The first real sign of interest in her as a woman. She held it as a sparkle of hope it was.

With her palms down by her sides she brushed them on his thighs. He didn’t move, but she heard him take a deep breath. The air he expelled ruffled the hair at the nape of her neck.

“What are you doing, Anna?” His voice took on a deep growl.

Tilting her head back Anna looked into his eyes. His beautiful green eyes, so beautiful and earthy they took her breath away. Bringing her other arm up, she looped it to the back of his head. With her free hand she held his arm where it circled round her waist. This was the first time they’d been this close.

Was that his c**k pressing against her ass?

“Aren’t you going to kiss the birthday girl?” she asked. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her ni**les ached for him to reach up and cup them. It had been years since she’d held him. The past three years hadn’t stopped the yearning to be near to him. His scent invaded her, turning her inside out. She wanted this man as much as she wanted his brother. Was she sick? Anna crossed her legs as the ache in her pu**y built. Could she grab his hands and place one on her breast and the other on her mound? Her body was alive, and she wanted to feel closer to him. To take all of her clothes off and beg him to make love to her.

A moan escaped between her lips, and at the moment she didn’t care as he leaned down to give her a kiss. She noted the way his lips were closed and his eyes firm. She knew he would try for a peck on the lips or a brush. She didn’t want a peck. Anna wanted it all.

His lips brushed hers. A brotherly or friend type kiss.  As he moved away her hand tightened around his neck refusing to let him go. She turned slightly in his arms so her body was in a better position to receive his kiss. Closing her eyes she deepened the kiss, opening her lips and running her tongue over his lips.

He pulled away. A hand on her cheek. “Anna, don’t do this.”

“Please, please. David, kiss me like you want too. Just once,” she begged.

“Anna, please. Don’t make me start something we won’t be able to finish.”

Hope sprang inside her. David felt something. “Then don’t stop, and let us continue until we finish.”

She watched as he closed his eyes. “Don’t say stuff you don’t mean.”

“I mean it. I want you David,” she said.

For several moments he didn’t respond, remaining frozen solid. Anna was determined to evoke some emotion whether it was disgust at her assumption or the passion she knew was just beneath the surface.

The time seemed to last for an eternity. It was the longest wait for anything in her life.

She was rewarded as his free hand captured the back of her head and thrust his tongue between her lips. His hand on her waist spun her around, moving her flush against him. Her aching br**sts full and round, her ni**les budding to unbearable points as they pushed, trying to come through the fabric of her gown. David placed one hand to the back of her head, his fingers sinking into the length of hair which he fisted. Anna cried out from the pain opening her mouth wider for his invasion. The one on her waist moved down to her butt. He squeezed her ass, and she heard a growl escape between his fiery kisses. Anna circled both of her arms around his neck, holding on as desire and lust took over. She felt her dress being pulled up past her butt, exposing her virginal white panties. David was gathering her dress in his hands. The thrill sent delightful shivers all around her body.

As abruptly as it began she was suddenly thrust away from him. The movement shocking her, she had to catch herself before she fell in a heap on the ground.

“What the hell am I doing?” he cursed himself He ran erratic fingers through his hair. Not talking to her or looking at her. He looked crazy with longing.
