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Billionaire Bondage

"Just relax," I told myself and then reached behind me to dab the droplet on me. It was cold but the moment I felt it, I knew I’d enjoy what was to come next. I was scared but this new turn of events had twisted my mind even further. I was becoming hornier with every passing minute. I dabbed lube all over the plug and then set the bottle back up on the window. Telling myself to breathe, I pulled the underwear up and positioned the tip of the plug. I couldn’t do it standing up so I knelt down on the carpet and then turned over on to my back. I reached down and slowly pushed the plug inside me. At first it was cold, like a lubricant, and then I felt myself warming as it pushed inside. It wasn’t large but I felt stretched out, filled, and I gasped when the final ridge of the plug slipped inside. I lay there for a moment, adjusting to the feeling before reaching down into the underwear to grasp the egg. I was already wet and so it was easy to slip it inside of me. It was much smaller than the plug but I could feel myself twitching at the pleasure produced by these two toys.

I pulled myself up off the floor and walked slowly to the bathroom, adjusting to the feeling of the toys inside me. I could feel them there, filling me, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. I could walk around without any problem.

I washed the lubricant off my hands and dried them and just as I was about to give myself some more mirror advice the egg and the plug roared to life. I bent nearly double, managing to grab on to the marble sink. The buzzing filled me completely, shocking through my body, down my legs, up my back. I felt it all over me and then an instant later it was gone, leaving me gasping for breath in the bathroom.

"Hurry up, Delilah," Mr. Stone said and I jolted up, expecting to find him standing behind me. But the bedroom was empty. I looked around but I couldn’t see any speakers. They were probably well-hidden. Did he have a camera in here too?

The egg and plug buzzed again and I almost toppled on the bed. It was a short burst and then I heard Mr. Stone’s voice from somewhere above me.

"I said hurry."

I stood up and rushed to the window-box, my heart pounding. I grabbed the stockings and pulled them on. He was watching me somehow and if I didn’t get outside quickly, I was sure the toys would vibrate my brain out.


I walked out the back door of the mansion, trying to keep my composure but it was hard with the toys inside me and threatening to buzz at any moment. Every step I took I could feel them and the idea that Mr. Stone had his finger on remote drove me wild.

When I stepped out, I saw Mr. Stone had come back out of the maze and was standing at the entrance again. I giggled when I saw him. He was dressed casually in dark pants, brown shoes and a pale blue polo shirt. He looked like he’d just stepped out of a Ralph Lauren ad.

I walked up to him, trying to keep my face as smooth and calm as his but I’m sure he saw the crazed look in my eye. He held out his palm and I stopped a step away from him. He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"I want you, Delilah. But how much do you want me?"

He kissed me before I could answer and suddenly turned and walked into the maze. I took a step forward to follow him and the plug gently buzzed sending a wave of pleasure up my spine and stopping me in my spot. I stepped backwards and the vibrating stopped.

You beautiful bastard I thought. Did I want him enough to follow him into the maze?

Hell yes.

I took a deep breath and walked into the maze. Immediately the plug started vibrating, a gentle buzz that seemed to shoot up my spine.

I took the first left and felt the buzzing increase and with it my heat-rate. Then I took another turn and the buzzing faded away with each step.

Oh, I get it. Hotter and colder. I turned back the way I came and the vibrations increased. I stopped and listened but all I could hear was the sound of the waves pounding on the beach and nearby songbirds chirping.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember the maze from the bedroom but my mind wasn’t helping me. All I could think about was ripping those pants off Mr. Stone, have him push me down on my knees and forcing his cock into my mouth while he twisted my hair.

I remembered something from high-school about mazes. Put your hand on the wall and follow it and you’ll always find the exit. But did it work to find the middle? And I knew this wasn’t the game.

I set off after Mr. Stone.

I took random turns, heading to where I thought the centre of the maze would be. Every time I felt the buzzing decrease I turned back and chose the other path. Soon I found myself panting as I walked through the maze. The plug was vibrating softly and the egg had started up too and I couldn’t take it much longer.

I turned a corner and found myself in a dead end with a white marble statue. A delicate forest nymph was on her back, writhing in pleasure, a horny Satyr fucking her. I grinned and stepped closer to it and for a moment the buzzing ceased entirely. The cessation was nearly as strong as when it started and I found myself holding on to the Satyr, catching my breath.

Okay, rest points.

I caught my breath and headed off again. The buzzing started up again, soft and gentle but increasing every with every step. This time it was faster than before. The plug vibrated, making my legs shaky and my mind start to switch off. The egg would then start up and finally the front of the underwear itself would start vibrating, resting against my clit.

I found another dead end and another statue. This time of two nymphs locked in a passionate embrace, one of them with her fingers in the other’s cleft. The horny satyr was watching, his enormous cock jutting out in front of him. As soon as I got close to it, the buzzing died and I stood there with my blood pounding in my ears.

As I progressed through the maze I almost came a few times. Mr. Stone hadn’t told me not to but for some reason I wanted to prove I wanted him without ending up writhing on the ground. I encountered more statues along the way. The satyr whipping the nymph who was tied to a cross, her face contorted in pleasure and pain. The nymph sitting on the Satyr’s face, leaning forward and sucking his cock. The nymph face down with her hands tied, the satyr fucking her from behind.

At every statue I felt myself getting wetter and wetter. I couldn’t take this much longer. I had to be close to the center.

Finally I came across what had to be the last statue. The nymph standing quite demurely next to the satyr. He was wearing pants and smiling. It took a moment for me to realize she had her hand down his pants, holding his cock. I approached the statue and saw his hand behind her, his fingers inside her. Somehow this demure scene was even hotter than the rest. Like it was showing civil people who couldn’t repress their sexual nature.

The buzzing died away as I approached and I almost collapsed in front of it. I knew what Mr. Stone’s plan was: have me on the brink of orgasm by the time I found him. Make me get closer and closer even as the pleasure threatened to wipe me out. I had to do something to even the score.
