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Big Girls Don't Cry

Big Girls Don’t Cry (Dundee, Idaho #6)(65)
Author: Brenda Novak

The deep sense of loss Reenie felt at Bailey’s passing suddenly reasserted itself, and the tears began to flow. “I don’t want another bassett,” she whispered.

“Then, I’ll get you whatever you want. Just—”

“Keith, stop,” Lucky interrupted. “Reenie’s already grieving enough.”

Celeste put her arm around Reenie and patted her sympathetically. “I know how much you loved Bailey, honey,” she said. “I know.”

After feeling older than her years for so many months, Reenie suddenly felt very young. She wanted to turn her face into her mother’s shoulder, to cry in the brokenhearted way of a child. For everything. For Liz and Mica and Christopher. For Bailey. Even for the fact that living at the farm was nothing like she’d imagined it when she’d pictured buying the property with Keith.

“I’m sorry,” her mother said, but before anyone could add anything else, a new voice rose from the direction of the driveway.

“Hello? Anyone home?”

It was Isaac.


A SPLIT SECOND AFTER he spoke, Isaac rounded the corner of the house to find himself facing not only Reenie and the girls, but Celeste, Lucky and Keith, as well. Keith’s being there came as no surprise. His Jeep was parked in the driveway. But Isaac hadn’t expected Celeste or Lucky.

Not good timing. He knew that instantly and hesitated, but only for a half step. He’d committed himself when he’d called out his greeting, couldn’t turn back now. Besides, he’d worried about Reenie all day. He wanted to make sure she was okay no matter who was around.

He took in the fact that she was crying, and that her mother was trying to console her. “You okay?”

He got the impression she wanted to come to him and bury her face in his chest. Or maybe that was what he wanted. Regardless, she couldn’t do it, and he couldn’t invite it. Not with the girls and everyone else around. Besides, he’d already stretched his agreement with Liz about as far as he could.

Pulling away from her mother, she nodded.

“I’m glad you’re here,” Keith said, breaking the awkward silence. “Now, you can take your puppy home with you.”

Jennifer sidled closer to her mother. Isabella paused from her play. “Take the puppy? No, Daddy. He’s ours.”

“I’ll get you one myself,” he insisted. “A better one.”

“We like this one,” Jennifer said softly.

“He’s funny,” Angela added.

“He’s a gift,” Isaac said. “He stays here unless Reenie doesn’t want him.”

“You think you can give my family a dog, even if I say no?” Keith snapped.

“I think that’s up to Reenie,” Isaac said.

“Well, you’re wrong. I still have a say. You come around here again and I’ll—”

“What, Keith? Maybe it’s time you and I slip off somewhere alone and set a few things straight?” He spoke as amiably as possible and kept a smile on his face for the benefit of the children, but he knew the adults weren’t fooled. A direct confrontation between him and his ex-brother-in-law was long overdue.

Celeste grabbed Keith’s arm to keep him by her side. “No. I’m sure that won’t solve anything.”

“Keith, isn’t the situation bad enough without letting your jealousy make things worse?” Lucky asked.

Jerking away from Celeste, Keith whirled around to glare at her. “What makes you think you can stick your nose into it, Lucky?” he challenged. “You’re no sister to Reenie. You didn’t even know her until—”

“Keith!” Reenie shouted, but he wasn’t finished yet.

“This isn’t fair. Garth is your husband,” he said to Celeste. “And your father,” he said to Reenie and Lucky. “All three of you love him.”

“This doesn’t have anything to do with—” Reenie started.

“You’re proud to be connected to him,” he went on, ignoring the interruption. “Yet he made a mistake twenty-something years ago, the same mistake I made. He screwed another woman.”

Reenie’s eyes darted quickly to their children, but he didn’t stop.

“So what? It was bad. But no one crucified him for it. You stuck by him even after you found out!”

Screwed another woman? A red haze descended over Isaac’s vision and his right hand curled into a fist. “Be careful,” he warned. “That’s my sister you’re talking about.”

Reenie moved closer to him. “Isaac, no. The girls are here.”

He struggled to control his anger.

“It was her fault,” Keith continued. “Liz…Liz wouldn’t go away. She got pregnant, and then…”

“You’re blaming her?” Isaac cried. “God, Keith, she didn’t even know you were—” Feeling Reenie’s hand on his arm, and the attention of all three girls as well, Isaac bit back the rest of that statement. “You have a lot of nerve,” he said, keeping his voice low.

Keith jutted out his chest in a challenging, belligerent stance and glanced from Celeste to Lucky to Reenie. But when he finally looked at Isaac, and their eyes met, he lowered his head. “No, it’s not her fault,” he said softly. “Maybe that’s the worst part of it.” Throwing the shovel on the ground, he started for the gate.

“He’s hurting so badly he can’t help himself,” Celeste explained, obviously torn.

Reenie’s expression was unreadable as she watched him go. But Isabella jumped up and ran after him. “Are you leaving, Daddy?” she called. “Daddy?”

Isaac thought Keith was going to ignore her and continue on his way. But he paused near the gate, swung his daughter up in his arms and buried his face in her neck. Isaac’s own anger dissipated as he sensed Keith’s recognition of his tremendous loss.

After a few moments, Keith put Isabella down again and disappeared around the side of the house.

“He knows it’s over,” Celeste said sadly.

Isaac agreed. He’d seen the realization in Keith’s eyes.

They fell silent as the Jeep’s engine started up, then listened to the sound fade as Keith drove away.

Isaac let his breath out. “Do you want me to take the puppy back?” he asked.

Reenie crouched to pat the dog. “No. I, for one, am happy he’s here.” She closed her eyes as he licked her cheeks. “And I’m even happier that you’re here.”
