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Bit the Jackpot

Bit the Jackpot (Vegas Vampires #2)(36)
Author: Erin McCarthy

"Something is wrong. You know I’m not a worrier normally, but I just feel like something bad is going to happen." Alexis shivered.

Ethan gave a soft snort of laughter. "Actually, when it comes to the people you care about, you worry constantly. Before you only had to worry about Brittany , now you have to worry about me, too. ButI promise, I will be fine . After nine hundred years, I’ve learned to defend myself fairly well."

Sometimes it still creeped Alexis out to think that her husband was as old as dirt, but he had a point. He hadn’t lived that long by being stupid. "Maybe we should take a vacation take Brittany and get out of Vegas for a few weeks."

Even as she said it, she knew he’d never agree to it. Not with the election looming.

"The timing is wrong, love. I can’t leave now. Besides, security is best here in my own casino."

That wasn’t very reassuring. "Then how is it you managed to get shot?" Just the memory made her uncomfortable. Made her glance right and left, even though they couldn’t possibly be at risk from anything other than rain out on their thirty-second-floor balcony.Or a vampire.

"That was unfortunate. I was distracted and overconfident. I won’t be caught off guard again."

The hardness in his voice made her feel a little better. He was taking this seriously.

"And I won’t let anyone harm you or Brittany. I have a guard watching Brittany twenty-four/seven. He should already be in place."

"Thank you." Alexis held on to his hands as he wrapped his arms around her middle. She leaned against his chest. "How did you meet Kelsey? You both told me it was in New York in the sixties, but I mean specifically."

"I went to a party at an artist’s loft and saw Kelsey. I knew she was a vampire immediately. And it was also clear she was doing a steady diet of drugs. I put her in rehab and gave her a job. I don’t think she ever knew who turned her vampire—too much LSD running through her."

That probably explained a lot. "I think Kelsey is a sweetheart, I really do, but I also think maybe she lost a few brain cells too many during the sixties. Then a few more when she was drained of blood six weeks ago. She says the weirdest things sometimes. Tonight in the casino she asked me if I’ve ever been to the Venetian. She said she heard the blood is better there, but that she won’t go there because that’s where they took her. When I asked her what she meant, she wouldn’t answer."

Ethan stiffened. " Donatellilives at the Venetian." Alexis jerked around, started. Her husband’s face was filled with fury. "Ethan? You mean oh, shit."

Cara had never really liked Jodi. She thought she was a bit crass, but then Cara could readily admit she was a prude. Now, however, she decided she’d been right all along.

Jodi sat guzzling down a scotch and leering at Seamus. He appeared oblivious to the sultry looks and the cle**age, but it still irritated Cara.

"I remember you," Jodi said to Seamus. "You were at Alexis’s wedding. I’m sure you noticed me. I was the one who was ignored by the bride. My own niece, the ungrateful little bitch, didn’t even invite me. I had to invite myself."

"So you don’t keep in touch with Alexis and Brittany?"

"No." Jodi tossed back what was left of her drink. "They don’t want anything to do with me. They both think they’re too good to associate with their aunt, the ex-stripper. But they’re no better than me. They’re just dishonest about it. I mean, come on, what did Alexis do to get that rich guy to marry her? That requires some oral skill, and I don’t mean conversation."

Cara couldn’t help but curl her lip in distaste. Unfortunately, Jodi saw her do it.

"You know what I’m talking about, don’t you, Cara? Some people look at a stripper and they think whore. I mean, when you first met Seamus, it wasn’t like he thought to himself, hey, there’s a smart girl. I bet we could have some interesting talks over wine."

She should interrupt with some cutting remark, but Cara just found herself sitting there at the table in the back of the club, while the dancers moved on stage, and her face went hot. Jodi was saying exactly what she had told herself.

"No, he was thinking about your body, about hot, sweaty, nasty sex. And that’s fine, because sex makes the world go round, and we get paid damn good for what we do. But some snooty bitches will look down their noses at you.The same ones who sleep their way to the top. Me, I’d rather be up front and honest about it." Jodi glanced up and down at Cara. "By the way, when are you coming back to work? You don’t look hurt to me, and now with Dawn being gone, we’re really shorthanded."

"I’m not sure," she managed to spit out. "Seamus?"Cheeks still hot, feeling like she’d been slapped and intentionally humiliated, Cara turned to him. "When can I go back to work?"

Part of her wanted him to say never. That it wasn’t safe. That between him and her twenty grand in winnings, she should quit her job as a dancer. That he didn’t like men looking at her and thinking of hot, sweaty, nasty sex.

He didn’t even come remotely close to doing that. He just said, "Whenever you feel ready. It’s up to you."

What happened to her supposed safety? And why, when he was finally respecting her independence, did she feel so annoyed?

"I guess I can start back tomorrow night.If that’s okay with Seamus."

"That’s fine," Seamus said with apparent unconcern.

Jodi laughed, gesturing for the waitress to bring her another drink."Money and sex, Cara. That’s what it’s all about."

Then her laugh died out and she looked puzzled, head cocked to the side. Her fingers trembled on her empty scotch glass.

"Who was Brittany ‘s father?" Seamus asked in a soothing, even voice.

Jodi made an indistinguishable sound from her mouth, her lips working,eyes glassy. Cara suddenly realized what was going on. Seamus was probing her mind.

It was disconcerting to watch. Jodi looked paralyzed, like a stroke victim, trapped in her own mind, spittle forming in the corner of her mouth.

"You don’t remember his name? He was dark haired, dark eyed, foreign, rich and you were jealous of your sister because she was married and didn’t need a sugar daddy. He should have been yours." Seamus stopped speaking and sat back. He turned to Cara. "Damn. She doesn’t remember his name. There’s nothing there."

He released Jodi, who looked confused for a second. She wiped her mouth,then narrowed her eyes at Cara. "So be here tomorrow ready to shake your shit. I have to get back to work." A little unsteady, she stood up and nodded to Seamus. "Thanks for the drink."

Cara watched Jodi leave, her retreat in haste, no effort made to sway her hips and display her still firm backside the way she usually did.
