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Bit the Jackpot

Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires #2)(31)
Author: Erin McCarthy

"Yes. Now we just need to find him and see who sent him."

"Oh." Cara pulled away from him a little. "He’s in Ethan’s office. The guard handcuffed him and carried him in there."

"They have him now?" Seamus squeezed her waist and turned toward the door. He was looking forward to having a little talk with the man who had tried to harm Cara. His fists clenched in anticipation, "Stay inside. Michael and Stanley are outside your door. Don’t let anyone but them in until I get back."

She grabbed his arm. "What are you going to do?"

"Just what I said.Find out who sent him."

"Be careful. Don’t talk to him alone."

Seamus studied herface, saw the fear written plainly there. He felt a smile tugging at his lips. "Why, Cara, I almost think you care what happens to me."

Her mouth pursed. "I just wouldn’t want to live with the guilt if you got decapitated."

Seamus laughed. "We’ll talk when I get back. I think it’s important you understand what’s going on with the election and what happened to Kelsey."

"Okay. I’ll be here."

Both Labs nuzzled against her knees and she held Satan tightly. She looked vulnerable and beautiful. Seamus leaned forward and kissed her lightly, just brushing his lips over hers. He moved back immediately so he wouldn’t be tempted to take more. "Be safe."

Ringostepped into the dancers’ dressing room at the club.

"You can’t be back here," a woman said, assessing him over her shoulder as she pulled on spiky shoes. She was wearing little else but the shoes, and Ringo allowed himself an appreciative glance up and down.

"I’m just looking for a woman, she dances behind the screen. Will she be here tonight?"

"What do you want to know for?" Her forehead wrinkled in a frown.

Ringosmiled, probing into her mind. He wasn’t that skilled at mind control, but this woman had wide-open thoughts. He caught concern and caring for her friend, suspicion of him.

She was an attractive woman, lush, but still thin, her blood flowing steady and calm. Not a panicker , this one. And since he’d had such a delicious taste of Donatelli’s Katie, Ringo had a sudden urge to repeat the experience with the stripper in front of him.

But first he had to get the information he needed. "I’m looking for someone to do a private party and I saw her dance, thought she might be interested."

"Cara?Nah." She turned to the mirror, swirled on more lipstick. "Cara’s kind of a prude for a stripper. She likes to hide behind that screen. Besides, she just got hit by a car and she hasn’t been working all this week. She should be back next week, but I doubt she’ll do it. Like I said, she’s funny about shit like that."

So Cara was expected back at work in a week.

Ringostared at the stripper’s backside, pointing enticingly toward him in a thong. Modesty didn’t seem to be a concern for this woman. He stayed by the door, so the mirror wouldn’t capture his lack of a reflection. "Know anyone else who might be interested? I’m offering five grand for two hours."

She dropped the lipstick. Her suspicion of him disappeared."Five thousand for two hours?For just dancing or for other stuff?"

"Just dancing."

"I’ll do it. I’m Dawn, by the way."

"Pleasure to meet you, Dawn.Trustme, I’ll make this worth your time." Ringo had no intention of hiring her for anything, but the offer had erased her reticence. "Though I’d offer triple if you and your friend Cara could dance together. Strip each other."

Her eyes lit up with greed in the mirror and, Ringo suspected, arousal. "I can call her.Won’t hurt to ask."

"Not at all.Maybe if we stop over her house with a little cash advance, we can be even more persuasive." Staying to the left, away from the mirror, Ringo slid his hand over her bare ass displayed so prettily for him.

"We could do that."

He squeezed her flesh, attempted to exert control over her mentally. "But first, maybe we can do a little quick private viewing right now. Show me what you’ve got so I’m sure I want it."

To his amazement, it worked. She turned and, with a quick snap and pull, removed her panties and bra. Damn.Tear- aways. That’s what he f**king liked to see. A stripper who was good at what she did.So many of these chicks in Vegas were sloppy amateurs.

Ringobent down in front of her, taking in her smooth shaven sex."Very nice." He teased and petted her for a moment, then sank his teeth into her plump lips.

Given her shudder of ecstasy, she liked it as much as Katie had.

Ringoliked it, too. As her hot blood rushed into his mouth, he marveled that he’d been stripped down to nothing but lust and hunger. He was more animal than human now, a selfish base creature, and he’d do whatever he had to to stay in Donatelli’s good graces, keep his flow of drug blood coming.

He couldn’t go into Carrick’s casino, the Ava, himself because he had been captured on their security cameras a month earlier when he’d shot Carrick in the chest.

Smith was incapacitated at the moment, probably sniveling in agonized hunger in his room, something Ringo never wanted to experience. But since Smith wasn’t available, and Ringo couldn’t do surveillance, Williams had been left to head into the casino and watch Carrick and company.

Williams had the intelligence of bran flakes, but all he had to do was watch what was happening over there.

Ringowould find and take care of the girl.

He sucked harder, feeling the dancer’s leg lock tighter around him, the first tremors of her orgasm rippling. Moving with vampire speed, he stood up and thrust inside her, setting her to screaming in pleasure.

He’d take care of Cara, but first he’d finish taking care of Dawn.

"Ethan, listen to this." Alexis stormed into her husband’s office with her cell phone in hand. She had just listened to her voice mail and thick fear had wrapped around her stomach, her heart, her brain.

"Alexis, dearest, I’m in the middle of something." Ethan leaned back in his wide leather desk chair, giving the appearance of relaxation, but she could see the tension in his shoulders.

She was feeling pretty damn stressed herself, and she didn’t really care that there were two bodyguards standing in front of Ethan. This was going to take two seconds.

"Just listen to this." She stuck the phone to his ear and pressed 4 to repeat the message. She knew what it said.Her sister Brittany uttering her name in a whispery raggedy voice.Then nothing.

Ethan’s eyebrow went up. " Brittany ? When did this message come in?"

Alexis yanked the phone back and listened to it again, just to further her torture. Brittany sounded so frightened, so unlike her."An hour ago. My phone must have rung while I was in the bar. The music was loud and I guess I didn’t hear the ring. But I’m going over there, Ethan. Something’s not right."
