Read Books Novel

Beyond Me

Beyond Me(6)
Author: Jennifer Probst

A retching noise broke through the air. The girl let out the contents of her stomach over the bar while catcalls of “ugh” echoed loudly.

“Puke,” I finished.

Her boyfriend or whatever stumbled back and made a face, suddenly not so hot to get her more tequila. Her face turned green, and she slumped toward the ground.

I jumped to catch her. “Get me some napkins,” I ordered. James quickly grabbed a bunch and thrust them in my hands, and I cleaned her face as best I could. “Are there towels in the kitchen?”

James nodded. “I’ll get you some clean ones and some water.”

“Thanks.” Hooking my arm under her pit, I held her up and guided her through the sliding glass doors and into the house. Funny, her boyfriend scurried away like the rat he was. Asshole.

“Don’t feel so good,” she muttered. She swayed on rubbery legs, but I was well used to the drunken walk, usually with a man with triple the weight to move and take care of.

“You’ll be okay. Let’s get you to the bed.” I eyed the stairs with trepidation, but finally found an unoccupied spare bedroom. I helped her sit on the edge of the mattress and she pressed a knuckle to her mouth. She didn’t look so composed and perfect. She looked like a young girl, sick to her stomach, alone, and not sure what to do. “What’s your name?”



She nodded. “Spinning. Stop.”

“I’ll try.”

James came in the room with a bucket, towels, and a few bottles of water. “Thanks, I can take it from here.”

He looked from me to Tracey, brows lowered in a frown. “Let me help. Do you think we need to call 911?”

I shook my head and began dumping water on one of the towels, smoothing it over her face and pushing back her hair. “I’d like to know how much she drank so far, but she hasn’t passed out yet. She’s thrown up already, so let’s get some water in her system and see.”

“Got it.” I gently retied her bikini top so she was covered, and James uncapped the water and managed to get her to take some sips. She choked, but held it all down.

“So tired,” she muttered, clutching the edges of the bed as it probably spun out of control.

“We’ll let you sleep in a minute, Tracey. Can you tell me how much you drank? Do you remember?”

She closed her eyes, but I kept gently repeating my question over and over. “Tequila,” she spit out. “Shots.”

Ouch. Dad was a Scotch man, which was pretty nasty, but I’d seen what tequila had done to him one night, and he’d avoided it afterward. “How many shots? Three? Four?”

She held up a shaking hand with five fingers. I calculated her body weight, added another shot for good measure, and knew she’d be okay. Just a wicked hangover to end all others. The fact I knew such research should’ve been depressing, but living with an alcoholic father and interning at the rehab had given me more knowledge than I ever wanted. “Okay, sweetie, let’s get you to lie down.”

We forced her take a few more sips. James helped me lay her down, and we covered her with the patchwork quilt from the bed. She moaned for a long time, but we kept watch, and she finally went to sleep. I left the bucket by the bed along with some water and faced James.

“Is she safe in here?” I asked. “I don’t want that ass**le to think he can take advantage of her.”

His features hardened and he clenched his jaw. There was a bit of sexy stubble that gave him a rough edge I found interesting. “I won’t let anyone in. Besides, he’s moved on. He’s not interested in passed-out women, trust me.”

I crinkled my nose. “If he’s a friend of yours, I’m not impressed.” I know I come off snobby at times, but who people picked as their friends said a lot about their character. I was disappointed to think James hung out with the same crew.

“Not a friend. He just comes to the parties and knows me.” He seemed to pick his words carefully. “We travel in the same circles.”

“Asshole Central?”

He laughed and shook his head. “Hope not. Listen, I promise you she won’t be bothered. Tracey tends to party a bit too hard and many of her friends are used to her overdoing it.” He studied me hard. “You didn’t even know her, but you were the only one who stepped in.”

I shrugged. “Alcohol poisoning is serious stuff. I mean, I like to drink too and all, but I know my limits and try to have backup with my girlfriends if I’m gonna let myself go.”

“Guess you don’t go to many frat parties at school, huh?”

“Not really. “ I eased open the door and we walked out, shutting it. Now he knew the extent of my lameness. I realized this wouldn’t work. He wanted a party girl—fun, frolic, and a good f**k for the moment. No matter how hard I wanted to, I couldn’t change who I was. I’d probably end up planning everything, just like I did the first time I got laid. By the time I had decided to lose my virginity, I was so stressed out about it going according to plan that I didn’t even enjoy it. I pushed down the lingering disappointment at myself and forced a smile. “Well, it was nice chatting with you. See ya around.”

I tried to walk away, but his hand shot out to grab my upper arm. “Did I say something wrong?” he demanded.

I blinked. “Umm, no, it’s just that I’m sure you realized we’re total opposites. You’ll do better with one of those girls out there, I think.” I jerked my head toward the giggling masses surrounding the pool and stream of gorgeous tanned bodies set up for display on lounge chairs. My one-piece suit and flip-flops screamed “amateur” and “stick-in-the-mud.” I was so not spring break material. Mackenzie would be pissed I didn’t wear the off-the-shoulder halter dress she picked out for me or the tiny red bikini she’d stuffed in my carry-on.

“Wow, I really failed this pickup. You’re throwing me at other women within half an hour of meeting me. Is it my looks?”

I let out an impatient breath. “Of course not.”

“My conversation?”


He dragged me a few steps in. The delicious scent of him rose to my nostrils, and his body heat could’ve burned me alive. My knees grew weak, just like one of those awful clichés I read about. “Then what happened to our plan to run off together and have an adventure?”

My lips parted. His gaze dropped to my mouth, and those blue eyes darkened with lust. Holy crap, he really wanted me. There was no denying the heat between us, and my body pulled so tight it seemed to almost hum with tension. He was going to kiss me, and I was going to let him. My breath strangled in my chest, and he bent closer. His full pouty lip held me motionless, and I reached an inch toward him to close the distance and—
