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Binding Vows

Binding Vows (MacCoinnich Time Travel Trilogy #1)(10)
Author: Catherine Bybee

They stopped when they found a stream. Enough water flowed to make a soft gentle whisper.

Trees held back the afternoon sun and wild flowers bloomed on the stream banks.

He dismounted before lightly plucking her off his horse.

“Hot damn, we ditched them.” Tara did a little dance. “That was great.”

“I’m glad to be of service, my lady.” After removing a pack from his horse, he led him to a patch of grass to graze.

“You can drop the act. My name is Tara. Not, my lady.” Tara took off the cape and handed it back.

“Aye. I mean yes. I know your name.”

“Then why say, my lady?” She watched as he draped the cape on the ground so they had a place to sit. “It’s hard to address you as anything else, dressed as you are.”

“Your accent… It isn’t fake is it?”

“Nay, it isn’t.”

“You’re originally from Scotland?” Tara sat down and crossed her legs.


“I suppose all the women in Scotland dressed like this. And you call them all, ‘my lady’?”

“Not all the women. But, those who are, I give them their due respect and title.”

He’s kind of strange. Drop dead gorgeous, but strange. Who comes to a different country to visit a Renaissance fair?

His accent liquefied more than her knees. She was having a hard time concentrating on his words instead of the twinge that tickled her thighs when he talked. If she didn’t know better she would think he was chivalrous.

“Huh. So what? You go around the world checking out Renaissance fairs?”

He shook his head and then laughed a deep rich baritone, starting that tingling sensation again.

“Nay. My brother and I came on a…”

“A vacation?” Tara asked.

“Aye, we came on a vacation.”

“Well you certainly dress the part.”

She stretched out on the cloak. What is he thinking about? Her eyes drifted to his, making her suddenly aware of the seductive picture she presented laying there. Tara squirmed under his pointed stare.

He shook his head, sat beside her, and removed a flask of wine.

Tara closed her eyes and relaxed, enjoying the sun on her face.

“Would you like some?” He held out a cup.

She opened one eye and fixed her gaze at him.

“It just occurred to me. I don’t even know your name.”

“You haven’t asked.”

Turning to her side, she took the glass. “Okay.

What’s your name?”


She nodded in approval. “You look like a Duncan. Tell me, Duncan. You don’t happen to have any cheese or fruit to go with this, do you?”

She was really starting to enjoy herself. When he turned to pull a sack to his lap, and his hair fell in his eyes, Tara longed to push it away. Her fingers actually itched to touch him. It took physical restraint on her part to keep her hands at her side.

“As it so happens…” Duncan produced exactly what she asked for.

“Now this is perfect. What is wine without cheese and fruit?” Glad to have something to do with her hands, other than succumbing to the pictures in her mind of running them through his hair. Tara picked off a few grapes and popped them in her mouth. “So, why did you come to my rescue today?”

“I told you. I needed to apologize.” He watched her nibble. “How is your leg?”

“Fine,” she picked up her skirt. “See, just a scratch. Bled like heck for a while though.”

He tilted his cup back for a long pull off the wine, and an even longer glance at the view of her perfectly shaped thigh. “I hope it didn’t pain you much.”

“No. Just my pride.”

“Your pride?”

“I don’t usually fall asleep in a crowded room.”

He smirked. “And I don’t usually sit on someone’s lap… uninvited.”

“We’re even then. To a fresh start.” She held her wine to his for a toast.

“A fresh start.” Their eyes caught and held.

His stare was so intense Tara lowered her eyes.

“Did you bring me out here to seduce me?” Now why had she asked that? She regretted the question almost immediately.

When Duncan’s answer didn’t come quickly she glanced up again. He was measuring her question and deciding on an answer.

“I believe ’twas part of my intent.”

“Well, I have to give you points for honesty.”

Tara busied her hands to cover up her nerves. Hands shaking, she attempted to cut off some of the cheese.

Duncan placed a hand over hers and removed the dagger from her fingers. He sliced the cheese and handed her a bite.

Tara felt a spark when their fingers touched.

“I have made you uncomfortable. I am sorry.”

His voice was as polished as his moves.

“It’s okay. I really do applaud your honesty. It’s refreshing in this day and age. So many people lie to get what they want.”

“Truth is important to you?” Duncan looked away.

“Yes. I’ll be honest with you.” Tara took a long-suffering breath and slowly explained what she needed to say. “Having sex with someone I barely know isn’t on my list of things to do today.” The air thickened while she awaited his reply. Her shoulders tensed.

With a straight face he asked, “What about tomorrow?”

Laughter bubbled over. Tears of happiness stung her eyes.

He laughed along with her. The tension ebbed for the moment.

“Thanks, I really needed that.”

“You didn’t answer the question.”

“Maybe you haven’t noticed.” Tara raked her fingers through her hair emphasizing her point. “But I’ve been deemed the quintessential virgin for this dog and pony show.”

“Are you?”

“Yes.” She couldn’t find the question insulting, and wondered why. “Are you?”

“Nay, but I think you know that.”

“Ah, but I wanted to see how you would answer.”

“Points for you, then.”

“So why else did you rescue me, other than the sex part and the apology?” Tara sat back again and allowed herself to unwind for the first time in days.

She watched the water flow down the stream.

“You looked miserable.”

“I was,” she grumbled.

“But you’re not miserable now?” Duncan put the forgotten food to the side and stretched out alongside her. “No.”
