Read Books Novel

Blackmailed by the Beast

Her thoughts scared her, and instead of thinking too much into her thoughts, she lay down, snuggled against him.

For tonight, she hoped her bad dreams would stay away.

Chapter Twelve

They left early the following morning. Housekeeping had already packed their bags and prepared everything they’d need for their weekend away.

Lily sighed in utter contentment, and Wayne loved hearing the sound of the happiness emanating out of his woman.

An early start on Friday meant they would be leaving Sunday night. He’d purposefully booked up to three days off, wanting to spend the excess time with his wife. She looked so dazzling at his side. After a few hours travelling, Lily took a nap while he drove. Wayne had to keep forcing himself to watch the road and not his wife sleep.

Wife? Would he ever get use to the name?

He didn’t care. He loved Lily being his wife and soon he hoped she’d be the mother of his children.

They arrived at the country cottage. Lily woke the moment he stopped the car.

“Oh my God!” She gasped, unbuckling her seatbelt before hurrying out the car. “It’s gorgeous.” She held a gloved hand to her face and released a giggle. “Please tell me this is where we’re staying?”

Lily turned her twinkling eyes to him, and Wayne felt his world fall out of his body. She truly was a wonderful person.

“Of course.”

Wayne took her hand and led her down the garden path and to the front door. Her excitement grasped him.

Together, they crossed the threshold and explored their dazzling new honeymoon house.

“I love it, Wayne.” Lily charged up and kissed him on the cheek before running away and going to the kitchen. He heard her screams of excitement and chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

“It has a country sink, Wayne.”

“So I take it you’re not upset we’re staying close to home?” he asked.

Lily appeared at the end of the hallway. “No, I don’t need to leave my land to be on holiday. This is the type of house I want.”

“What a bungalow?” She went to him, his heart lifted when her arms circled him, and she kissed his lips. Every act she brought was a step closer to owning her heart.

“No, this is the type of house I imagined.”

“Be a perfect place to raise children,” he said.

Lily scoffed and turned from him. “We don’t need a house for that.”

Wayne frowned. “Why don’t we?”

“Because we’re not having any children.”

Okay, back up a step, his beautiful moment was being trampled on. “What do you mean you won’t be having children?”

“Well you didn’t marry me for that, did you?”

He needed to take a moment to calm his nerves, the anger zooming through him, destructive.

“I never once said I didn’t want kids and in fact, I do, Lily. Loads of them. I want a house full, and you’ll be giving them to me.”

For the briefest of moments, silence descended on the bungalow. Wayne was certain he’d be able to hear a pin drop. He waited for the fire to respond.


“You’ve got to be f**king kidding me? You want me to have your child?” Lily couldn’t believe what she was hearing. A child—he wanted her to bring a defenceless child into the fold. Was he nuts?

“I did tell you to read the prenuptial agreement you signed. It’s all in there.”

“That agreement would have took me a lifetime to read. It was so thick I could barely lift it.”

“I don’t see what the problem is. We’ve already f**ked, and I didn’t use any protection. And seeing as I know you’re not on the pill—”

“Wait! How do you know I’m not on the f**king pill?” All she wanted to do was have a quiet weekend away without any stress and no worries. She couldn’t cope with all the new changes to her life. The huge diamond ring on her finger weighed a ton. If the ring didn’t remind her of her now married state then the constant pulse between her thighs was always there. She wanted him all the time. From the short time they’d been together, he’d done nothing but crowd her like some kind of child. Lily felt as if she had no time when she could be by herself.

“Part of the agreement, I got your doctor’s forms. I’m your next of kin, and the person who’ll take care of you. I take my job seriously.”

“That is a breach of privacy. How can you do this to me?” She smacked her chest. Everywhere she turned, he took part of her life from her. What would he want next? Her heart? Her soul?

“I figured in your current position—”

“You mean my family’s position. They were the ones to spend the money, not me. I wasn’t even born with it. I grew up getting the hand-me-down clothes and the shit life, and yet I’m paying with my life and body and now you want me to give you a child.” Throwing her hands up, she went to the window. They hadn’t gone away on a honeymoon, but Wayne booked this small cottage for the weekend when he’d told her it sounded perfect. It seemed more like a way to trap her to turn her into some kind of brood mare.

“I don’t want a baby.”

“You could already have one.”

“You’re older than me.” Lily wanted anything to fight him with. To get him to back off.

“I’ve given you everything.”

“And took in the process. Don’t forget until you came making your demands, I had a life.”

“What kind of life was that? One where you scrubbed floors, made dinner, and then took the shit they had to dish out. I may be older, but I’ve given you more passion than you’d ever hope to get elsewhere.” Wayne grew louder and moved closer to her. Lily ended up craning her neck to see him.

Why did he have to be so handsome?

Lily didn’t care about his age, and if she was honest, she didn’t care about her situation. Her family hated her, and the situation she was in left everything to be desired. A child though, a big step even for her. At only twenty-one, she wasn’t sure if she was ready for such a huge commitment.

“I’m not ready for a child. I can’t do that on my own,” she whispered. All the time her fears reverted to being alone.

“Baby, I’ll never let you be on your own. I’m in this with you till the very end.” He took her in his arms and hugged her. Lily held on not knowing what else to do.

She could be carrying their child.

The thought filled her with fear and immense pleasure.
