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Big Girls Don't Cry

Big Girls Don’t Cry (Dundee, Idaho #6)(27)
Author: Brenda Novak

The car in front of them slowed, and they came to an abrupt stop.

“Luanna hated you because she was a jealous, coldhearted bitch,” he said. “She didn’t want to compete for Dad’s attention, so she edged you out of the picture as much as possible. What happened after Mom died wasn’t your fault. It’s just the way things were.”

She tore her eyes from the road. “I can’t change this, either, Isaac. I have to deal with it whether I want to or not.”

She had him there.

“My point is that you did nothing to cause it. Keith was already married when he met you. Had things been the other way around, maybe this would never have happened.” Isaac hoped that thought would bring her a small measure of comfort, but if Keith could cheat on a woman as passionate and animated as Reenie, he could probably cheat on anyone. If Isaac had his guess, Keith’s behavior had nothing to do with finding either Liz or Reenie inadequate.

“Have you talked to him?” he asked when she didn’t respond.

She changed lanes and gunned the SUV, only to slam on the brake two seconds later to avoid crashing into the back of a Suburban. “He finally answered my many messages. This morning. When he arrived in Boise.”

The lane they’d abandoned began to move more quickly than the one they were in now, which was in keeping with the luck they were having in general. “What did he say?” Isaac asked.

“That he’s going to quit his job. He won’t be returning to California.”

“Reenie told me she won’t take him back. She said you could have him.”


“That’s her name. Remember? I told you last night.”

“Yeah, well, maybe he doesn’t yet know she won’t take him back. Anyway…” She turned on her blinker and switched lanes again.

Isaac wished the traffic would ease before they rearended someone. “Anyway?” he prompted when she didn’t immediately continue.

“He said she’s an emotional woman, but that she’ll calm down and eventually do whatever is necessary to hold her family together.”

Isaac had been in such a hurry to reach the airport this morning, he hadn’t bothered to shave. Now he rubbed the stubble on his chin as he pictured the spunky woman he’d had dinner with last night. “She might,” he admitted.

“I’m sure he knows her pretty well. He’s been married to her for eleven years, right?”

Isaac winced. “Right.”

They drove in silence for a few seconds. “Have you told Mica and Christopher?” he asked.

“Not yet. I’ve got to, of course. Soon, so they’ll understand what’s happening. But…” Her voice finally wobbled. He thought she might break down but, after an extended silence, she lifted her chin and finished as mechanically as she’d begun. “But I’ve been putting it off. I don’t want them suddenly stripped of all security.”

As she’d been after their mother had died. “He should give you the house, everything the two of you own.”

“I don’t care about the house,” she said.

“You will once the shock and pain subside.”

“No.” She shook her head adamantly. “The kids are all that matter to me.”

“You don’t think he’ll fight you for custody?”

“No.” Her throat worked for a moment before she got the rest of her words out. “He’s not planning on fighting me for anything. He’s…walking away, cutting ties. He said he’d send money every month, that he can’t promise anything more.”

“Money’s good,” Isaac said, trying to be positive. “After what he’s done, that’s all you want from him.”

Liz looked at him as though he’d just said the most idiotic thing in the world. “Are you kidding me?”

“No. I want you and the kids to have a roof over your heads and food to eat. I’m glad he’s willing to acknowledge that responsibility.”

“The responsibilities of a father don’t end there. If it’s only food and rent we’re talking about, I can work more hours at the dental office or get a better job, and provide that, Isaac. What I can’t provide is the relationship Mica and Christopher are losing with their father!”

It was the first time Elizabeth had raised her voice. Isaac waited, hoping she’d give in and really let go. But she quickly reeled in her emotions and spoke calmly again. “They need him.”

“They’ll…adjust. Eventually,” he added, because his response sounded far too trite.

She looked over at him. “You don’t understand. Christopher’s a very sensitive boy. He worships Keith.”

“You didn’t choose for this to happen, Liz.”

“I don’t care. I have to…to protect my son somehow. Do you know how often he—” the furrow in her forehead reappeared “—he asks when his daddy’s coming home?”

“I’m sorry about that. You know I am. But there isn’t anything you can do about it,” he told her honestly.

“Keith can’t simply abandon us.” Her hands tightened on the steering wheel until he could see the white of her knuckles. “That’s not fair. He—he told me he loves me. We…had plans for the future.”

“I know.”

“Bigamy’s illegal. If he won’t…if he thinks…anyway, there’s always that bit of leverage, right? He won’t be able to kiss us off completely.”

Isaac scrubbed a hand over his face. Already this wasn’t going well. And he had more bad news. “As long as he pays child support, there’s a strong possibility he could do just that, Liz.”

“What?” She swerved into the other lane, then jerked back before hitting another car. The driver she’d nearly sideswiped honked and flipped her the finger as he passed by, but she did nothing in response, except dig at her cuticles.

Isaac wanted to chase down the other driver. He needed a target for his own anger, and this impatient stranger seemed like the perfect candidate.

“Stop picking at yourself,” he said firmly, covering her hand.

She scowled but quit.

“And why don’t you pull over and let me drive?”

“I’m fine.”


“I said I’m fine.”

Rather than argue with her, he went back to their conversation. “Well, even if you eventually decide that you’d like to see him in prison for what he’s done, chances are good that won’t happen.”
